Challenge : Genre Roulette - Sports

  1. [#76 - 2023-06-03] Jeon
  2. [#77 - 2023-06-03] Aur0ra
  3. [#79 - 2023-06-03] silveraaki
  4. [#82 - 2023-06-03] Bri
  5. [#85 - 2023-06-03] Bunille
  6. [#87 - 2023-06-03] Wyvern22
  7. [#90 - 2023-06-03] AngelShiva
  8. [#78 - 2023-06-04] Yterbium
  9. [#80 - 2023-06-04] Serene14
  10. [#81 - 2023-06-04] nyanko
  11. [#83 - 2023-06-05] killy_dima
  12. [#84 - 2023-06-05] YayakoChii
  13. [#98 - 2023-06-05] acestrawbs
  14. [#86 - 2023-06-07] Hoarfox
  15. [#88 - 2023-06-08] Jokobo
  16. [#89 - 2023-06-09] Jhiday
  17. [#91 - 2023-06-10] LukaThe12th
  18. [#92 - 2023-06-12] hinagatari
  19. [#93 - 2023-06-12] FeezyWheezy
  20. [#97 - 2023-06-13] Otaku_baka_dsk
  21. [#94 - 2023-06-14] Mr_Duke_
  22. [#95 - 2023-06-14] Papa_Dragon
  23. [#96 - 2023-06-14] dierubikdie
  24. [#99 - 2023-06-17] Ariies_
  25. [#100 - 2023-06-18] Rinarin
  26. [#101 - 2023-06-18] Crazee
  27. [#132 - 2023-06-18] Rage_Beat06
  28. [#102 - 2023-06-19] jaeo_k
  29. [#103 - 2023-06-20] ScarletCelestial
  30. [#104 - 2023-06-20] Genovia_
  31. [#107 - 2023-06-20] mayaxiii
  32. [#109 - 2023-06-21] thegoishady
  33. [#105 - 2023-06-22] ohpishhposh
  34. [#106 - 2023-06-24] JmePenseBonne
  35. [#108 - 2023-06-24] HEIKE7000
  36. [#110 - 2023-06-24] bigdud24
  37. [#113 - 2023-06-24] MidnightCielo
  38. [#111 - 2023-06-25] HimeCrycho
  39. [#112 - 2023-06-25] dianali
  40. [#115 - 2023-06-25] M-8-Hype
  41. [#122 - 2023-06-25] Eleanora1315
  42. [#114 - 2023-06-26] CsillaLoli
  43. [#117 - 2023-06-26] RachelPanda
  44. [#116 - 2023-06-27] Punkero
  45. [#119 - 2023-06-27] lubryka
  46. [#118 - 2023-06-28] Combeferre
  47. [#120 - 2023-06-29] Uragan78
  48. [#121 - 2023-06-29] Canaan
  49. [#123 - 2023-06-29] chalko3
  50. [#124 - 2023-06-29] Stargate18
  51. [#125 - 2023-06-29] JTtheLlama
  52. [#126 - 2023-06-29] DigiCat
  53. [#127 - 2023-06-29] KatjieKat
  54. [#128 - 2023-06-30] Awkward-Bean
  55. [#129 - 2023-06-30] Ranacchi
  56. [#130 - 2023-06-30] UniqueOtaku101
  57. [#131 - 2023-06-30] Szrebi
  58. [#133 - 2023-06-30] sukusen
  59. [#134 - 2023-06-30] Gwathgor
  60. [#135 - 2023-06-30] ShockZz
  61. [#136 - 2023-06-30] hoshi4
  62. [#137 - 2023-06-30] Ylienna
  63. [#138 - 2023-06-30] SheyCroix

List of Series (0/69)

    All Series (0/69)

  1. Ace wo Nerae! [hoshi4]
  2. Anima Yell! [SheyCroix]
  3. Ao Ashi [Rinarin]
  4. Ao no Kanata no Four Rhythm [Serene14]
  5. Aoharu x Kikanjuu [Stardew]
  6. Baby Steps [Genovia_]
  7. Bakuten!! [Rage_Beat06]
  8. Ballroom e Youkoso [dianali]
  9. Bamboo Blade [Punkero]
  10. Basquash! [Jhiday]
  11. Battery [bigdud24]
  12. Battle Athletess Daiundoukai ReSTART! [Kansugi]
  13. Birdie Wing: Golf Girls' Story [lubryka]
  14. Blue Lock [Mr_Duke_]
  15. Buzzer Beater [chalko3]
  16. Chihayafuru [ShockZz]
  17. Days [Hoarfox]
  18. Dive!! [Aur0ra]
  19. Extreme Hearts [Papa_Dragon]
  20. Futsal Boys!!!!! [Otaku_baka_dsk]
  21. Giant Killing [UniqueOtaku101]
  22. Ginban Kaleidoscope [Jokobo]
  23. Grappler Baki (TV) [Ylienna]
  24. Gunjou no Fanfare [M-8-Hype]
  25. Haikyuu!! [thegoishady]
  26. Hanebado! [Bunille]
  27. Hikari no Densetsu [RachelPanda]
  28. Hinomaruzumou [JmePenseBonne]
  29. Hoshiai no Sora [nozomemee]
  30. Iwa Kakeru! Sport Climbing Girls [YayakoChii]
  31. Kaze ga Tsuyoku Fuiteiru [DigiCat]
  32. Keijo!!!!!!!! [Uragan78]
  33. Keppeki Danshi! Aoyama-kun [Ranacchi]
  34. Kidou Tenshi Angelic Layer [ScarletCelestial]
  35. Kuroko no Basket [killy_dima]
  36. Levius [FeezyWheezy]
  37. Long Riders! [ohpishhposh]
  38. Major S1 [Stargate18]
  39. Megalo Box [silveraaki]
  40. Minami Kamakura Koukou Joshi Jitensha-bu [HimeCrycho]
  41. Moshidora [hinagatari]
  42. Mou Ippon! [dierubikdie]
  43. number24 [nyanko]
  44. One Outs [mayaxiii]
  45. Ookiku Furikabutte [JTtheLlama]
  46. Ore wa Teppei [acestrawbs]
  47. Ping Pong the Animation [MidnightCielo]
  48. Prince of Stride: Alternative [HEIKE7000]
  49. Puraore! Pride of Orange [AngelShiva]
  50. Re-Main [sukusen]
  51. Ring ni Kakero 1 [Canaan]
  52. Ryman's Club [LukaThe12th]
  53. Sekai de Ichiban Tsuyoku Naritai! [jaeo_k]
  54. Shakunetsu Kabaddi [Crazee]
  55. Shakunetsu no Takkyuu Musume [Combeferre]
  56. SK∞ [AatihoNora]
  57. Skate-Leading☆Stars [Kristiwazhere]
  58. Softenni [Yterbium]
  59. Stella Jogakuin Koutou-ka C³-bu [Szrebi]
  60. Taishou Yakyuu Musume. [Ariies_]
  61. Taisou Zamurai [Gwathgor]
  62. Tribe Nine [KatjieKat]
  63. Try Knights [Bri]
  64. Tsurune: Kazemai Koukou Kyuudou-bu [Eleanora1315]
  65. Uma Musume: Pretty Derby [Jeon]
  66. Walkure Romanze [Hirako179]
  67. Wave!! Surfing Yappe!! (TV) [CsillaLoli]
  68. Yuri!!! on Ice [Awkward-Bean]
  69. Zoids Shinseiki/Zero [Wyvern22]

Run #1

Limited Genre Roulette - Sports Closed

Created on : 2023-06-01

Closed on : 2023-06-30

MAL forum thread

0.25 Point(s)
63 Turnins
63 Validated Turnins

Rules :

  • This challenge requires watching the anime you are assigned.
  • No previously seen nor previously started anime can be used for this challenge. Additionally, everything must be watched within the challenge's limited window of time.
  • No ongoing anime can be used for this challenge. They must have finished airing (and you must have completed them) before your turn-in date.
  • This challenge can only count once. Only one turn-in will be taken into account.
  • This challenge has its own turnin method and should not be turned in the main turnin threads.