Challenge : Monthly Roulette - March 2024

  1. [2024-02-26] KuriPuri
  2. [2024-02-27] Rinarin
  3. [2024-02-27] vemz21
  4. [2024-02-27] AngelShiva
  5. [2024-02-27] dierubikdie
  6. [2024-02-27] is_peque
  7. [2024-02-28] Jhiday
  8. [2024-02-28] Sam565
  9. [2024-02-29] MrNorthwoods
  10. [2024-03-01] nyanko
  11. [2024-03-01] Genovia_
  12. [2024-03-02] Yterbium
  13. [2024-03-02] Bri
  14. [2024-03-03] Mr_Duke_
  15. [2024-03-03] Reisho-Teki
  16. [2024-03-03] Twintail_Daemon
  17. [2024-03-03] Aur0ra
  18. [2024-03-04] Kiyuka
  19. [2024-03-06] Jeon
  20. [2024-03-06] CsillaLoli
  21. [2024-03-07] ohpishhposh
  22. [2024-03-07] YayakoChii
  23. [2024-03-09] myuniquename
  24. [2024-03-09] redincall
  25. [2024-03-09] hinagatari
  26. [2024-03-10] miaxnder
  27. [2024-03-14] Punkero
  28. [2024-03-14] thegoishady
  29. [2024-03-14] bigdud24
  30. [2024-03-15] Kristiwazhere
  31. [2024-03-15] Rage_Beat06
  32. [2024-03-15] trojangirl12
  33. [2024-03-17] xLunaDragon
  34. [2024-03-19] Yoko_k
  35. [2024-03-21] KatjieKat
  36. [2024-03-21] Ranacchi
  37. [2024-03-22] Otaku_baka_dsk
  38. [2024-03-22] FeezyWheezy
  39. [2024-03-25] Ariies_
  40. [2024-03-31] Jokobo
  41. [2024-03-31] Szrebi
  42. [2024-04-01] Jaikeis
  43. [2024-04-03] jaeo_k
  44. [2024-04-06] SheyCroix
  45. [2024-04-08] JTtheLlama
  46. [2024-04-09] elsewherecw
  47. [2024-04-10] Crazee
  48. [2024-04-11] Canaan
  49. [2024-04-14] HimeCrycho
  50. [2024-04-20] tbeans10
  51. [2024-04-22] Stargate18
  52. [2024-04-23] ScarletCelestial
  53. [2024-04-23] AliceHanano
  54. [2024-04-24] hoshi4
  55. [2024-04-25] Eleanora1315

List of Series (0/61)

    All Series (0/61)

  1. 4-nin wa Sorezore Uso wo Tsuku [AliceHanano]
  2. Akiba Meido Sensou [Jeon]
  3. Akuyaku Reijou nanode Last Boss wo Kattemimashita [Otaku_baka_dsk]
  4. Anima Yell! [Punkero]
  5. Aoki Hagane no Arpeggio: Ars Nova [Genovia_]
  6. Arata Kangatari [FeezyWheezy]
  7. Area 88 [YayakoChii]
  8. Boku no Hero Academia [Crazee]
  9. Centaur no Nayami
  10. Chrno Crusade [tbeans10]
  11. Cool Doji Danshi [Bri]
  12. Eikoku Koi Monogatari Emma [bigdud24]
  13. Eizouken ni wa Te wo Dasu na! [myuniquename]
  14. Fune wo Amu [xLunaDragon]
  15. Gakkou no Kaidan [Eleanora1315]
  16. Gakuen Babysitters [ohpishhposh]
  17. Gochuumon wa Usagi desu ka? [Twintail_Daemon]
  18. Golden Kamuy [MrNorthwoods]
  19. Heike Monogatari [Reisho-Teki]
  20. Houseki no Kuni [miaxnder]
  21. Id:Invaded [Kristiwazhere]
  22. Inari, Konkon, Koi Iroha. [Yoko_k]
  23. Iria: Zeiram The Animation [Stargate18]
  24. Jigokuraku [Rinarin]
  25. Kakushigoto [Wyvern22]
  26. Kimi no Koto ga Daidaidaidaidaisuki na 100-nin no Kanojo [CsillaLoli]
  27. Kimi to Boku. [elsewherecw]
  28. Kimi to, Nami ni Noretara [JTtheLlama]
  29. Kishuku Gakkou no Juliet [acestrawbs]
  30. Koi wa Sekai Seifuku no Ato de [KuriPuri]
  31. Kokoro ga Sakebitagatterunda. [KatjieKat]
  32. Kumo no Mukou, Yakusoku no Basho [AutumnBug]
  33. Maoujou de Oyasumi [AngelShiva]
  34. Mieruko-chan [Ranacchi]
  35. Migi to Dali [nyanko]
  36. Mirai Shounen Conan [hinagatari]
  37. Moyashimon [CukieMunster]
  38. Muhyo to Rouji no Mahouritsu Soudan Jimusho [is_peque]
  39. New Game! [vemz21]
  40. Nodame Cantabile [Jokobo]
  41. Non Non Biyori [Rage_Beat06]
  42. Otome Game Sekai wa Mob ni Kibishii Sekai desu [Kiyuka]
  43. Ousama Ranking [Aur0ra]
  44. Qualidea Code [Sam565]
  45. Shine Post [Mr_Duke_]
  46. Somali to Mori no Kamisama [thegoishady]
  47. SSSS.Gridman [dierubikdie]
  48. Tantei Opera Milky Holmes [Canaan]
  49. Tengoku Daimakyou [hoshi4]
  50. The Missing 8 [Jhiday]
  51. Tomo-chan wa Onnanoko! [ScarletCelestial]
  52. Tong Ling Fei [Jaikeis]
  53. Touhai Densetsu Akagi: Yami ni Maiorita Tensai [SheyCroix]
  54. Tsuki ga Michibiku Isekai Douchuu [redincall]
  55. Under Ninja [trojangirl12]
  56. Uramichi Oniisan [jaeo_k]
  57. Vandread [Yterbium]
  58. Vanitas no Karte [HimeCrycho]
  59. Visual Prison [UniqueOtaku101]
  60. Witch Craft Works [Ariies_]
  61. Yankee Hamster [Szrebi]

Limited Monthly Roulette - March 2024 Closed

Created on : 2024-02-25

Closed on : 2024-04-25

MAL forum thread

0.25 Point(s)
55 Turnins
55 Validated Turnins

Rules :

  • This challenge requires watching the anime you are assigned.
  • No previously seen nor previously started anime can be used for this challenge. Additionally, everything must be watched within the challenge's limited window of time.
  • No ongoing anime can be used for this challenge. They must have finished airing (and you must have completed them) before your turn-in date.
  • This challenge can only count once. Only one turn-in will be taken into account.
  • This challenge has its own turnin method and should not be turned in the main turnin threads.