Challenge : Pick Your Challenge Tournament

  1. [#20 - 2025-01-12] kjplethodon - Voter
  2. [#21 - 2025-01-12] redincall - Voter
  3. [#22 - 2025-01-12] SheyCroix - Voter
  4. [#23 - 2025-01-12] coziitsu - Voter
  5. [#24 - 2025-01-12] Jokobo - Voter
  6. [#25 - 2025-01-12] JTtheLlama - Voter
  7. [#26 - 2025-01-12] VassiKvass - Voter
  8. [#27 - 2025-01-12] Sam565 - Voter
  9. [#28 - 2025-01-12] ohpishhposh - Voter
  10. [#29 - 2025-01-12] tbeans10 - Voter
  11. [#30 - 2025-01-12] smemorato - Voter
  12. [#31 - 2025-01-12] Marzipan-Goose - Voter
  13. [#32 - 2025-01-12] thegoishady - Voter
  14. [#33 - 2025-01-12] Jaikeis - Voter
  15. [#34 - 2025-01-12] AngelShiva - Voter
  16. [#35 - 2025-01-12] andreth - Voter
  17. [#36 - 2025-01-12] LeGoldenWolf - Voter
  18. [#37 - 2025-01-12] Ranacchi - Voter
  19. [#38 - 2025-01-12] Arashiiiii - Voter
  20. [#39 - 2025-01-12] Aur0ra - Voter
  21. [#40 - 2025-01-12] SGKunoe - Voter
  22. [#41 - 2025-01-12] ZioShard - Voter
  23. [#42 - 2025-01-12] acestrawbs - Voter
  24. [#43 - 2025-01-12] Canaan - Voter
  25. [#44 - 2025-01-12] Papa_Dragon - Voter
  26. [#45 - 2025-01-12] KrypRem - Voter
  27. [#46 - 2025-01-12] Punkero - Voter
  28. [#47 - 2025-01-12] rosemagic - Voter
  29. [#48 - 2025-01-12] Campiz06 - Voter
  30. [#49 - 2025-01-12] blackmagemasta - Voter
  31. [#50 - 2025-01-12] FeezyWheezy - Voter
  32. [#51 - 2025-01-12] AjaxTSS - Voter
  33. [#52 - 2025-01-12] myuniquename - Voter
  34. [#53 - 2025-01-12] HimeCrycho - Voter
  35. [#54 - 2025-01-12] nyanko - Voter
  36. [#55 - 2025-01-12] Timcampy - Voter
  37. [#56 - 2025-01-12] bigdud24 - Voter
  38. [#57 - 2025-01-12] Ebo - Voter
  39. [#58 - 2025-01-12] elsewherecw - Voter
  40. [#59 - 2025-01-12] Yoko_k - Voter
  41. [#60 - 2025-01-12] hinagatari - Voter
  42. [#61 - 2025-01-12] YayakoChii - Voter
  43. [#62 - 2025-01-12] zhabnica - Voter
  44. [#63 - 2025-01-12] Jhiday - Voter
  45. [#64 - 2025-01-12] Twintail_Daemon - Voter
  46. [#65 - 2025-01-12] ThijsF - Voter
  47. [#66 - 2025-01-12] ScarletCelestial - Voter
  48. [#67 - 2025-01-12] is_peque - Voter
  49. [#68 - 2025-01-12] Prophecygirl - Voter
  50. [#69 - 2025-01-12] Malin28 - Voter
  51. [#70 - 2025-01-12] Ariies_ - Voter
  52. [#71 - 2025-01-12] Yterbium - Voter
  53. [#72 - 2025-01-12] Ykoz - Voter
  54. [#73 - 2025-01-12] Rinarin - Voter
  55. [#74 - 2025-01-12] HDAsylum - Voter
  56. [#75 - 2025-01-12] UniqueOtaku101 - Voter
  57. [#76 - 2025-01-12] silveraaki - Voter
  58. [#77 - 2025-01-12] Hibbington - Voter
  59. [#78 - 2025-01-12] Gwathgor - Voter
  60. [#79 - 2025-01-12] KatjieKat - Voter
  61. [#80 - 2025-01-12] Kristiwazhere - Voter
  62. [#81 - 2025-01-12] CsillaLoli - Voter
  63. [#82 - 2025-01-12] Nurguburu - Voter
  64. [#83 - 2025-01-12] Combeferre - Voter
  65. [#84 - 2025-01-12] hoshi4 - Voter
  66. [#85 - 2025-01-12] AliceHanano - Voter

Limited Pick Your Challenge Tournament

Created on : 2025-01-13

Closed on : 2025-03-30

MAL forum thread

6 Difficulties :

0.5 Point(s)
4 items to complete
0 Turnins
0 Validated Turnins
1 Point(s)
8 items to complete
0 Turnins
0 Validated Turnins
1.5 Point(s)
12 items to complete
0 Turnins
0 Validated Turnins
2 Point(s)
16 items to complete
0 Turnins
0 Validated Turnins
0.25 Point(s)
66 Turnins
66 Validated Turnins
0.5 Point(s)
4 items to complete
0 Turnins
0 Validated Turnins

Rules :

  • This challenge requires watching anime corresponding to a given amount of criteria.
  • No previously seen anime can be used for this challenge. Additionally, everything must be completed within the challenge's limited window of time.
  • No ongoing anime can be used for this challenge. They must have finished airing (and you must have completed them) before your turn-in date.
  • All anime used for this challenge must have a total duration of a minimum of 15 minutes.
  • This challenge can be submitted once for each difficulty.
  • This challenge has its own turnin method and should not be turned in the main turnin threads.

Extended description :

AG - Part 1 -
AWCC - Part 2 -