Challenge : MAL Staff Favorites

  1. [V1 - #9014 - 2019-03-20] Wyvern22 - Medium
  2. [V1 - #9014 - 2019-03-20] Wyvern22 - Hard
  3. [V1 - #9014 - 2019-03-20] Wyvern22 - Easy
  4. [V1 - #10065 - 2019-08-09] YumeNoTsukii - Medium
  5. [V1 - #10065 - 2019-08-09] YumeNoTsukii - Hard
  6. [V1 - #10065 - 2019-08-09] YumeNoTsukii - Easy
  7. [V2 - #1506 - 2020-01-23] Papa_Dragon - Easy
  8. [V2 - #1508 - 2020-01-23] ScarletCelestial - Easy
  9. [V2 - #1514 - 2020-01-23] Doougii - Easy
  10. [V2 - #1517 - 2020-01-23] Jhiday - Hard
  11. [V2 - #1517 - 2020-01-23] Jhiday - Medium
  12. [V2 - #1558 - 2020-01-28] Imyreld - Easy
  13. [V2 - #1558 - 2020-01-28] Imyreld - Medium
  14. [V2 - #1640 - 2020-02-02] toxif - Easy
  15. [V2 - #1683 - 2020-02-06] Bri - Easy
  16. [V2 - #1703 - 2020-02-08] nyanko - Easy
  17. [V2 - #1718 - 2020-02-09] YayakoChii - Easy
  18. [V2 - #1733 - 2020-02-10] Zenit - Hard
  19. [V2 - #1835 - 2020-02-19] KuriPuri - Easy
  20. [V2 - #1867 - 2020-02-24] Boyscout31 - Easy
  21. [V2 - #1900 - 2020-02-26] Yuki- - Easy
  22. [V2 - #1970 - 2020-03-01] MegaManBK7 - Easy
  23. [V2 - #1986 - 2020-03-01] Bern_stein - Easy
  24. [V2 - #2076 - 2020-03-11] Rellni944 - Medium
  25. [V2 - #2090 - 2020-03-12] SheyCroix - Hard
  26. [V2 - #2245 - 2020-03-27] TheFlyingOrange - Easy
  27. [V2 - #2457 - 2020-04-10] MrDucky1231 - Easy
  28. [V2 - #2474 - 2020-04-12] leapylee - Hard
  29. [V2 - #2535 - 2020-04-15] cornflakegod - Easy
  30. [V2 - #2534 - 2020-04-16] ImagineBrkr - Hard
  31. [V2 - #2618 - 2020-04-21] TheEdgelord - Easy
  32. [V2 - #2960 - 2020-05-18] Rage_Beat06 - Medium
  33. [V2 - #3036 - 2020-05-24] Aur0ra - Easy
  34. [V2 - #3380 - 2020-06-17] NaineLIEz - Hard
  35. [V2 - #3391 - 2020-06-18] Bishamon-chan - Easy
  36. [V2 - #3786 - 2020-07-23] MetalFalcon - Easy
  37. [V2 - #3811 - 2020-07-24] animegeek4life - Easy
  38. [V2 - #3959 - 2020-08-01] Technotron - Easy
  39. [V2 - #3968 - 2020-08-03] Ylienna - Hard
  40. [V2 - #3989 - 2020-08-04] Helvian494743 - Easy
  41. [V2 - #4109 - 2020-08-16] Rellni944 - Hard (upgraded from Medium)
  42. [V2 - #4152 - 2020-08-19] Catexia - Hard
  43. [V2 - #4176 - 2020-08-21] SunflowerDaisho - Medium
  44. [V2 - #4246 - 2020-08-26] Mikaytama13 - Easy
  45. [V2 - #4574 - 2020-09-22] Zenit - Medium
  46. [V2 - #4838 - 2020-10-13] SolidBlade - Easy
  47. [V2 - #4851 - 2020-10-14] Otaku_baka_dsk - Easy
  48. [V2 - #5035 - 2020-10-30] Plaxsin - Medium
  49. [V2 - #5156 - 2020-11-08] devrat2012 - Easy
  50. [V2 - #5156 - 2020-11-08] devrat2012 - Medium
  51. [V2 - #5213 - 2020-11-12] KuraikoDesu - Easy
  52. [V2 - #5217 - 2020-11-12] Campiz06 - Easy
  53. [V2 - #5267 - 2020-11-15] Punkero - Medium
  54. [V2 - #5275 - 2020-11-15] PNR_13 - Easy
  55. [V2 - #5277 - 2020-11-15] ParsleyParsnips - Easy
  56. [V2 - #5291 - 2020-11-16] blackmagemasta - Easy
  57. [V2 - #5309 - 2020-11-17] OweynLupton - Easy
  58. [V2 - #5395 - 2020-11-24] blurubberlizard - Easy
  59. [V2 - #5414 - 2020-11-25] trojangirl12 - Easy
  60. [V2 - #5416 - 2020-11-25] Postergate - Hard
  61. [V2 - #5460 - 2020-11-28] ownitlikeaboss - Easy
  62. [V2 - #5629 - 2020-12-10] hinagatari - Hard
  63. [V2 - #5700 - 2020-12-15] nerdgirl42 - Easy
  64. [V2 - #5830 - 2020-12-25] NamiLover69 - Medium
  65. [V2 - #5857 - 2020-12-27] tbeans10 - Hard
  66. [V2 - #6097 - 2021-01-11] Zangril - Medium
  67. [V2 - #6490 - 2021-02-09] Mackamizzle - Easy
  68. [V2 - #6508 - 2021-02-10] Yterbium - Medium
  69. [V2 - #6530 - 2021-02-12] Kuroiji - Easy
  70. [V2 - #6553 - 2021-02-14] AngelHana - Hard
  71. [V2 - #6642 - 2021-02-21] Kristiwazhere - Easy
  72. [V2 - #6669 - 2021-02-23] ketsueki22 - Easy
  73. [V2 - #6792 - 2021-03-01] nozomemee - Easy
  74. [V2 - #6824 - 2021-03-02] Bunille - Easy
  75. [V2 - #7253 - 2021-04-05] Myelin_sr - Medium
  76. [V2 - #7258 - 2021-04-05] OweynLupton - Medium
  77. [V2 - #7260 - 2021-04-05] Lestat- - Medium
  78. [V2 - #7272 - 2021-04-06] DancingTaco - Easy
  79. [V2 - #7417 - 2021-04-18] Jaikeis - Hard
  80. [V2 - #7697 - 2021-05-07] CyberSan - Easy
  81. [V2 - #7763 - 2021-05-13] 7kaneki7 - Easy
  82. [V2 - #7858 - 2021-05-21] Aur0ra - Medium
  83. [V2 - #7876 - 2021-05-23] Bri - Medium
  84. [V2 - #7941 - 2021-05-28] Shuurei - Hard
  85. [V2 - #8020 - 2021-05-31] zani36 - Easy
  86. [V2 - #8269 - 2021-06-19] KuriPuri - Medium
  87. [V2 - #8312 - 2021-06-23] BeanChagBear - Easy
  88. [V2 - #8348 - 2021-06-26] acestrawbs - Medium
  89. [V2 - #8484 - 2021-07-01] dierubikdie - Hard
  90. [V2 - #8649 - 2021-07-14] DeadlyRaven - Easy
  91. [V2 - #8649 - 2021-07-14] DeadlyRaven - Medium
  92. [V2 - #8652 - 2021-07-15] SoLongGayBowser - Medium
  93. [V2 - #9263 - 2021-09-01] blurubberlizard - Medium
  94. [V3 - #96 - 2021-11-14] Franchowo - Easy
  95. [V3 - #364 - 2021-12-11] windyscar - Easy
  96. [V3 - #370 - 2021-12-12] lagom - Easy
  97. [V3 - #467 - 2021-12-20] Ayunee - Easy
  98. [V3 - #544 - 2021-12-27] Yagami-Zero - Easy
  99. [V3 - #593 - 2021-12-30] CheeseKnife - Easy
  100. [V3 - #676 - 2022-01-02] MadClaw1138 - Easy
  101. [V3 - #840 - 2022-01-17] JTtheLlama - Hard
  102. [V3 - #953 - 2022-01-29] Swoopy-Bunny - Easy
  103. [V3 - #1204 - 2022-02-17] TheOGDorkLord - Easy
  104. [V3 - #1271 - 2022-02-22] CukieMunster - Easy
  105. [V3 - #1326 - 2022-02-25] Karinara - Easy
  106. [V3 - #1465 - 2022-03-07] Tonic_ - Hard
  107. [V3 - #1476 - 2022-03-08] lilberry - Easy
  108. [V3 - #1510 - 2022-03-12] Elineru - Medium
  109. [V3 - #1576 - 2022-03-19] Timcampy - Easy
  110. [V3 - #1576 - 2022-03-19] Timcampy - Medium
  111. [V3 - #1836 - 2022-04-06] LotsaJello - Medium
  112. [V3 - #2348 - 2022-05-27] Eleanora1315 - Easy
  113. [V3 - #2387 - 2022-05-30] RachelPanda - Hard
  114. [V3 - #2608 - 2022-06-17] Keiken - Hard
  115. [V3 - #2693 - 2022-06-25] dianali - Easy
  116. [V3 - #2807 - 2022-07-03] nyanko - Medium
  117. [V3 - #2811 - 2022-07-03] HimeCrycho - Easy
  118. [V3 - #2889 - 2022-07-12] Yvsmeg - Easy
  119. [V3 - #3082 - 2022-07-30] Yterbium - Hard (upgraded from Medium)
  120. [V3 - #3190 - 2022-08-10] Ten - Hard
  121. [V3 - #3326 - 2022-08-28] Campiz06 - Medium
  122. [V3 - #3544 - 2022-09-22] Jhiday - Easy
  123. [V3 - #3786 - 2022-10-15] LukaThe12th - Easy
  124. [V3 - #3980 - 2022-11-01] Rivka44 - Hard
  125. [V3 - #3990 - 2022-11-03] Szrebi - Hard
  126. [V3 - #4017 - 2022-11-07] _Alive_ - Medium
  127. [V3 - #4145 - 2022-11-24] Jeon - Easy
  128. [V3 - #4361 - 2022-12-14] silveraaki - Easy
  129. [V3 - #4840 - 2023-01-22] Crazee - Hard
  130. [V3 - #4863 - 2023-01-24] Sam565 - Medium
  131. [V3 - #5041 - 2023-02-02] Canaan - Easy
  132. [V3 - #5107 - 2023-02-08] Combeferre - Medium
  133. [V3 - #5228 - 2023-02-20] anakg - Easy
  134. [V3 - #5519 - 2023-03-20] FeezyWheezy - Easy
  135. [V3 - #5610 - 2023-03-28] trojangirl12 - Medium
  136. [V3 - #5716 - 2023-04-06] caulidays - Easy
  137. [V3 - #5793 - 2023-04-15] AatihoNora - Easy
  138. [V3 - #6013 - 2023-05-06] xiledx - Easy
  139. [V3 - #6361 - 2023-06-19] myuniquename - Easy
  140. [V3 - #6460 - 2023-06-29] Talha17Sama - Easy
  141. [V3 - #6633 - 2023-07-14] hoshi4 - Hard
  142. [V3 - #6842 - 2023-07-31] elsewherecw - Easy
  143. [V3 - #6990 - 2023-08-17] Papa_Dragon - Medium
  144. [V3 - #7170 - 2023-09-09] Mr_Duke_ - Easy
  145. [V3 - #7192 - 2023-09-12] BrianaBird - Easy
  146. [V3 - #7193 - 2023-09-12] dierubikdie - Medium
  147. [V3 - #7209 - 2023-09-15] Reisho-Teki - Hard
  148. [V3 - #7320 - 2023-09-29] YayakoChii - Medium
  149. [V3 - #7555 - 2023-10-30] Yoko_k - Easy
  150. [V3 - #7671 - 2023-11-12] Twintail_Daemon - Hard
  151. [V3 - #8167 - 2024-01-15] Reisho-Teki - Easy
  152. [V3 - #8170 - 2024-01-15] ScarletCelestial - Medium
  153. [V3 - #8195 - 2024-01-19] redincall - Easy
  154. [V3 - #8292 - 2024-01-31] sassss - Easy
  155. [V3 - #8375 - 2024-02-10] simplycarissa - Easy
  156. [V3 - #8432 - 2024-02-16] is_peque - Easy
  157. [V3 - #8476 - 2024-02-22] Ariies_ - Easy
  158. [V3 - #8488 - 2024-02-25] Bern_stein - Medium
  159. [V3 - #8631 - 2024-03-20] GakutoDeathGlare - Easy
  160. [V3 - #8678 - 2024-03-27] bigdud24 - Hard
  161. [V3 - #8678 - 2024-03-27] bigdud24 - Easy
  162. [V3 - #9101 - 2024-06-11] Jaikeis - Medium
  163. [V3 - #9102 - 2024-06-01] nyanko - Hard
  164. [V3 - #9103 - 2024-06-11] Combeferre - Conquered (upgraded from Medium)
  165. [V3 - #9108 - 2024-06-12] Bri - Conquered
  166. [V3 - #9112 - 2024-06-13] Aur0ra - Hard
  167. [V3 - #9120 - 2024-06-14] Malin28 - Easy
  168. [V3 - #9125 - 2024-02-10] ohpishhposh - Easy
  169. [V3 - #9131 - 2024-06-18] GakutoDeathGlare - Medium
  170. [V3 - #9132 - 2024-06-18] Rage_Beat06 - Easy
  171. [V3 - #9133 - 2024-06-18] crazybob1215 - Easy
  172. [V3 - #9148 - 2017-11-30] SunflowerDaisho - Easy
  173. [V3 - #9150 - 2024-02-25] Helvian494743 - Hard
  174. [V3 - #9178 - 2023-01-05] blackmagemasta - Hard
  175. [V3 - #9224 - 2021-12-31] Cute_Monster - Easy
  176. [V3 - #9240 - 2024-06-28] Clamshell - Hard
  177. [V3 - #9242 - 2024-06-29] myuniquename - Conquered (upgraded from Easy)
  178. [V3 - #9265 - 2024-07-01] gingermoon - Easy
  179. [V3 - #9278 - 2023-10-21] Tonic_ - Medium
  180. [V3 - #9286 - 2023-07-09] HDAsylum - Easy
  181. [V3 - #9291 - 2021-10-09] BeanChagBear - Medium
  182. [V3 - #9295 - 2022-03-09] Sam565 - Easy
  183. [V3 - #9355 - 2024-05-23] Reisho-Teki - Medium
  184. [V3 - #9366 - 2024-07-17] TheOwlWeeb - Easy
  185. [V3 - #9381 - 2023-01-14] OweynLupton - Conquered
  186. [V3 - #9444 - 2024-07-29] Zenit - Conquered
  187. [V3 - #9454 - 2024-07-31] Jhiday - Conquered
  188. [V3 - #9491 - 2024-08-07] silveraaki - Medium
  189. [V3 - #9497 - 2024-05-27] HimeCrycho - Medium
  190. [V3 - #9573 - 2022-05-29] RachelPanda - Easy
  191. [V3 - #9603 - 2024-08-10] is_peque - Medium
  192. [V3 - #9618 - 2024-08-27] T-O-B-Y - Easy
  193. [V3 - #9705 - 2024-09-11] VassiKvass - Hard
  194. [V3 - #9718 - 2024-09-13] LinkHimura - Conquered
  195. [V3 - #9791 - 2024-01-08] Yvsmeg - Medium
  196. [V3 - #9829 - 2024-09-18] Campiz06 - Hard
  197. [V3 - #9985 - 2024-10-26] SheyCroix - Conquered
  198. [V4 - #80 - 2021-11-02] KuriPuri - Conquered
  199. [V4 - #112 - 2024-11-17] NekoEvie - Easy
  200. [V4 - #174 - 2024-11-26] TrillJessie - Easy
  201. [V4 - #174 - 2024-11-26] TrillJessie - Medium
  202. [V4 - #174 - 2024-11-26] TrillJessie - Hard
  203. [V4 - #174 - 2024-11-26] TrillJessie - Conquered
  204. [V4 - #216 - 2024-12-02] DragonQueenYona - Easy
  205. [V4 - #255 - 2024-12-09] LunyRem - Conquered
  206. [V4 - #344 - 2024-12-27] ShockZz - Easy
  207. [V4 - #365 - 2024-12-30] Yuri-san - Easy
  208. [V4 - #367 - 2023-08-09] Canaan - Medium
  209. [V4 - #376 - 2024-12-31] Charlotte1412 - Easy
  210. [V4 - #376 - 2024-12-31] Charlotte1412 - Medium
  211. [V4 - #441 - 2025-01-12] orangepeeltora - Easy
  212. [V4 - #466 - 2024-12-22] Talha17Sama - Medium
  213. [V4 - #630 - 2025-02-09] andreth - Easy
  214. [V4 - #662 - 2025-02-13] redincall - Medium
  215. [V4 - #721 - 2023-06-20] mayaxiii - Easy
  216. [V4 - #775 - 2025-03-03] ManzaiBoke - Easy
  217. [V4 - #836 - 2025-03-15] jho0on_ - Easy
  218. [V4 - #836 - 2025-03-15] jho0on_ - Medium

    Number of items to watch by difficulty :

  • Easy : 10 items
  • Medium : 15 items
  • Hard : 20 items
  • Conquered : 25 items
  1. Administrators > cyruz : Serial Experiments Lain
  2. Administrators > Denji : Hanada Shounen-shi
  3. Administrators > Jinbou : .hack//Sign
  4. Administrators > Kineta : Shirokuma Cafe
  5. Administrators > Leknaat : Mirai Shounen Conan
  6. Administrators > Tensho : Eve no Jikan (Movie)
  7. Administrators > tingy : Shigofumi
  8. Administrators > Vindstot : Mushishi
  9. Anime Database Moderators > Aidan : Monster
  10. Anime Database Moderators > Aquarius : ef: A Tale of Memories.
  11. Anime Database Moderators > goncix3000 : Yuri!!! on Ice
  12. Anime Database Moderators > Jicetus : Jormungand
  13. Anime Database Moderators > LittleKitty24 : Golden Kamuy
  14. Anime Database Moderators > MagicPolly : Jigoku Shoujo
  15. Anime Database Moderators > Mythologically : Fune wo Amu
  16. Anime Database Moderators > Naruleach : Kaiba
  17. Anime Database Moderators > Red-Comet : Shinseiki Evangelion
  18. Anime Database Moderators > Timcampy : Shiguang Dailiren
  19. Community Moderators > Karinara : Romeo no Aoi Sora
  20. Discord Moderators > aquatar : Nana
  21. Discord Moderators > beeped5 : Honzuki no Gekokujou: Shisho ni Naru Tame ni wa Shudan wo Erandeiraremasen
  22. Founder > Xinil : Full Metal Panic? Fumoffu
  23. Manga Database Moderators > Dancho : Ookiku Furikabutte
  24. Manga Database Moderators > Dreik55 : Magi: The Labyrinth of Magic
  25. Manga Database Moderators > Phloup : Mahoujin Guruguru (2017)
  26. News Team > DatRandomDude : Texhnolyze
  27. News Team > Hyperion_PS : Hibike! Euphonium
  28. News Team > Snow : Shirobako
  29. Retired Moderators > _Ghost_ : Mondaiji-tachi ga Isekai kara Kuru Sou desu yo?
  30. Retired Moderators > adamantine : Gatchaman Crowds
  31. Retired Moderators > Ana : Kimi to Boku.
  32. Retired Moderators > Ardanaz : Mob Psycho 100
  33. Retired Moderators > arsonal : Last Exile
  34. Retired Moderators > Barnald : Bakemonogatari
  35. Retired Moderators > Brandon : Sen to Chihiro no Kamikakushi
  36. Retired Moderators > Cloudy : Haikyuu!!
  37. Retired Moderators > Cravenlock : Kaze ga Tsuyoku Fuiteiru
  38. Retired Moderators > DeadlyRaven : Pumpkin Scissors
  39. Retired Moderators > ecoute : Baccano!
  40. Retired Moderators > eL_marco : Cross Game
  41. Retired Moderators > fancyjasper : Higurashi no Naku Koro ni
  42. Retired Moderators > firefractal : Aria the Animation
  43. Retired Moderators > Gravity : Kino no Tabi: The Beautiful World
  44. Retired Moderators > Huhmuhnuh : Chihayafuru
  45. Retired Moderators > iBurn : Zettai Karen Children: The Unlimited - Hyoubu Kyousuke
  46. Retired Moderators > ImperfectBlue : Planetes
  47. Retired Moderators > Jack : Subete ga F ni Naru
  48. Retired Moderators > Luna : One Outs
  49. Retired Moderators > Megumin : Flanders no Inu (Movie)
  50. Retired Moderators > Mira : Mermaid Melody Pichi Pichi Pitch
  51. Retired Moderators > MrZawa : 3-gatsu no Lion
  52. Retired Moderators > Nexu : Hunter x Hunter (2011)
  53. Retired Moderators > NoLiferSoul : Danshi Koukousei no Nichijou
  54. Retired Moderators > OfDeathandLove : Kuroshitsuji
  55. Retired Moderators > Sakana-san : Jinrui wa Suitai Shimashita
  56. Retired Moderators > sarroush : Seirei no Moribito
  57. Retired Moderators > Shocked : Bartender
  58. Retired Moderators > Shymander : Romeo x Juliet
  59. Retired Moderators > Skittles : Kaleido Star
  60. Retired Moderators > Steph : Shuumatsu Nani Shitemasu ka? Isogashii desu ka? Sukutte Moratte Ii desu ka?
  61. Retired Moderators > svaax : Argento Soma
  62. Retired Moderators > Tacas : Gyakkyou Burai Kaiji: Ultimate Survivor
  63. Retired Moderators > tsubasalover : Shouwa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu
  64. Retired Moderators > xExordium : Fukigen na Mononokean
  65. Reviews/Recommendations Moderators > AlexPaulLEWZ : Island
  66. Reviews/Recommendations Moderators > danyelll : Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai!
  67. Reviews/Recommendations Moderators > gaussian_ : Mokke
  68. Reviews/Recommendations Moderators > kekekeKaj : Seikai no Monshou
  69. Reviews/Recommendations Moderators > Maffy : Katanagatari
  70. Reviews/Recommendations Moderators > Pipe : Slam Dunk
  71. Social Media Team > Kaguyachinchin : 86
  72. Social Media Team > lil-pie : Soul Eater

Miscellaneous MAL Staff Favorites

Created on : 2018-10-22

MAL forum thread

4 Difficulties :

1.25 Point(s)
10 items to complete
115 Turnins
51 Validated Turnins
2 Point(s)
15 items to complete
53 Turnins
24 Validated Turnins
2.75 Point(s)
20 items to complete
39 Turnins
18 Validated Turnins
3.5 Point(s)
25 items to complete
11 Turnins
0 Validated Turnins

Rules :

  • This challenge requires watching a given number of anime.
  • All anime, including previously seen or started, can be used for this challenge.
  • No ongoing anime can be used for this challenge. They must have finished airing (and you must have completed them) before your turn-in date.
  • This challenge can be submitted once for each difficulty.