Challenge : Kyoto Animation

  1. [V1 - #98 - 2016-04-23] lanblade - Medium
  2. [V1 - #98 - 2016-04-23] lanblade - Hard
  3. [V1 - #98 - 2016-04-23] lanblade - Easy
  4. [V1 - #463 - 2016-06-25] _Dan_ - Easy
  5. [V1 - #463 - 2016-06-25] _Dan_ - Medium
  6. [V1 - #463 - 2016-06-25] _Dan_ - Hard
  7. [V1 - #644 - 2016-07-16] Yukino - Easy
  8. [V1 - #644 - 2016-07-16] Yukino - Medium
  9. [V1 - #644 - 2016-07-16] Yukino - Hard
  10. [V1 - #2466 - 2017-01-03] Jhiday - Medium
  11. [V1 - #2466 - 2017-01-03] Jhiday - Hard
  12. [V1 - #2466 - 2017-01-03] Jhiday - Easy
  13. [V1 - #6490 - 2018-03-03] Sanspareil - Medium
  14. [V1 - #6490 - 2018-03-03] Sanspareil - Hard
  15. [V1 - #6490 - 2018-03-03] Sanspareil - Easy
  16. [V2 - #3767 - 2020-07-22] YayakoChii - Hard
  17. [V2 - #3774 - 2020-07-22] Papa_Dragon - Easy
  18. [V2 - #3778 - 2020-07-22] ImagineBrkr - Hard
  19. [V2 - #3779 - 2020-07-22] nyanko - Medium
  20. [V2 - #3782 - 2020-07-22] Imyreld - Easy
  21. [V2 - #3782 - 2020-07-22] Imyreld - Medium
  22. [V2 - #3783 - 2020-07-22] animegeek4life - Easy
  23. [V2 - #3783 - 2020-07-22] animegeek4life - Medium
  24. [V2 - #3793 - 2020-07-22] Rellni944 - Medium
  25. [V2 - #3794 - 2020-07-22] Rinarin - Hard
  26. [V2 - #3801 - 2020-07-22] TheFlyingOrange - Easy
  27. [V2 - #3802 - 2020-07-22] Bern_stein - Easy
  28. [V2 - #3802 - 2020-07-22] Bern_stein - Medium
  29. [V2 - #3785 - 2020-07-23] Bunille - Easy
  30. [V2 - #3786 - 2020-07-23] MetalFalcon - Easy
  31. [V2 - #3787 - 2020-07-23] hinagatari - Easy
  32. [V2 - #3790 - 2020-07-23] ScarletCelestial - Medium
  33. [V2 - #3795 - 2020-07-23] Kuroiji - Easy
  34. [V2 - #3796 - 2020-07-23] SunflowerDaisho - Easy
  35. [V2 - #3803 - 2020-07-23] LesLoue - Easy
  36. [V2 - #3803 - 2020-07-23] LesLoue - Medium
  37. [V2 - #3805 - 2020-07-23] Bri - Medium
  38. [V2 - #3808 - 2020-07-23] Myelin_sr - Easy
  39. [V2 - #3812 - 2020-07-23] Aur0ra - Easy
  40. [V2 - #3812 - 2020-07-23] Aur0ra - Medium
  41. [V2 - #3813 - 2020-07-24] CheeseKnife - Easy
  42. [V2 - #3852 - 2020-07-26] DeadlyRaven - Easy
  43. [V2 - #3870 - 2020-07-28] dierubikdie - Hard
  44. [V2 - #3880 - 2020-07-28] Bishamon-chan - Easy
  45. [V2 - #3902 - 2020-07-29] Zenit - Hard
  46. [V2 - #3902 - 2020-07-29] Zenit - Medium
  47. [V2 - #3933 - 2020-07-31] Helvian494743 - Easy
  48. [V2 - #3947 - 2020-08-01] trojangirl12 - Easy
  49. [V2 - #3959 - 2020-08-01] Technotron - Easy
  50. [V2 - #3967 - 2020-08-02] PNR_13 - Easy
  51. [V2 - #3972 - 2020-08-02] Wyvern22 - Hard
  52. [V2 - #3972 - 2020-08-02] Wyvern22 - Easy
  53. [V2 - #3992 - 2020-08-04] Bern_stein - Hard
  54. [V2 - #4141 - 2020-08-19] ParsleyParsnips - Easy
  55. [V2 - #4179 - 2020-08-20] sassss - Hard
  56. [V2 - #4236 - 2020-08-25] Gwathgor - Easy
  57. [V2 - #4242 - 2020-08-25] Dakenfromvault1 - Hard
  58. [V2 - #4284 - 2020-08-29] nozomemee - Easy
  59. [V2 - #4294 - 2020-08-29] Otaku_baka_dsk - Easy
  60. [V2 - #4297 - 2020-08-29] ownitlikeaboss - Easy
  61. [V2 - #4453 - 2020-09-11] NaineLIEz - Easy
  62. [V2 - #4453 - 2020-09-11] NaineLIEz - Hard
  63. [V2 - #4452 - 2020-09-12] dixcloxure - Easy
  64. [V2 - #4452 - 2020-09-12] dixcloxure - Medium
  65. [V2 - #4452 - 2020-09-12] dixcloxure - Hard
  66. [V2 - #4506 - 2020-09-16] Gagui79 - Hard
  67. [V2 - #4565 - 2020-09-22] AngelHana - Medium
  68. [V2 - #4618 - 2020-09-27] Campiz06 - Easy
  69. [V2 - #4721 - 2020-10-01] tamochinnn - Hard
  70. [V2 - #4854 - 2020-10-14] jayGN - Easy
  71. [V2 - #4955 - 2020-10-23] OweynLupton - Easy
  72. [V2 - #4985 - 2020-10-25] ItzElite - Easy
  73. [V2 - #5001 - 2020-10-26] Shuurei - Easy
  74. [V2 - #5004 - 2020-10-26] Butterstroke - Easy
  75. [V2 - #5035 - 2020-10-30] Plaxsin - Easy
  76. [V2 - #5099 - 2020-11-01] extremeplant - Easy
  77. [V2 - #5134 - 2020-11-05] dierubikdie - Medium
  78. [V2 - #5213 - 2020-11-12] KuraikoDesu - Easy
  79. [V2 - #5223 - 2020-11-13] Benti_ - Easy
  80. [V2 - #5226 - 2020-11-13] KeylosDesu - Easy
  81. [V2 - #5456 - 2020-11-28] Elineru - Easy
  82. [V2 - #5489 - 2020-11-30] jho0on_ - Easy
  83. [V2 - #5489 - 2020-11-30] jho0on_ - Medium
  84. [V2 - #5529 - 2020-12-02] Yuki- - Easy
  85. [V2 - #5561 - 2020-12-05] SheyCroix - Hard
  86. [V2 - #5643 - 2020-12-11] Rellni944 - Easy
  87. [V2 - #5686 - 2020-12-15] Amitte_Sukku - Easy
  88. [V2 - #5700 - 2020-12-15] nerdgirl42 - Easy
  89. [V2 - #5779 - 2020-12-22] Myelin_sr - Medium
  90. [V2 - #5810 - 2020-12-24] nyanko - Easy
  91. [V2 - #5824 - 2020-12-25] ShockZz - Easy
  92. [V2 - #5830 - 2020-12-25] NamiLover69 - Easy
  93. [V2 - #5995 - 2021-01-03] nerfsunny - Easy
  94. [V2 - #6020 - 2021-01-05] julesliana - Easy
  95. [V2 - #6024 - 2021-01-05] superherowarrior - Easy
  96. [V2 - #6097 - 2021-01-11] Zangril - Medium
  97. [V2 - #6147 - 2021-01-15] RachelPanda - Hard
  98. [V2 - #6243 - 2021-01-22] Technotron - Medium
  99. [V2 - #6395 - 2021-02-01] Yterbium - Medium
  100. [V2 - #6513 - 2021-02-10] KuriPuri - Hard
  101. [V2 - #6832 - 2021-03-03] Thnx4dafood - Easy
  102. [V2 - #6924 - 2021-03-12] Kuroiji - Medium (upgraded from Easy)
  103. [V2 - #6963 - 2021-03-16] Zenit - Easy
  104. [V2 - #7138 - 2021-03-29] Canaan - Easy
  105. [V2 - #7272 - 2021-04-06] DancingTaco - Easy
  106. [V2 - #7763 - 2021-05-13] 7kaneki7 - Easy
  107. [V2 - #7842 - 2021-05-19] TheOwlWeeb - Easy
  108. [V2 - #8000 - 2021-05-31] LyriaLegende - Easy
  109. [V2 - #8000 - 2021-05-31] LyriaLegende - Medium
  110. [V2 - #8188 - 2021-06-12] Ayunee - Easy
  111. [V2 - #8366 - 2021-06-27] willowlywillow - Easy
  112. [V2 - #8565 - 2021-07-08] kerryelc - Easy
  113. [V2 - #8652 - 2021-07-15] SoLongGayBowser - Easy
  114. [V2 - #8925 - 2021-08-04] SoLongGayBowser - Medium
  115. [V2 - #9084 - 2021-08-20] ScarletCelestial - Easy
  116. [V2 - #9178 - 2021-08-27] TheEdgelord - Easy
  117. [V2 - #9432 - 2021-09-16] Legends_of_anime - Easy
  118. [V2 - #9538 - 2021-09-25] blackmagemasta - Easy
  119. [V2 - #9664 - 2021-10-02] devrat2012 - Easy
  120. [V2 - #9816 - 2021-10-18] Jaikeis - Easy
  121. [V3 - #260 - 2021-11-30] Benti_ - Medium
  122. [V3 - #285 - 2021-12-02] leapylee - Hard
  123. [V3 - #353 - 2021-12-10] TheOGDorkLord - Easy
  124. [V3 - #536 - 2021-12-27] Yagami-Zero - Easy
  125. [V3 - #584 - 2021-12-30] JTtheLlama - Easy
  126. [V3 - #595 - 2021-12-30] OweynLupton - Medium
  127. [V3 - #598 - 2021-12-30] tbeans10 - Hard
  128. [V3 - #823 - 2022-01-15] overtides - Easy
  129. [V3 - #899 - 2022-01-22] Yuri-san - Easy
  130. [V3 - #1514 - 2022-03-13] Timcampy - Medium
  131. [V3 - #1819 - 2022-04-05] Eleanora1315 - Easy
  132. [V3 - #2242 - 2022-05-16] Bri - Hard (upgraded from Medium)
  133. [V3 - #2344 - 2022-05-26] Keiken - Hard
  134. [V3 - #2382 - 2022-05-29] dianali - Easy
  135. [V3 - #2791 - 2022-07-01] Helvian494743 - Medium
  136. [V3 - #3028 - 2022-07-27] TheFlyingOrange - Medium
  137. [V3 - #3044 - 2022-07-28] Ten - Medium
  138. [V3 - #3058 - 2022-07-29] Ylienna - Easy
  139. [V3 - #3288 - 2022-08-23] HimeCrycho - Easy
  140. [V3 - #3288 - 2022-08-23] HimeCrycho - Medium
  141. [V3 - #3470 - 2022-09-10] LeavesOnFire - Easy
  142. [V3 - #3497 - 2022-09-15] Netbug - Easy
  143. [V3 - #3578 - 2022-09-25] BeanChagBear - Easy
  144. [V3 - #3627 - 2022-09-29] Arashiiiii - Easy
  145. [V3 - #3627 - 2022-09-29] Arashiiiii - Medium
  146. [V3 - #3627 - 2022-09-29] Arashiiiii - Hard
  147. [V3 - #3680 - 2022-10-02] Myelin_sr - Hard
  148. [V3 - #3693 - 2022-10-03] dierubikdie - Easy
  149. [V3 - #3738 - 2022-10-08] Campiz06 - Medium
  150. [V3 - #3930 - 2022-10-30] jaeo_k - Easy
  151. [V3 - #4211 - 2022-11-29] Mr_Duke_ - Easy
  152. [V3 - #4526 - 2022-12-29] trojangirl12 - Medium
  153. [V3 - #4752 - 2023-01-16] iamrure - Easy
  154. [V3 - #5228 - 2023-02-20] anakg - Easy
  155. [V3 - #5527 - 2023-03-21] RainbowToffee - Easy
  156. [V3 - #5843 - 2023-04-19] Combeferre - Easy
  157. [V3 - #5849 - 2023-04-19] hoshi4 - Easy
  158. [V3 - #6159 - 2023-05-28] silveraaki - Easy
  159. [V3 - #6222 - 2023-06-01] Talha17Sama - Easy
  160. [V3 - #6237 - 2023-06-03] is_peque - Easy
  161. [V3 - #6305 - 2023-06-13] Ariies_ - Easy
  162. [V3 - #6361 - 2023-06-19] myuniquename - Easy
  163. [V3 - #6585 - 2023-07-08] Yvsmeg - Easy
  164. [V3 - #6842 - 2023-07-31] elsewherecw - Easy
  165. [V3 - #6954 - 2023-08-11] Twintail_Daemon - Easy
  166. [V3 - #7250 - 2023-09-20] Tonic_ - Medium
  167. [V3 - #7287 - 2023-09-25] FeezyWheezy - Easy
  168. [V3 - #7299 - 2023-09-26] T-O-B-Y - Easy
  169. [V3 - #7319 - 2023-09-29] crazybob1215 - Easy
  170. [V3 - #7320 - 2023-09-29] YayakoChii - Medium
  171. [V3 - #7529 - 2023-10-28] redincall - Easy
  172. [V3 - #7635 - 2023-11-08] hinagatari - Medium
  173. [V3 - #7700 - 2023-11-15] Ichihara_Kouta - Easy
  174. [V3 - #7786 - 2023-11-26] Reisho-Teki - Easy
  175. [V3 - #7872 - 2023-12-09] Cezrye - Easy
  176. [V3 - #8104 - 2024-01-07] BeanChagBear - Medium
  177. [V3 - #8112 - 2024-01-08] sassss - Easy
  178. [V3 - #8318 - 2024-02-03] Sam565 - Hard
  179. [V3 - #8606 - 2024-03-16] ohpishhposh - Easy
  180. [V3 - #8627 - 2024-03-19] GakutoDeathGlare - Easy
  181. [V3 - #8678 - 2024-03-27] bigdud24 - Medium
  182. [V3 - #8942 - 2024-05-10] redincall - Medium
  183. [V3 - #8962 - 2024-05-15] Sarada - Easy
  184. [V3 - #9001 - 2024-05-19] Rivka44 - Easy
  185. [V3 - #9157 - 2024-06-21] myuniquename - Medium (upgraded from Easy)
  186. [V3 - #9192 - 2024-06-25] Bri - Easy
  187. [V3 - #9203 - 2023-09-02] Yterbium - Hard (upgraded from Medium)
  188. [V3 - #9309 - 2024-07-08] Clamshell - Easy
  189. [V3 - #9327 - 2024-06-23] AphroditeZ - Easy
  190. [V3 - #9354 - 2024-07-17] MissCactus - Easy
  191. [V3 - #9603 - 2024-08-10] is_peque - Medium
  192. [V3 - #9636 - 2024-08-29] CsillaLoli - Easy
  193. [V3 - #9636 - 2022-08-05] CsillaLoli - Medium
  194. [V3 - #9636 - 2024-08-26] CsillaLoli - Hard
  195. [V3 - #9718 - 2024-09-13] LinkHimura - Easy
  196. [V4 - #161 - 2024-11-24] TrillJessie - Easy
  197. [V4 - #236 - 2024-12-05] nyanko - Hard
  198. [V4 - #336 - 2024-12-26] Charlotte1412 - Easy
  199. [V4 - #341 - 2024-11-02] Karma_Lovers - Easy
  200. [V4 - #355 - 2024-10-02] Karinara - Easy
  201. [V4 - #505 - 2025-01-23] Pluvio - Easy
  202. [V4 - #618 - 2025-02-07] goncix3000 - Medium

    Number of items to watch by difficulty :

  • Easy : 20 items
  • Medium : 35 items
  • Hard : 50 items
  1. Air
  2. Air in Summer
  3. Air Recap
  4. Amagi Brilliant Park
  5. Amagi Brilliant Park: Nonbirishiteiru Hima ga Nai!
  6. Amagi Brilliant Park: Wakuwaku Mini Theater - Rakugaki Backstage
  7. Baja no Studio
  8. Baja no Studio: Baja no Mita Umi
  9. Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai!
  10. Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai! Depth of Field: Ai to Nikushimi Gekijou
  11. Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai! Kirameki no... Slapstick Noel
  12. Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai! Lite
  13. Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai! Movie: Take On Me
  14. Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai! Movie: Take On Me - Weekly Short Movie "Kotatsu DE Photo Session"
  15. Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai! Movie: Take On Me Mini-Drama - Koukai Chokuzen no... Kaiko Gekijou
  16. Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai! Ren
  17. Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai! Ren Lite
  18. Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai! Ren Specials
  19. Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai! Ren: The Rikka Wars
  20. not aired yet City The Animation
  21. Clannad
  22. Clannad: After Story
  23. Clannad: After Story - Mou Hitotsu no Sekai, Kyou-hen
  24. Clannad: Mou Hitotsu no Sekai, Tomoyo-hen
  25. Free!
  26. Free! Dive to the Future
  27. Free! Dive to the Future - Soushun no Build-up!
  28. Free! Eternal Summer
  29. Free! Eternal Summer: Kindan no All Hard!
  30. Free! Movie 1: Timeless Medley - Kizuna
  31. Free! Movie 1: Timeless Medley - Kizuna - Character Butai Aisatsu
  32. Free! Movie 2: Timeless Medley - Yakusoku
  33. Free! Movie 2: Timeless Medley - Yakusoku: Character Butai Aisatsu
  34. Free! Movie 3: Road to the World - Yume
  35. Free! Movie 4: The Final Stroke - Zenpen
  36. Free! Movie 5: The Final Stroke - Kouhen
  37. Free! Take Your Marks
  38. Free! Take Your Marks: Character Butai Aisatsu
  39. Free!: FrFr - Short Movie
  40. Full Metal Panic! The Second Raid
  41. Full Metal Panic! The Second Raid Episode 00
  42. Full Metal Panic! The Second Raid: Wari to Hima na Sentaichou no Ichinichi
  43. Full Metal Panic? Fumoffu
  44. Hibike! Euphonium
  45. Hibike! Euphonium 2
  46. Hibike! Euphonium 2 Specials
  47. Hibike! Euphonium 3
  48. Hibike! Euphonium 3: Extra Episodes
  49. Hibike! Euphonium Movie 1: Kitauji Koukou Suisougaku-bu e Youkoso
  50. Hibike! Euphonium Movie 2: Todoketai Melody
  51. Hibike! Euphonium Movie 3: Chikai no Finale
  52. Hibike! Euphonium Movie: Photo Session e Youkoso
  53. Hibike! Euphonium: Ensemble Contest-hen
  54. Hibike! Euphonium: Kakedasu Monaka
  55. Hibike! Euphonium: Suisougaku-bu no Nichijou
  56. High☆Speed! Movie: Free! Starting Days
  57. Hyouka
  58. Hyouka: Motsubeki Mono wa
  59. InuYasha Movie 3: Tenka Hadou no Ken
  60. K-On!
  61. K-On! Movie
  62. K-On!: Live House!
  63. K-On!: Ura-On!
  64. K-On!!
  65. K-On!!: Keikaku!
  66. K-On!!: Ura-On!!
  67. Kanon (2006)
  68. Kobayashi-san Chi no Maid Dragon
  69. Kobayashi-san Chi no Maid Dragon S
  70. Kobayashi-san Chi no Maid Dragon S: Nippon no Omotenashi - Attend wa Dragon desu
  71. not aired yet Kobayashi-san Chi no Maid Dragon: Samishigariya no Ryuu
  72. Kobayashi-san Chi no Maid Dragon: Valentine, Soshite Onsen! - Amari Kitai Shinaide Kudasai
  73. Kobayashi-san Chi no OO Dragon
  74. Koe no Katachi
  75. Koe no Katachi Specials
  76. Kyoto Animation Koushiki Twitter: Itsumo Arigatou
  77. Kyoto Animation: Ajisai-hen
  78. Kyoto Animation: Hana-hen
  79. Kyoto Animation: Hassou-hen
  80. Kyoto Animation: Hoshi-hen
  81. not available in English Kyoto Animation: Ikitaku Naru Omise-hen
  82. Kyoto Animation: Kasa-hen
  83. Kyoto Animation: Megane-hen
  84. Kyoto Animation: Meiji-hen
  85. Kyoto Animation: Sora-hen
  86. not available in English Kyoto Animation: Souzou-hen
  87. Kyoto Animation: Suiei-hen
  88. Kyoukai no Kanata
  89. Kyoukai no Kanata Movie 1: I'll Be Here - Kako-hen
  90. Kyoukai no Kanata Movie 2: I'll Be Here - Mirai-hen
  91. Kyoukai no Kanata: Idol Saiban! Mayoi Nagara mo Kimi wo Sabaku Tami
  92. Kyoukai no Kanata: Mini Gekijou
  93. Kyoukai no Kanata: Shinonome
  94. Liz to Aoi Tori
  95. Lucky☆Star
  96. Lucky☆Star: Original na Visual to Animation
  97. Mini Dragon
  98. Mini Dragon Specials
  99. Munto
  100. Munto: Toki no Kabe wo Koete
  101. Musaigen no Phantom World
  102. Musaigen no Phantom World: Limitless Phantom World
  103. Musaigen no Phantom World: Mizutama no Kiseki
  104. Nichijou
  105. Nichijou: Nichijou no 0-wa
  106. not available in English Nichijou: Original Jikai Yokoku
  107. Nurse Witch Komugi-chan Magikarte
  108. Nurse Witch Komugi-chan Magikarte Special
  109. Nyoro-n Churuya-san
  110. Shiawasette Naani
  111. Sora wo Miageru Shoujo no Hitomi ni Utsuru Sekai
  112. Suzumiya Haruhi no Shoushitsu
  113. Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuuutsu
  114. Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuuutsu (2009)
  115. Suzumiya Haruhi-chan no Yuuutsu
  116. Takanashi Rikka Kai: Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai! Movie
  117. Takanashi Rikka Kai: Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai! Movie Lite
  118. Tamako Love Story
  119. Tamako Market
  120. Tamako Market Specials
  121. Tenjoubito to Akutobito Saigo no Tatakai
  122. Tsurune Movie: Hajimari no Issha
  123. Tsurune: Kazemai Koukou Kyuudou-bu
  124. Tsurune: Kazemai Koukou Kyuudou-bu - Yabai
  125. Tsurune: Tsunagari no Issha
  126. flash warning Uchida Shungicu no Noroi no One-Piece
  127. Uji ni wa Monogatari ga Aru
  128. Violet Evergarden
  129. Violet Evergarden CMs
  130. Violet Evergarden Gaiden: Eien to Jidou Shuki Ningyou
  131. Violet Evergarden Movie
  132. Violet Evergarden: Kitto "Ai" wo Shiru Hi ga Kuru no Darou
  133. Violet Evergarden: Recollections

Studios Kyoto Animation

Created on : 2016-04-16

MAL forum thread

3 Difficulties :

0.5 Point(s)
20 items to complete
125 Turnins
73 Validated Turnins
1 Point(s)
35 items to complete
46 Turnins
26 Validated Turnins
1.5 Point(s)
50 items to complete
31 Turnins
21 Validated Turnins

Rules :

  • This challenge requires watching a given number of anime.
  • All anime, including previously seen or started, can be used for this challenge.
  • No ongoing anime can be used for this challenge. They must have finished airing (and you must have completed them) before your turn-in date.
  • All anime used for this challenge must be linked to the following studio : Kyoto Animation.
  • This challenge can be submitted once for each difficulty.