Challenge : Anniversary Challenges Required Anime

List of Series - Third (0/7)

Total Time : 30 hours 57 minutes 10 seconds

  1. aliyn89 : Gakuen Babysitters
  2. Imyreld : Kokkoku
  3. KousakaK : Joshiraku
  4. Lady_Nera : Hanayamata
  5. SebastianOrf3 : Natsu-iro Kiseki
  6. TahZin : Devilman: Crybaby
  7. Wyvern22 : Fuuma no Kojirou: Yasha-hen

List of Series - Fourth (0/15)

Total Time : 74 hours 9 minutes 20 seconds

  1. ExperienceLD : High School DxD
  2. GamerDLM : Ore no Nounai Sentakushi ga, Gakuen Love Comedy wo Zenryoku de Jama Shiteiru
  3. greatvillage : Yoru no Yatterman
  4. greyjoie : Selector Infected WIXOSS
  5. Imyreld : Sarazanmai
  6. Jhiday : Yoake Tsugeru Lu no Uta
  7. Kqver : Hisone to Maso-tan
  8. Lady_Nera : Bokura wa Minna Kawai-sou
  9. MegaManBK7 : Katanagatari
  10. Punkero : Ginga Eiyuu Densetsu: Die Neue These - Kaikou
  11. SebastianOrf3 : Dantalian no Shoka
  12. SecretDinosaur : Girls Bravo: First Season
  13. SheyCroix : Qing Chi Hong Xiaodou Ba!
  14. Wyvern22 : The Big O
  15. YayakoChii : Shoujo☆Kageki Revue Starlight

List of Series - Fifth (0/12)

Total Time : 60 hours 19 minutes 49 seconds

  1. bigdud24 : Tetsuwan Birdy Decode
  2. Helvian494743 : Kaguya-sama wa Kokurasetai: Tensai-tachi no Renai Zunousen
  3. Imyreld : Id:Invaded
  4. Jhiday : Takahashi Rumiko Gekijou
  5. kallah : Kakegurui
  6. Kyrieleiison : Zankyou no Terror
  7. Lady_Nera : Kimi to Boku.
  8. miaxnder : Jibaku Shounen Hanako-kun
  9. SebastianOrf3 : Rolling☆Girls
  10. SheyCroix : Honzuki no Gekokujou: Shisho ni Naru Tame ni wa Shudan wo Erandeiraremasen
  11. ShockZz : 91 Days
  12. TheFlyingOrange : Nami yo Kiitekure
  13. Wyvern22 : not available in English Fei Ren Zai

List of Series - Sixth (0/20)

Total Time : 96 hours 32 minutes 57 seconds

    Helper (0/6)

  1. _Bri : Super Crooks
  2. HDAsylum : Hataraki Man
  3. ImagineBrkr : D-Frag!
  4. MegaManBK7 : Shakunetsu no Takkyuu Musume
  5. TheOGDorkLord : Kyoukai no Kanata
  6. xCrazee : Tsuki to Laika to Nosferatu
  7. Contributor (0/14)

  8. Eleanora1315 : Otome Game no Hametsu Flag shika Nai Akuyaku Reijou ni Tensei shiteshimatta...
  9. ExperienceLD : Mushoku Tensei: Isekai Ittara Honki Dasu
  10. HDAsylum : Shoukoku no Altair
  11. Jhiday : Hakushaku to Yousei
  12. KitsunehimeMilhi : Sakura Trick
  13. MetalFalcon : Happy Happy Clover
  14. Rellni944 : High Score Girl
  15. Sakku-san : Uma Musume: Pretty Derby
  16. ScarletCelestial : Violet Evergarden
  17. SheyCroix : Meng Qi Shi Shen
  18. ShockZz : Nezha Zhi Mo Tong Jiang Shi
  19. TheFlyingOrange : Princess Principal
  20. Wyvern22 : Dominion
  21. YayakoChii : Runway de Waratte

List of Series - Seventh (0/24)

Total Time : 137 hours 50 minutes 57 seconds

    Contributor (0/14)

  1. _Bri : Kuutei Dragons
  2. AatihoNora : Kino no Tabi: The Beautiful World
  3. Eleanora1315 : One Outs
  4. greatvillage : Flip Flappers
  5. Gwathgor : Mairimashita! Iruma-kun
  6. hinagatari : Kuragehime
  7. MegaManBK7 : R.O.D: Read or Die
  8. Myelin_sr : Hidamari Sketch
  9. Punkero : Taishou Otome Otogibanashi
  10. Rage_Beat06 : Mugen no Ryvius
  11. SheyCroix : Inu to Neko Docchi mo Katteru to Mainichi Tanoshii
  12. Ten : Paripi Koumei
  13. TheFlyingOrange : Endro~!
  14. Yorokobi50 : Barakamon
  15. Helper (0/10)

  16. _Bri : Heike Monogatari
  17. bigdud24 : Gundam: G no Reconguista
  18. coziitsu : Nanbaka
  19. CsillaLoli : Ao Ashi
  20. hoshi4 : Hamatora The Animation
  21. Jeon_Asuna : Juu Ou Sei
  22. lostnyanko : Tenkuu no Escaflowne
  23. RenxKentaro : Akuyaku Reijou nanode Last Boss wo Kattemimashita
  24. Rinarin : Hoozuki no Reitetsu
  25. Stardew : Kai Byoui Ramune

List of Series - Eighth (0/27)

Total Time : 156 hours 49 minutes 21 seconds

    Contributor (0/10)

  1. _Bri : Isekai no Seikishi Monogatari
  2. Jaikeis : Gunjou no Fanfare
  3. Jhiday : Estab-Life: Great Escape
  4. JmePenseBonne : [Oshi no Ko]
  5. myuniquename : Kidou Senshi Gundam: Tekketsu no Orphans
  6. Rage_Beat06 : Kaiketsu Jouki Tanteidan
  7. Rellni944 : Kyuuketsuki Sugu Shinu
  8. ScarletCelestial : Master Keaton
  9. SheyCroix : Visual Prison
  10. Wyvern22 : Babel Nisei (OVA)
  11. Helper (0/17)

  12. AjaxTSS : Shoujo Shuumatsu Ryokou
  13. Canaan : Kurau Phantom Memory
  14. CsillaLoli : Konyaku Haki sareta Reijou wo Hirotta Ore ga, Ikenai Koto wo Oshiekomu
  15. FeezyWheezy : Sonny Boy
  16. Gwathgor : flash warning Dead Mount Death Play
  17. HimeCrycho : Sasameki Koto
  18. Hoarfox : Denpa Onna to Seishun Otoko
  19. hoshi4 : Hakata Tonkotsu Ramens
  20. Jaikeis : Hanada Shounen-shi
  21. Jeon_Asuna : Re-Main
  22. JmePenseBonne : Mnemosyne: Mnemosyne no Musume-tachi
  23. lostnyanko : High Card
  24. LukaThe12th : Kami no Tou
  25. MegaManBK7 : Taishou Yakyuu Musume.
  26. Myelin_sr : Hourou Musuko
  27. myuniquename : Cyberpunk: Edgerunners
  28. Ranacchi : Kawaisugi Crisis

List of Series - Ninth (0/9)

Total Time : 62 hours 5 minutes 30 seconds

  1. bigdud24 : Giant Robo the Animation: Chikyuu ga Seishi Suru Hi
  2. Bri : Yoru no Kurage wa Oyogenai
  3. dierubikdie : Saki
  4. HimeCrycho : Sasaki to Miyano
  5. Jeon : Blue Lock
  6. Jhiday : Glass no Kantai: La Legende du Vent de l'Univers
  7. Jokobo : Aishiteruze Baby★★
  8. myuniquename : Boku no Hero Academia
  9. SheyCroix : Okoshiyasu, Chitose-chan

Run #1








Miscellaneous Anniversary Challenges Required Anime

Created on : 2019-02-03

7 Difficulties :

0 Point(s)
0 Turnins
0 Validated Turnins
0 Point(s)
0 Turnins
0 Validated Turnins
0 Point(s)
0 Turnins
0 Validated Turnins
0 Point(s)
0 Turnins
0 Validated Turnins
0 Point(s)
0 Turnins
0 Validated Turnins
0 Point(s)
0 Turnins
0 Validated Turnins
0 Point(s)
0 Turnins
0 Validated Turnins

Rules :

  • This challenge requires watching every anime listed, except those marked as bonus or unreleased.
  • No previously seen nor previously started anime can be used for this challenge.
  • No ongoing anime can be used for this challenge. They must have finished airing (and you must have completed them) before your turn-in date.
  • This challenge can only count once (across all difficulties). Only one turn-in will be taken into account.

Extended description :

Amount of Series Required:

3rd Year - 4
4th Year - 8
5th Year - 7
6th Year - 8 / 4
7th Year - 8 / 6
8th Year - 6 / 9