Challenge : Aired September

  1. [V1 - #5879 - 2018-01-01] Wyvern22
  2. [V1 - #5923 - 2018-01-05] AYOSHINA
  3. [V1 - #7289 - 2018-08-17] Imyreld
  4. [V1 - #7787 - 2018-10-16] kallah
  5. [V1 - #8003 - 2018-11-14] Akai_Shuichi
  6. [V1 - #9174 - 2019-04-03] AngelShiva
  7. [V1 - #9839 - 2019-07-05] Punkero
  8. [V1 - #10000 - 2019-07-31] YumeNoTsukii
  9. [V2 - #1155 - 2019-12-22] Jhiday
  10. [V2 - #4019 - 2020-08-06] Zenit
  11. [V2 - #4245 - 2020-08-25] ImagineBrkr
  12. [V2 - #4371 - 2020-09-02] Catexia
  13. [V2 - #4476 - 2020-09-13] dixcloxure
  14. [V2 - #8018 - 2021-05-31] Bern_stein
  15. [V2 - #8169 - 2021-06-10] dierubikdie
  16. [V2 - #8829 - 2021-07-30] Papa_Dragon
  17. [V2 - #8939 - 2021-08-06] Campiz06
  18. [V3 - #105 - 2021-11-15] LyriaLegende
  19. [V3 - #196 - 2021-11-26] Bri
  20. [V3 - #298 - 2021-12-04] nyanko
  21. [V3 - #2665 - 2022-06-23] Yterbium
  22. [V3 - #4490 - 2022-12-27] ScarletCelestial
  23. [V3 - #5282 - 2023-02-26] HimeCrycho
  24. [V3 - #5540 - 2023-03-23] SheyCroix
  25. [V3 - #5722 - 2023-04-07] CsillaLoli
  26. [V3 - #6561 - 2023-07-06] xLunaDragon
  27. [V3 - #7181 - 2023-09-11] Twintail_Daemon
  28. [V3 - #7229 - 2023-09-17] OweynLupton
  29. [V3 - #7533 - 2023-10-28] Aur0ra
  30. [V3 - #7804 - 2023-11-28] tbeans10
  31. [V3 - #8335 - 2024-02-05] YayakoChii
  32. [V3 - #8377 - 2024-02-10] Reisho-Teki
  33. [V3 - #8565 - 2024-03-08] RachelPanda
  34. [V3 - #8759 - 2024-04-08] GakutoDeathGlare
  35. [V3 - #9058 - 2024-05-31] myuniquename
  36. [V3 - #9078 - 2024-06-07] redincall
  37. [V4 - #457 - 2024-10-23] elsewherecw
  38. [V4 - #472 - 2025-01-16] Talha17Sama
  39. [V4 - #547 - 2025-01-29] is_peque
  40. [V4 - #715 - 2025-02-17] Jokobo


Run #1

Full Year Aired September

Created on : 2017-12-30

MAL forum thread

0.75 Point(s)
30 items to complete
40 Turnins
17 Validated Turnins

Rules :

  • This challenge requires watching anime corresponding to a given amount of criteria.
  • All anime, including previously seen or started, can be used for this challenge.
  • No ongoing anime can be used for this challenge. They must have finished airing (and you must have completed them) before your turn-in date.
  • All anime used for this challenge must have a total duration of a minimum of 10 minutes.
  • This challenge can only count once. Only one turn-in will be taken into account.