Challenge : Second Chances 2023

  1. [V3 - #8084 - 2024-01-04] HimeCrycho - Easy
  2. [V3 - #8189 - 2024-01-18] HimeCrycho - Medium
  3. [V3 - #8193 - 2024-01-19] lostnyanko - Easy
  4. [V3 - #8200 - 2024-01-19] cornflakegod - Easy
  5. [V3 - #8298 - 2024-02-01] Campiz06 - Conquered
  6. [V3 - #8341 - 2024-02-05] dierubikdie - Conquered
  7. [V3 - #8385 - 2024-02-11] lostnyanko - Medium
  8. [V3 - #8429 - 2024-02-16] Yoko_k - Hard
  9. [V3 - #8447 - 2024-02-17] cornflakegod - Medium
  10. [V3 - #8533 - 2024-03-03] ohpishhposh - Easy
  11. [V3 - #8561 - 2024-03-08] Karma_Lovers - Easy
  12. [V3 - #8680 - 2024-03-27] ohpishhposh - Medium
  13. [V3 - #8681 - 2024-03-27] trojangirl12 - Conquered
  14. [V3 - #8689 - 2024-03-28] lostnyanko - Hard
  15. [V3 - #8699 - 2024-03-29] ScarletCelestial - Easy
  16. [V3 - #8710 - 2024-03-31] bigdud24 - Conquered
  17. [V3 - #8731 - 2024-04-03] TheEdgelord - Easy
  18. [V3 - #8742 - 2024-04-05] Bri - Conquered
  19. [V3 - #8742 - 2024-04-05] Bri - Hard
  20. [V3 - #8742 - 2024-04-05] Bri - Medium
  21. [V3 - #8746 - 2024-04-06] Crazee - Conquered
  22. [V3 - #8766 - 2024-04-10] Myelin_sr - Hard
  23. [V3 - #8766 - 2024-04-10] Myelin_sr - Medium
  24. [V3 - #8766 - 2024-04-10] Myelin_sr - Easy
  25. [V3 - #8779 - 2024-04-12] Bri - Easy
  26. [V3 - #8826 - 2024-04-19] AliceHanano - Easy
  27. [V3 - #8836 - 2024-04-22] cornflakegod - Hard
  28. [V3 - #8853 - 2024-04-24] silveraaki - Easy
  29. [V3 - #8853 - 2024-04-24] silveraaki - Medium
  30. [V3 - #8854 - 2024-04-25] Jaikeis - Conquered
  31. [V3 - #8922 - 2024-05-05] Sarada - Easy
  32. [V3 - #8955 - 2024-05-14] Papa_Dragon - Conquered
  33. [V3 - #8991 - 2024-05-22] lostnyanko - Conquered
  34. [V3 - #9019 - 2024-02-20] OweynLupton - Easy
  35. [V3 - #9019 - 2024-03-27] OweynLupton - Medium
  36. [V3 - #9092 - 2024-06-09] Bern_stein - Easy
  37. [V3 - #9096 - 2024-06-11] Papa_Dragon - Hard
  38. [V3 - #9107 - 2024-06-12] trojangirl12 - Hard
  39. [V3 - #9118 - 2024-06-12] ScarletCelestial - Medium
  40. [V3 - #9119 - 2024-06-01] SunflowerDaisho - Easy
  41. [V3 - #9153 - 2024-06-19] Papa_Dragon - Medium
  42. [V3 - #9161 - 2024-04-28] AliceHanano - Medium
  43. [V3 - #9164 - 2024-06-22] bigdud24 - Hard
  44. [V3 - #9239 - 2024-06-04] OweynLupton - Hard
  45. [V3 - #9258 - 2024-06-30] Papa_Dragon - Easy
  46. [V3 - #9294 - 2024-06-25] Crazee - Medium
  47. [V3 - #9367 - 2024-07-17] Bern_stein - Medium

Monthly Second Chances 2023

Created on : 2024-01-01

MAL forum thread

4 Difficulties :

1.25 Point(s)
20 items to complete
16 Turnins
0 Validated Turnins
2 Point(s)
30 items to complete
13 Turnins
0 Validated Turnins
2.75 Point(s)
40 items to complete
9 Turnins
0 Validated Turnins
3.5 Point(s)
50 items to complete
9 Turnins
0 Validated Turnins

Rules :

  • This challenge requires watching anime corresponding to a given amount of criteria.
  • Previously seen anime cannot be used for this challenge, but previously started can.
  • No ongoing anime can be used for this challenge. They must have finished airing (and you must have completed them) before your turn-in date.
  • All anime used for this challenge must have a total duration of a minimum of 15 minutes.
  • This challenge can be submitted once for each difficulty.