Challenge : Scavenger Hunt #25

  1. [V1 - #6828 - 2018-04-11] Wyvern22
  2. [V1 - #6830 - 2018-04-11] AYOSHINA
  3. [V1 - #6837 - 2018-04-11] Soarax
  4. [V1 - #6888 - 2018-04-18] SunflowerDaisho
  5. [V1 - #6896 - 2018-04-19] sonniet
  6. [V1 - #6912 - 2018-04-22] GNozaki
  7. [V1 - #6939 - 2018-04-25] SheyCroix
  8. [V1 - #6958 - 2018-04-27] Zenit
  9. [V1 - #6968 - 2018-04-28] Tubby
  10. [V1 - #6978 - 2018-04-29] TheEdgelord
  11. [V1 - #6984 - 2018-04-29] YayakoChii
  12. [V1 - #7043 - 2018-05-02] TreasuredHopes
  13. [V1 - #7095 - 2018-05-09] AngelShiva
  14. [V1 - #7115 - 2018-05-12] Jhiday
  15. [V1 - #7123 - 2018-05-13] lanblade
  16. [V1 - #7150 - 2018-05-17] TahZin
  17. [V1 - #7255 - 2018-08-09] Yuri-san
  18. [V1 - #7332 - 2018-08-22] kallah
  19. [V1 - #7419 - 2018-08-31] starfishalliance
  20. [V1 - #7451 - 2018-09-04] Kreyul
  21. [V1 - #7466 - 2018-09-07] tbeans10
  22. [V1 - #7484 - 2018-09-10] Keiken
  23. [V1 - #7488 - 2018-09-11] Clover
  24. [V1 - #7638 - 2018-09-29] NaineLIEz
  25. [V1 - #7711 - 2018-10-06] MochiMagus
  26. [V1 - #7965 - 2018-11-06] AnshiAneko
  27. [V1 - #8036 - 2018-11-19] MegaManBK7
  28. [V1 - #8098 - 2018-11-27] lifeiscrazy
  29. [V1 - #8166 - 2018-12-05] ParsleyParsnips
  30. [V1 - #8617 - 2019-02-01] greyjoie
  31. [V1 - #8740 - 2019-02-17] Aeradae
  32. [V1 - #9227 - 2019-04-10] Zilluminate
  33. [V1 - #9846 - 2019-07-06] foxxykat1223
  34. [V1 - #9859 - 2019-07-09] ScarletCelestial
  35. [V1 - #9943 - 2019-07-25] SebastianOrf3
  36. [V2 - #148 - 2019-09-07] riho88riho
  37. [V2 - #216 - 2019-09-17] dixcloxure
  38. [V2 - #439 - 2019-10-06] Gwathgor
  39. [V2 - #489 - 2019-10-13] Bern_stein
  40. [V2 - #513 - 2019-10-17] isahbellah
  41. [V2 - #851 - 2019-11-21] Papa_Dragon
  42. [V2 - #972 - 2019-11-30] ShockZz
  43. [V2 - #1035 - 2019-12-08] leapylee
  44. [V2 - #1750 - 2020-02-12] dierubikdie
  45. [V2 - #2313 - 2020-03-31] ImagineBrkr
  46. [V2 - #2394 - 2020-04-06] ImagineBrkr x2
  47. [V2 - #2513 - 2020-04-14] ScarletCelestial x2
  48. [V2 - #2521 - 2020-04-15] sassss
  49. [V2 - #2556 - 2020-04-17] Bri
  50. [V2 - #2572 - 2020-04-18] nyanko
  51. [V2 - #2605 - 2020-04-20] Technotron
  52. [V2 - #2813 - 2020-05-05] cornflakegod
  53. [V2 - #2829 - 2020-05-06] lubryka
  54. [V2 - #2834 - 2020-05-07] nyanko x2
  55. [V2 - #2933 - 2020-05-16] Papa_Dragon x2
  56. [V2 - #2973 - 2020-05-19] Yterbium
  57. [V2 - #3059 - 2020-05-25] Imyreld x2
  58. [V2 - #3137 - 2020-05-29] ShockZz x2
  59. [V2 - #3161 - 2020-05-31] Bern_stein x2
  60. [V2 - #3332 - 2020-06-13] YayakoChii x2
  61. [V2 - #3398 - 2020-06-19] PNR_13
  62. [V2 - #3468 - 2020-06-27] Wyvern22 x2
  63. [V2 - #3561 - 2020-07-03] Bri x2
  64. [V2 - #3763 - 2020-07-21] Rellni944
  65. [V2 - #4058 - 2020-08-11] Rellni944 x2
  66. [V2 - #4066 - 2020-08-11] KuraikoDesu
  67. [V2 - #4134 - 2020-08-19] Zenit x2
  68. [V2 - #4224 - 2020-08-23] dierubikdie x2
  69. [V2 - #4291 - 2020-08-30] tamochinnn
  70. [V2 - #4399 - 2020-09-05] Kuroiji
  71. [V2 - #4513 - 2020-09-17] Otaku_baka_dsk
  72. [V2 - #4628 - 2020-09-27] Vanadis
  73. [V2 - #4662 - 2020-09-29] Aeradae x2
  74. [V2 - #5024 - 2020-10-29] Kristiwazhere
  75. [V2 - #5427 - 2020-11-26] Ylienna
  76. [V2 - #5642 - 2020-12-11] Gwathgor x2
  77. [V2 - #5695 - 2020-12-15] Otaku_baka_dsk x2
  78. [V2 - #6075 - 2021-01-10] MetalFalcon
  79. [V2 - #6181 - 2021-01-18] blindzero
  80. [V2 - #6306 - 2021-01-27] Kuroiji x2
  81. [V2 - #6333 - 2021-01-30] MetalFalcon x2
  82. [V2 - #6763 - 2021-02-28] PNR_13 x2
  83. [V2 - #6854 - 2021-03-05] foxxykat1223 x2
  84. [V2 - #6909 - 2021-03-10] OweynLupton
  85. [V2 - #6941 - 2021-03-14] Crazee
  86. [V2 - #7152 - 2021-03-29] Technotron x2
  87. [V2 - #7756 - 2021-05-12] OweynLupton x2
  88. [V2 - #8197 - 2021-06-13] trojangirl12
  89. [V2 - #8241 - 2021-06-17] Netbug
  90. [V2 - #8253 - 2021-06-18] MadClaw1138
  91. [V2 - #8474 - 2021-07-01] starfishalliance x2
  92. [V2 - #8531 - 2021-07-05] Crazee x2
  93. [V2 - #8567 - 2021-07-08] trojangirl12 x2
  94. [V2 - #8593 - 2021-07-10] SunflowerDaisho x2
  95. [V2 - #9175 - 2021-08-27] Campiz06
  96. [V2 - #9376 - 2021-09-11] Shuurei
  97. [V2 - #9649 - 2021-10-01] Daisy-Sensei
  98. [V2 - #9818 - 2021-10-18] Jokobo
  99. [V2 - #9877 - 2021-10-24] HDAsylum
  100. [V3 - #130 - 2021-11-19] Jokobo x2
  101. [V3 - #223 - 2021-11-28] Mackamizzle
  102. [V3 - #383 - 2021-12-13] Keiken x2
  103. [V3 - #942 - 2022-01-26] Mackamizzle x2
  104. [V3 - #1180 - 2022-02-15] boredrandomguy
  105. [V3 - #1707 - 2022-03-29] xWETERx
  106. [V3 - #1838 - 2022-04-07] Yterbium x2
  107. [V3 - #2859 - 2022-07-09] maurorr
  108. [V3 - #3494 - 2022-09-14] CsillaLoli
  109. [V3 - #3586 - 2022-09-26] Jeon
  110. [V3 - #3638 - 2022-09-30] Vanadis x2
  111. [V3 - #3685 - 2022-10-02] Eleanora1315
  112. [V3 - #3901 - 2022-10-28] RachelPanda
  113. [V3 - #4136 - 2022-11-23] HDAsylum x2
  114. [V3 - #4257 - 2022-12-01] Myelin_sr
  115. [V3 - #4950 - 2023-01-30] HimeCrycho
  116. [V3 - #5465 - 2023-03-13] valyrina
  117. [V3 - #5797 - 2023-04-15] Eyth
  118. [V3 - #6000 - 2023-05-05] Genovia_
  119. [V3 - #6040 - 2023-05-13] Szrebi
  120. [V3 - #6190 - 2023-05-31] TreasuredHopes x2
  121. [V3 - #6294 - 2023-06-12] Genovia_ x2
  122. [V3 - #6503 - 2023-07-01] HimeCrycho x2
  123. [V3 - #6565 - 2023-07-06] silveraaki
  124. [V3 - #6757 - 2023-07-24] myuniquename
  125. [V3 - #6809 - 2023-07-29] Ylienna x2
  126. [V3 - #6899 - 2023-08-04] ohpishhposh
  127. [V3 - #6992 - 2023-08-17] MegaManBK7 x2
  128. [V3 - #7100 - 2023-08-30] Dumasop
  129. [V3 - #7235 - 2023-09-18] iamrure
  130. [V3 - #7327 - 2023-09-30] nerfsunny
  131. [V3 - #7399 - 2023-10-10] myuniquename x2
  132. [V3 - #7434 - 2023-10-15] Ariies_
  133. [V3 - #7642 - 2023-11-09] heysunny
  134. [V3 - #7693 - 2023-11-14] silveraaki x2
  135. [V3 - #8031 - 2023-12-29] lubryka x2
  136. [V3 - #8444 - 2024-02-17] ohpishhposh x2
  137. [V3 - #8499 - 2024-02-28] cornflakegod x2
  138. [V3 - #8515 - 2024-03-01] Myelin_sr x2
  139. [V3 - #8538 - 2024-03-04] Yoko_k
  140. [V3 - #8889 - 2024-04-29] AliceHanano
  141. [V3 - #9117 - 2024-06-14] suraj_anton
  142. [V3 - #9161 - 2024-05-26] AliceHanano x2
  143. [V3 - #9218 - 2024-06-25] bigdud24
  144. [V3 - #9509 - 2023-10-01] is_peque
  145. [V3 - #9602 - 2024-01-16] Eyth x2
  146. [V3 - #9605 - 2024-08-25] Daisy-Sensei x2
  147. [V3 - #9658 - 2024-03-02] Catexia
  148. [V3 - #9843 - 2023-07-08] Ykoz
  149. [V3 - #9943 - 2024-10-17] bigdud24 x2
  150. [V4 - #69 - 2024-10-14] Nezperdian
  151. [V4 - #539 - 2025-01-26] chowderbags
  152. [V4 - #635 - 2025-02-10] VassiKvass
  153. [V4 - #732 - 2025-01-22] NekoEvie
  154. [V4 - #758 - 2025-02-22] Aur0ra
  155. [V4 - #772 - 2025-03-02] redincall

Scavenger Hunt Scavenger Hunt #25

Created on : 2018-04-10

MAL forum thread

0.5 Point(s)
5 items to complete
155 Turnins
99 Validated Turnins

Rules :

  • This challenge requires watching anime corresponding to a given amount of criteria.
  • No previously seen nor previously started anime can be used for this challenge.
  • No ongoing anime can be used for this challenge. They must have finished airing (and you must have completed them) before your turn-in date.
  • This challenge can be submitted twice.
  • This challenge cannot overlap with any of the other challenges of its category.