Challenge : Kuri Yoji

List of Series (0/36)

Total Time : 5 hours 17 minutes 38 seconds

  1. Fashion
  2. Ni-hiki no Sanma
  3. Acchi wa Kocchi
  4. Kitte no Gensou
  5. Punpun Polka
  6. Ningen Doubutsuen
  7. Ai
  8. Kiseki
  9. Clarinet Kowashichatta
  10. Aos
  11. Otoko to Onna to Inu
  12. Go-hiki no Kobuta to Charleston
  13. Youki ni Utaeba
  14. Mado
  15. Samurai
  16. Tonari no Yarou
  17. Tanoshii ne
  18. Hasami Togi
  19. Satsujinkyou Jidai
  20. Chibikko Cowboy
  21. Hana
  22. Heya
  23. Kaijuu ga Yattekuru
  24. Kemeko no Love
  25. Ni-hiki no Sanma (1968)
  26. Amaryllis
  27. Baka Baka Baka na Sekai
  28. G-senjou no Higeki
  29. The Bathroom
  30. Kiseichuu no Ichiya
  31. Pop
  32. Kappa no Kui Kuo Kua
  33. Manga
  34. Imagination of Marathon Runners
  35. Fuyu no Hi
  36. flash warning Tokyo Loop

    Bonus (0/5)

  • not available in English Ring Ring Boy
  • not available in English Mori no Kuma-san
  • not available in English Sentaku Jab Jab
  • not available in English Gokiburi-chan
  • not available in English Hobo 15-byou Animation

Creator Collections Kuri Yoji

Created on : 2016-12-14

MAL forum thread

0.5 Point(s)
16 Turnins
12 Validated Turnins

Rules :

  • This challenge requires watching every anime listed, except those marked as bonus or unreleased.
  • All anime, including previously seen or started, can be used for this challenge.
  • Ongoing anime are allowed for this challenge, provided you are up to date on them (as "Currently Watching", "On Hold" or "Dropped").
  • This challenge can only count once. Only one turn-in will be taken into account.