Anime : Kala Yuedui

General Information

  • MAL ID : 45911
  • MAL Page : Kala Yuedui
  • Other Pages : [A-P]
  • Source : Original
  • Rating : PG
  • Type : TV
  • Number of Episodes : 52
  • Episode Duration : 12 minutes 20 seconds
  • Total Duration : 10 hours 41 minutes 20 seconds
  • Start Date : 2009-04-28 (Tu)
  • End Date : unknown
  • MAL Genre(s) : Kids
  • MAL Theme(s) : (none)
  • Other Theme(s) : Anthropomorphism-HOF Chinese
  • Studio(s) :
  • Producer(s) :
  • Licensor(s) :



2021-06-22 13:37 Anime added to the database.

Special Challenges

High Score

Never picked

Low Score

Never picked


Never picked