Challenge : Genre Roulette - Cars

List of Series (0/12)

    All Series (0/12)

  1. Appare-Ranman! [bigdud24, hinagatari, Imyreld, Lady_Nera, nozomemee, Wyvern22, Ylienna]
  2. Dash! Yonkurou [dianali, HDAsylum, KuriPuri, NamiLover69, PNR_13]
  3. F [L0ro, lostbcyz, Punkero]
  4. Initial D First Stage [Aur0ra, azra_02, Bri, jankenpyon, Kuroiji, MetalFalcon, SinonEstmeinBish]
  5. Kkoma Bus Tayo [Bakukemono, puppyluver, YayakoChii]
  6. not available in English Lei Su Deng Shandian Chong Xian [Bunille, Narinasa, ScarletCelestial, SukiiFu]
  7. Mach GoGoGo (1997) [Amulet_Heart, nyanko, Uragan78]
  8. not available in English Power Battle Watch Car [ShockZz, tbeans10, Technotron]
  9. Robocar Poli [KuraikoDesu, MelissaWolf, Yterbium]
  10. Titipo Titipo [Eleanora1315, Jhiday]
  11. Wangan Midnight [acestrawbs, CoolCatCraze, lubryka, miaxnder, Mr_Duke_, Papa_Dragon, Rinarin]
  12. Yoroshiku Mechadock [Akuma-chi, AngelShiva, Gwathgor, Jokobo, Otaku_baka_dsk, ownitlikeaboss, SheyCroix]


Run #1

Limited Genre Roulette - Cars Closed

Created on : 2021-01-01

Closed on : 2021-12-31

MAL forum thread

0.25 Point(s)
49 Turnins
49 Validated Turnins

Rules :

  • This challenge requires watching the anime you are assigned.
  • No previously seen nor previously started anime can be used for this challenge. Additionally, everything must be watched within the challenge's limited window of time.
  • No ongoing anime can be used for this challenge. They must have finished airing (and you must have completed them) before your turn-in date.
  • This challenge can only count once. Only one turn-in will be taken into account.
  • This challenge has its own turnin method and should not be turned in the main turnin threads.