Challenge : TMS Entertainment

  1. [V2 - #5596 - 2020-12-08] ownitlikeaboss - Easy
  2. [V2 - #5602 - 2020-12-08] ScarletCelestial - Conquered
  3. [V2 - #5602 - 2020-12-08] ScarletCelestial - Easy
  4. [V2 - #5603 - 2020-12-08] Jhiday - Hard
  5. [V2 - #5604 - 2020-12-08] Rinarin - Medium
  6. [V2 - #5605 - 2020-12-08] PNR_13 - Easy
  7. [V2 - #5606 - 2020-12-08] nyanko - Easy
  8. [V2 - #5607 - 2020-12-08] Papa_Dragon - Easy
  9. [V2 - #5614 - 2020-12-09] Bri - Hard
  10. [V2 - #5618 - 2020-12-09] Ylienna - Easy
  11. [V2 - #5621 - 2020-12-09] Bern_stein - Easy
  12. [V2 - #5627 - 2020-12-10] Aur0ra - Easy
  13. [V2 - #5627 - 2020-12-10] Aur0ra - Medium
  14. [V2 - #5628 - 2020-12-10] Eyth - Easy
  15. [V2 - #5629 - 2020-12-10] hinagatari - Medium
  16. [V2 - #5640 - 2020-12-11] ShockZz - Easy
  17. [V2 - #5642 - 2020-12-11] Gwathgor - Easy
  18. [V2 - #5665 - 2020-12-12] Campiz06 - Easy
  19. [V2 - #5671 - 2020-12-13] SunflowerDaisho - Easy
  20. [V2 - #5695 - 2020-12-15] Otaku_baka_dsk - Easy
  21. [V2 - #5706 - 2020-12-16] Zenit - Hard
  22. [V2 - #5706 - 2020-12-16] Zenit - Conquered
  23. [V2 - #5735 - 2020-12-18] trojangirl12 - Easy
  24. [V2 - #5751 - 2020-12-19] Shuurei - Easy
  25. [V2 - #5874 - 2020-12-28] Wyvern22 - Conquered
  26. [V2 - #5874 - 2020-12-28] Wyvern22 - Hard
  27. [V2 - #5965 - 2021-01-01] Nastusia - Easy
  28. [V2 - #5993 - 2021-01-03] Rellni944 - Easy
  29. [V2 - #5998 - 2021-01-03] U1Q98m-Sei - Easy
  30. [V2 - #6097 - 2021-01-11] Zangril - Easy
  31. [V2 - #6138 - 2021-01-15] leapylee - Medium
  32. [V2 - #6219 - 2021-01-20] Imyreld - Hard
  33. [V2 - #6461 - 2021-02-06] acestrawbs - Easy
  34. [V2 - #6513 - 2021-02-10] KuriPuri - Easy
  35. [V2 - #6553 - 2021-02-14] AngelHana - Easy
  36. [V2 - #6640 - 2021-02-21] DetectiveChimp - Medium
  37. [V2 - #6847 - 2021-03-04] Yterbium - Easy
  38. [V2 - #6924 - 2021-03-12] Kuroiji - Easy
  39. [V2 - #7152 - 2021-03-29] Technotron - Easy
  40. [V2 - #7192 - 2021-03-31] TheFlyingOrange - Easy
  41. [V2 - #7260 - 2021-04-05] Lestat- - Easy
  42. [V2 - #7359 - 2021-04-12] JTtheLlama - Easy
  43. [V2 - #7387 - 2021-04-15] Jaikeis - Hard
  44. [V2 - #7543 - 2021-04-26] Benti_ - Easy
  45. [V2 - #7624 - 2021-04-30] Wyvern22 - Medium
  46. [V2 - #7756 - 2021-05-12] OweynLupton - Easy
  47. [V2 - #8055 - 2021-06-01] Helvian494743 - Easy
  48. [V2 - #8059 - 2021-06-02] Bri - Easy
  49. [V2 - #8378 - 2021-06-28] devrat2012 - Easy
  50. [V2 - #8546 - 2021-07-06] DeadlyRaven - Easy
  51. [V2 - #8760 - 2021-07-24] Campiz06 - Medium
  52. [V2 - #8993 - 2021-08-12] SheyCroix - Medium
  53. [V2 - #9400 - 2021-09-14] jho0on_ - Easy
  54. [V2 - #9400 - 2021-09-14] jho0on_ - Medium
  55. [V2 - #9436 - 2021-09-16] Zenit - Medium
  56. [V2 - #9538 - 2021-09-25] blackmagemasta - Easy
  57. [V2 - #9687 - 2021-10-04] LyriaLegende - Easy
  58. [V2 - #9832 - 2021-10-20] Bunille - Easy
  59. [V2 - #9889 - 2021-10-26] Mackamizzle - Easy
  60. [V3 - #43 - 2021-11-07] 7kaneki7 - Easy
  61. [V3 - #132 - 2021-11-20] Kristiwazhere - Easy
  62. [V3 - #487 - 2021-12-22] symeon_a - Easy
  63. [V3 - #593 - 2021-12-30] CheeseKnife - Easy
  64. [V3 - #986 - 2022-01-30] Jhiday - Conquered (upgraded from Hard)
  65. [V3 - #1247 - 2022-02-21] Tonic_ - Conquered
  66. [V3 - #1306 - 2022-02-24] Karinara - Easy
  67. [V3 - #1306 - 2022-02-24] Karinara - Medium
  68. [V3 - #1514 - 2022-03-13] Timcampy - Easy
  69. [V3 - #2064 - 2022-04-30] leapylee - Easy
  70. [V3 - #2382 - 2022-05-29] dianali - Easy
  71. [V3 - #2993 - 2022-07-24] Ten - Easy
  72. [V3 - #3186 - 2022-08-09] Mikaytama13 - Easy
  73. [V3 - #3493 - 2022-09-14] NaineLIEz - Conquered
  74. [V3 - #4017 - 2022-11-07] _Alive_ - Medium
  75. [V3 - #4132 - 2022-11-22] nyanko - Medium
  76. [V3 - #4543 - 2022-12-30] Jhiday - Easy
  77. [V3 - #4823 - 2023-01-21] kerryelc - Easy
  78. [V3 - #4854 - 2023-01-23] Sam565 - Easy
  79. [V3 - #4929 - 2023-01-29] HimeCrycho - Conquered
  80. [V3 - #4977 - 2023-01-31] Malin28 - Easy
  81. [V3 - #5607 - 2023-03-28] Campiz06 - Hard
  82. [V3 - #5823 - 2023-04-17] iamrure - Easy
  83. [V3 - #5843 - 2023-04-19] Combeferre - Easy
  84. [V3 - #6169 - 2023-05-29] Eyth - Medium
  85. [V3 - #6216 - 2023-06-01] Timcampy - Medium
  86. [V3 - #6322 - 2023-06-15] is_peque - Easy
  87. [V3 - #6331 - 2023-06-16] Talha17Sama - Easy
  88. [V3 - #6419 - 2023-06-25] Bri - Medium
  89. [V3 - #6422 - 2023-06-25] OweynLupton - Medium
  90. [V3 - #6614 - 2023-07-12] hoshi4 - Hard
  91. [V3 - #6831 - 2023-07-30] Canaan - Easy
  92. [V3 - #6915 - 2023-08-06] myuniquename - Easy
  93. [V3 - #6925 - 2023-08-07] ImagineBrkr - Conquered
  94. [V3 - #6954 - 2023-08-11] Twintail_Daemon - Easy
  95. [V3 - #7040 - 2023-08-24] HimeCrycho - Easy
  96. [V3 - #7045 - 2023-08-24] Zenit - Easy
  97. [V3 - #7160 - 2023-09-07] AnshiAneko - Easy
  98. [V3 - #7256 - 2023-09-21] blurubberlizard - Easy
  99. [V3 - #7322 - 2023-09-29] Malin28 - Medium
  100. [V3 - #7323 - 2023-09-29] jaeo_k - Easy
  101. [V3 - #7501 - 2023-10-23] ScarletCelestial - Medium
  102. [V3 - #7534 - 2023-10-28] redincall - Easy
  103. [V3 - #7635 - 2023-11-08] hinagatari - Easy
  104. [V3 - #7823 - 2023-11-30] anakg - Easy
  105. [V3 - #7871 - 2023-12-09] Reisho-Teki - Medium
  106. [V3 - #8014 - 2023-12-27] Karma_Lovers - Easy
  107. [V3 - #8154 - 2024-01-13] gingermoon - Easy
  108. [V3 - #8278 - 2024-01-30] Tonic_ - Easy
  109. [V3 - #8451 - 2024-02-18] YayakoChii - Conquered
  110. [V3 - #8453 - 2024-02-19] BeanChagBear - Easy
  111. [V3 - #8461 - 2024-02-20] Rivka44 - Easy
  112. [V3 - #8558 - 2024-03-08] Jeon - Easy
  113. [V3 - #8627 - 2024-03-19] GakutoDeathGlare - Easy
  114. [V3 - #8635 - 2024-03-20] ohpishhposh - Easy
  115. [V3 - #8678 - 2024-03-27] bigdud24 - Easy
  116. [V3 - #8752 - 2024-04-07] blackmagemasta - Medium
  117. [V3 - #8760 - 2024-04-08] ImagineBrkr - Hard
  118. [V3 - #8934 - 2024-05-08] RachelPanda - Hard
  119. [V3 - #8962 - 2024-05-15] Sarada - Easy
  120. [V3 - #9020 - 2024-05-28] myuniquename - Medium (upgraded from Easy)
  121. [V3 - #9094 - 2024-06-10] sassss - Easy
  122. [V3 - #9135 - 2024-06-18] Jhiday - Medium
  123. [V3 - #9203 - 2022-10-15] Yterbium - Medium (upgraded from Easy)
  124. [V3 - #9256 - 2024-06-30] SheyCroix - Conquered (upgraded from Medium)
  125. [V3 - #9321 - 2024-07-08] ImagineBrkr - Medium
  126. [V3 - #9476 - 2024-07-30] Reisho-Teki - Easy
  127. [V3 - #9497 - 2024-07-29] HimeCrycho - Hard
  128. [V3 - #9580 - 2024-08-15] Nastusia - Medium
  129. [V3 - #9686 - 2024-09-05] Clamshell - Easy
  130. [V3 - #9714 - 2024-09-04] hoshi4 - Easy
  131. [V3 - #9833 - 2024-09-18] Yoko_k - Easy
  132. [V4 - #72 - 2024-11-08] VassiKvass - Easy
  133. [V4 - #159 - 2024-11-22] Jaikeis - Easy
  134. [V4 - #336 - 2024-12-26] Charlotte1412 - Easy
  135. [V4 - #336 - 2024-12-26] Charlotte1412 - Medium
  136. [V4 - #360 - 2024-12-29] Enrico45 - Medium
  137. [V4 - #451 - 2024-12-27] Talha17Sama - Medium
  138. [V4 - #457 - 2024-11-26] elsewherecw - Easy
  139. [V4 - #598 - 2024-07-02] littlemyosotis - Easy
  140. [V4 - #618 - 2025-02-07] goncix3000 - Easy

    Number of items to watch by difficulty :

  • Easy : 20 items
  • Medium : 40 items
  • Hard : 60 items
  • Conquered : 80 items
  1. not available in English #Compass
  2. Ace wo Nerae!
  3. Ace wo Nerae! (1979)
  4. Ace wo Nerae! 2
  5. Ace wo Nerae! Final Stage
  6. Aishiteruze Baby★★
  7. not available in English Akadou Suzunosuke
  8. Akira
  9. All Out!!
  10. Amaama to Inazuma
  11. Angel Heart
  12. ongoing Ani x Para: Anata no Hero wa Dare desu ka
  13. not available in English Anisava
  14. Anpanman ga Umareta Hi
  15. not available in English Anpanman to Hajimeyou! Iro, Kazu, Katachi Wakaru ka na Iro, Katachi
  16. Aoyama Goushou Tanpenshuu
  17. Ashita no Joe 2
  18. Ashita no Joe 2 (Movie)
  19. Attack No.1
  20. Attack No.1 (1970)
  21. Attack No.1: Namida no Fushichou
  22. Attack No.1: Namida no Kaiten Receive
  23. Attack No.1: Namida no Sekai Senshuken
  24. Azusa, Otetsudai Shimasu!
  25. B'T X
  26. B'T X Neo
  27. Baki
  28. not aired yet Baki-dou
  29. Baki: Dai Raitaisai-hen
  30. Baki: Most Evil Death Row Convicts Special Anime
  31. Bakugan Battle Brawlers
  32. Bakugan Battle Brawlers: Gundalian Invaders
  33. Bakugan Battle Brawlers: Mechtanium Surge
  34. Bakugan Battle Brawlers: New Vestroia
  35. Bakugan: Armored Alliance
  36. Bakugan: Battle Planet
  37. Bakugan: Battle Planet Short Anime
  38. Bakugan: Evolutions
  39. Bakugan: Geogan Rising
  40. Bakugan: Legends
  41. Bakumatsu Gijinden Roman
  42. Bakuon!!
  43. Bakuon!! no Kobeya
  44. Bakuon!! OVA
  45. Bananya
  46. Bananya: Around the World
  47. Bananya: Fushigi na Nakama-tachi
  48. not available in English Big X
  49. Biohazard: Death Island
  50. Biohazard: Infinite Darkness
  51. Bocchan
  52. Boku no Tsuma wa Kanjou ga Nai
  53. not available in English Bouken-tachi Gamba to Nanbiki no Nakama
  54. Brave 10
  55. Broots
  56. not available in English Bug tte Honey
  57. not available in English Bug tte Honey: Megarom Shoujo Mai 4622
  58. Buzzer Beater
  59. Buzzer Beater 2nd Season
  60. Cardfight!! Vanguard
  61. Cardfight!! Vanguard G
  62. Cardfight!! Vanguard G: GIRS Crisis-hen
  63. Cardfight!! Vanguard G: Stride Gate-hen
  64. Cardfight!! Vanguard: Asia Circuit-hen
  65. Cardfight!! Vanguard: Legion Mate-hen
  66. Cardfight!! Vanguard: Link Joker-hen
  67. Cat's Eye
  68. Chichibu de Buchichi
  69. not available in English Chie-chan Funsenki: Jarinko Chie
  70. not available in English Chingou Muchabee
  71. not available in English Chou Dendou Robo Tetsujin 28-gou FX
  72. Choujikuu Seiki Orguss
  73. not available in English Choujikuu Seiki Orguss Memorial
  74. Cybersix
  75. D.Gray-man
  76. D.Gray-man Hallow
  77. Dededen
  78. Devilman Lady
  79. not available in English Dokonjou Gaeru
  80. Doraemon Movie 32: Nobita to Kiseki no Shima - Animal Adventure
  81. not available in English Doraemon: Ganbare! Gian!!
  82. Dr. Stone
  83. Dr. Stone: New World
  84. Dr. Stone: New World Part 2
  85. Dr. Stone: Ryuusui
  86. ongoing Dr. Stone: Science Future
  87. Dr. Stone: Stone Wars
  88. Dr. Stone: Stone Wars - Kaisen Zenya Special Eizou
  89. Edogawa Conan Shissou Jiken: Shijou Saiaku no Futsukakan
  90. not available in English Examurai Sengoku
  91. not available in English Examurai Sengoku Recap
  92. not available in English Flanders no Inu, Boku no Patrasche
  93. Fruits Basket 1st Season
  94. Fruits Basket 2nd Season
  95. Fruits Basket: Prelude
  96. Fruits Basket: The Final
  97. Fuse: Teppou Musume no Torimonochou
  98. Gamba no Bouken
  99. not available in English Gamba to Kawauso no Bouken
  100. not available in English Ganbare!! Tabuchi-kun!!
  101. not available in English Ganbare!! Tabuchi-kun!! Aa Tsuppari Jinsei
  102. not available in English Ganbare!! Tabuchi-kun!! Gekitou Pennant Race
  103. not available in English Ganso Tensai Bakabon
  104. Genji Monogatari Sennenki
  105. Glass no Kamen (2005)
  106. Glass no Kamen: Sen no Kamen wo Motsu Shoujo
  107. God Mazinger
  108. Golgo 13
  109. Gozonji! Gekkou Kamen-kun
  110. Gugure! Kokkuri-san
  111. Gugure! Kokkuri-san Specials
  112. Hachigatsu no Cinderella Nine
  113. Hachigatsu no Cinderella Nine: Tsuzuku, Monogatari
  114. not available in English Hajime Ningen Gyatoruz
  115. Hal no Fue
  116. not available in English Hana no Kakarichou
  117. Hanma Baki vs. Kengan Ashura
  118. Hanma Baki: Son of Ogre
  119. Hanma Baki: Son of Ogre 2nd Season
  120. Hero Bank
  121. Hi☆sCoool! SeHa Girls
  122. not available in English Hi☆sCoool! SeHa Girls Special
  123. High Card
  124. High Card Season 2
  125. High Card: The Flowers Bloom
  126. Hime Chen! Otogi Chikku Idol Lilpri
  127. Hokuto no Ken Zero: Kenshirou Den
  128. Hokuto no Ken: Raoh Gaiden Gekitou-hen
  129. Hokuto no Ken: Raoh Gaiden Junai-hen
  130. Hokuto no Ken: Toki-den
  131. Hokuto no Ken: Yuria-den
  132. Ie Naki Ko
  133. Ie Naki Ko (Movie)
  134. Ijiranaide, Nagatoro-san
  135. Ijiranaide, Nagatoro-san 2nd Attack
  136. Ikemen Sengoku: Toki wo Kakeru ga Koi wa Hajimaranai
  137. Insect Land
  138. Isekai de Cheat Skill wo Te ni Shita Ore wa, Genjitsu Sekai wo mo Musou Suru: Level Up wa Jinsei wo Kaeta
  139. Itazura na Kiss
  140. Jarinko Chie
  141. not available in English Jarinko Chie (TV)
  142. not available in English Jarinko Chie (TV) Special
  143. Jintian Kaishi Zuo Mingxing
  144. Jitsu wa Watashi wa
  145. not available in English Joshikousei Nobunaga-chan!!
  146. not available in English Judo Sanka
  147. not available in English Jungle Kurobee
  148. not available in English Kagerouka-kun
  149. Kaiketsu Zorori: Mahoutsukai no Deshi/Dai Kaizoku no Takara Sagashi
  150. Kaitou Saint Tail
  151. Kakutou Bijin Wulong
  152. Kakutou Bijin Wulong: Rebirth
  153. Kamisama Hajimemashita
  154. Kamisama Hajimemashita OVA
  155. Kamisama Hajimemashita: Kako-hen
  156. Kamisama Hajimemashita: Kamisama, Shiawase ni Naru
  157. Kamisama Hajimemashita◎
  158. not available in English Kamiwaza Wanda
  159. Kanojo, Okarishimasu
  160. Kanojo, Okarishimasu 2nd Season
  161. not available in English Kanojo, Okarishimasu 2nd Season: Date Movie
  162. not available in English Kanojo, Okarishimasu 2nd Season: Kanokari Call
  163. Kanojo, Okarishimasu 3rd Season
  164. Kanojo, Okarishimasu 3rd Season: Kanokari Call
  165. not aired yet Kanojo, Okarishimasu 4th Season
  166. Karakai Jouzu no Takagi-san
  167. Karakai Jouzu no Takagi-san 2
  168. Karakuri no Kimi
  169. Karakuri Zoushi Ayatsuri Sakon
  170. Karate Baka Ichidai
  171. Katsugeki Shoujo Tanteidan
  172. Kaze no Shoujo Emily
  173. Keppeki Danshi! Aoyama-kun
  174. Kimi wo Aishita Hitori no Boku e
  175. not available in English Kimoshiba
  176. not available in English Kinkyuu Hasshin Saver Kids
  177. not available in English Korasho no Kaitei Wakuwaku Daibouken! Movie
  178. Kouchuu Ouja Mushiking Super Battle Movie: Yami no Kaizou Kouchuu
  179. Kouchuu Ouja Mushiking: Greatest Champion e no Michi
  180. not available in English Kouchuu Ouja Mushiking: Mori no Tami no Densetsu
  181. not available in English Kouya no Shounen Isamu
  182. Kubbe Gachapin Mukku
  183. not available in English Kubbe Kort Animasjon
  184. Kubbe no Ongakukai
  185. Kubbe PV Full ver.
  186. not available in English Kupu~!! Mamegoma!
  187. not available in English Kyojin no Hoshi
  188. not available in English Kyojin no Hoshi tai Tetsuwan Atom
  189. not available in English Kyojin no Hoshi: Chizome no Kesshousen
  190. not available in English Kyojin no Hoshi: Dai League Ball
  191. not available in English Kyojin no Hoshi: Ike Ike Hyuuma
  192. not available in English Kyojin no Hoshi: Shukumei no Taiketsu
  193. Kyojin no Hoshi: Tokubetsu-hen - Hanagata Mitsuru
  194. Kyougoku Natsuhiko: Kousetsu Hyaku Monogatari
  195. not available in English Lady Georgie
  196. Little Nemo
  197. Little Nemo Pilot
  198. Little Nemo Pilot (1984)
  199. Little Nemo Pilot (1987)
  200. Live On Cardliver Kakeru
  201. Lupin III
  202. Lupin III (2015)
  203. Lupin III (2015) Specials
  204. Lupin III (2015): Italian Game
  205. Lupin III 3DCG
  206. Lupin III vs. Cat's Eye
  207. Lupin III vs. Meitantei Conan
  208. Lupin III vs. Meitantei Conan: The Movie
  209. Lupin III: $1 Money Wars
  210. Lupin III: Ai no Da Capo - Fujiko's Unlucky Days
  211. Lupin III: Alcatraz Connection
  212. Lupin III: Babylon no Ougon Densetsu
  213. flash warning Lupin III: Bye Bye Liberty - Kiki Ippatsu!
  214. Lupin III: Cagliostro no Shiro
  215. Lupin III: Dead or Alive
  216. Lupin III: Episode 0 "First Contact"
  217. Lupin III: Fuuma Ichizoku no Inbou
  218. Lupin III: Goodbye Partner
  219. Lupin III: Green vs. Red
  220. Lupin III: Harimao no Zaihou wo Oe!!
  221. Lupin III: Hemingway Paper no Nazo
  222. Lupin III: Honoo no Kioku - Tokyo Crisis
  223. Lupin III: Ikiteita Majutsushi
  224. Lupin III: Kiri no Elusive
  225. Lupin III: Kutabare! Nostradamus
  226. Lupin III: Lupin Ansatsu Shirei
  227. Lupin III: Lupin Ikka Seizoroi
  228. Lupin III: Lupin vs. Fukusei-ningen
  229. Lupin III: Lupin wa Ima mo Moete Iru ka?
  230. Lupin III: Moeyo Zantetsuken!
  231. flash warning Lupin III: Napoleon no Jisho wo Ubae
  232. Lupin III: Nusumareta Lupin
  233. Lupin III: Otakara Henkyaku Daisakusen!!
  234. Lupin III: Part 6
  235. Lupin III: Part 6 - Jidai
  236. Lupin III: Part II
  237. Lupin III: Part III
  238. Lupin III: Pilot Film
  239. Lupin III: Pilot Film (1978)
  240. Lupin III: Princess of the Breeze - Kakusareta Kuuchuu Toshi
  241. Lupin III: Prison of the Past
  242. flash warning Lupin III: Russia yori Ai wo Komete
  243. Lupin III: Seven Days Rhapsody
  244. Lupin III: Sweet Lost Night - Mahou no Lamp wa Akumu no Yokan
  245. Lupin III: Tenshi no Tactics - Yume no Kakera wa Koroshi no Kaori
  246. Lupin III: The First
  247. Lupin III: The Last Job
  248. Lupin III: Touhou Kenbunroku - Another Page
  249. Lupin III: Twilight Gemini no Himitsu
  250. Lupin III: Walther P38
  251. Lupin Shanshei
  252. Lupin Shanshei Pilot
  253. not aired yet Lupin the IIIrd the Movie
  254. Lupin the IIIrd: Chikemuri no Ishikawa Goemon
  255. Lupin the IIIrd: Jigen Daisuke no Bohyou
  256. Lupin the Third: Mine Fujiko to Iu Onna
  257. Lupin VIII
  258. Lupin Zero
  259. Magic Kaito
  260. Magic Knight Rayearth
  261. Magic Knight Rayearth II
  262. Magic Knight Rayearth Pilot
  263. Makoto-chan
  264. not available in English Mameushi-kun (TV)
  265. not available in English Manga Hana no Kakarichou
  266. not available in English Manzai Taikouki
  267. Maps
  268. Megalo Box
  269. Megalo Box Specials
  270. Meiji Tokyo Renka
  271. ongoing Meitantei Conan
  272. Meitantei Conan Bonus File: Fantasista no Hana
  273. Meitantei Conan Magic File 2: Kudou Shinichi Nazo no Kabe to Kuro Lab Jiken
  274. Meitantei Conan Magic File 3: Shinichi to Ran Mahjong Pai to Tanabata no Omoide
  275. Meitantei Conan Magic File 4: Osaka Okonomiyaki Odyssey
  276. Meitantei Conan Magic File 5: Niigata - Tokyo Omiyage Capriccio
  277. not available in English Meitantei Conan Manner Movie
  278. Meitantei Conan Movie 01: Tokei Jikake no Matenrou
  279. Meitantei Conan Movie 02: 14-banme no Target
  280. Meitantei Conan Movie 03: Seikimatsu no Majutsushi
  281. Meitantei Conan Movie 04: Hitomi no Naka no Ansatsusha
  282. Meitantei Conan Movie 05: Tengoku e no Countdown
  283. Meitantei Conan Movie 06: Baker Street no Bourei
  284. Meitantei Conan Movie 07: Meikyuu no Crossroad
  285. Meitantei Conan Movie 08: Ginyoku no Magician
  286. Meitantei Conan Movie 08: Ginyoku no Time Travel Recap
  287. Meitantei Conan Movie 09: Suihei Senjou no Strategy
  288. not available in English Meitantei Conan Movie 09: Suihei Senjou no Strategy Recap
  289. Meitantei Conan Movie 10: Tantei-tachi no Requiem
  290. not available in English Meitantei Conan Movie 10: Tantei-tachi no Requiem Recap
  291. Meitantei Conan Movie 11: Konpeki no Jolly Roger
  292. Meitantei Conan Movie 12: Senritsu no Full Score
  293. Meitantei Conan Movie 13: Shikkoku no Chaser
  294. Meitantei Conan Movie 14: Tenkuu no Lost Ship
  295. Meitantei Conan Movie 15: Chinmoku no Quarter
  296. Meitantei Conan Movie 16: 11-ninme no Striker
  297. Meitantei Conan Movie 17: Zekkai no Private Eye
  298. Meitantei Conan Movie 18: Ijigen no Sniper
  299. Meitantei Conan Movie 19: Gouka no Himawari
  300. Meitantei Conan Movie 20: Junkoku no Nightmare
  301. Meitantei Conan Movie 21: Karakurenai no Love Letter
  302. Meitantei Conan Movie 22: Zero no Shikkounin
  303. Meitantei Conan Movie 23: Konjou no Fist
  304. Meitantei Conan Movie 24: Hiiro no Dangan
  305. Meitantei Conan Movie 25: Halloween no Hanayome
  306. Meitantei Conan Movie 26: Kurogane no Submarine
  307. Meitantei Conan Movie 27: 100-man Dollar no Michishirube
  308. not aired yet Meitantei Conan Movie 28: Sekigan no Flashback
  309. Meitantei Conan OVA 01: Conan vs. Kid vs. Yaiba - Houtou Soudatsu Daikessen!!
  310. Meitantei Conan OVA 02: 16-nin no Yougisha!?
  311. Meitantei Conan OVA 03: Conan to Heiji to Kieta Shounen
  312. Meitantei Conan OVA 04: Conan to Kid to Crystal Mother
  313. Meitantei Conan OVA 05: Hyouteki wa Kogorou!! Shounen Tanteidan Maruchichousa
  314. Meitantei Conan OVA 06: Kieta Daiya wo Oe! Conan & Heiji VS Kid!
  315. Meitantei Conan OVA 07: Agasa-sensei no Chousenjou! Agasa vs Conan & Shounen Tanteidan
  316. Meitantei Conan OVA 08: Joshikousei Tantei Suzuki Sonoko no Jikenbo
  317. Meitantei Conan OVA 09: 10-nengo no Stranger
  318. Meitantei Conan OVA 10: Kid in Trap Island
  319. Meitantei Conan OVA 11: London kara no Maru Hi Shirei
  320. Meitantei Conan OVA 12: Excalibur no Kiseki
  321. Meitantei Conan vs. Kaitou Kid
  322. Meitantei Conan vs. Wooo
  323. Meitantei Conan: Amuro Secret Call
  324. Meitantei Conan: Episode One - Chiisaku Natta Meitantei
  325. Meitantei Conan: Haibara Ai Monogatari - Kurogane no Mystery Train
  326. Meitantei Conan: Hannin no Hanzawa-san
  327. not available in English Meitantei Conan: Hiiro no Fuzai Shoumei
  328. Meitantei Conan: Honchou no Keiji Koi Monogatari - Kekkon Zenya
  329. Meitantei Conan: Kinga Shinnen Mouri Kogorou
  330. Meitantei Conan: Kuro no Soshiki to Taiketsu no Rekishi
  331. Meitantei Conan: Toubousha Mouri Kogorou
  332. Meitantei Conan: Zero no Tea Time
  333. Meitantei Holmes
  334. Meitantei Holmes: Aoi Ruby no Maki / Kaitei no Zaihou no Maki
  335. not available in English Meitantei Holmes: Mrs. Hudson Hitojichi Jiken no Maki / Dover Kaikyou no Daikuuchuusen no Maki
  336. Mighty Orbots
  337. Monkey Punch: Manga Katsudou Daishashin
  338. Monkey Punch: Manga Katsudou Daishashin - Crime Mate Special
  339. Monster Farm: Enbanseki no Himitsu
  340. Monster Farm: Legend e no Michi
  341. Muu no Hakugei
  342. not available in English Muumin
  343. Nana Maru San Batsu
  344. Nanatsu no Taizai: Mokushiroku no Yonkishi
  345. Nanatsu no Taizai: Mokushiroku no Yonkishi 2nd Season
  346. Neko no Nyagh: Nya Misérables
  347. not available in English Nijuushi no Hitomi
  348. not available in English Ninjaman Ippei
  349. Nobunaga no Shinobi
  350. Nobunaga no Shinobi: Anegawa Ishiyama-hen
  351. Nobunaga no Shinobi: Ise Kanegasaki-hen
  352. Nobunaga no Shinobi: Nobunaga to Minarai Shinobi
  353. Nomad: Megalo Box 2
  354. Nomad: Megalo Box 2 Short Anime
  355. not available in English Noramimi
  356. Ochame na Futago: Claire Gakuin Monogatari
  357. not available in English Ohayou! Kokekkou-san
  358. not available in English Ohayou! Spank
  359. not available in English Ohayou! Spank (Movie)
  360. Ojisan Kaizou Kouza
  361. not available in English OL Kaizou Kouza
  362. Omae Umasou da na
  363. not available in English Onegai! Samia Don
  364. Onihei
  365. Onihei Pilot
  366. Onihei: Sono Otoko, Heizou Hasegawa
  367. Orange
  368. Orange: Mirai
  369. not available in English Oshare Majo Love and Berry: Shiawase no Mahou
  370. Ozanari Dungeon: Kaze no Tou
  371. Panda Kopanda
  372. Patapata Hikousen no Bouken
  373. not available in English Perman
  374. not available in English Pittanko! Nekozakana
  375. Play the Lupin: Clips x Parts Collection
  376. PopoloCrois
  377. Pro Yakyuu wo 10-bai Tanoshiku Miru Houhou
  378. Project ARMS
  379. Project ARMS: The 2nd Chapter
  380. not available in English Pururun! Shizuku-chan
  381. not available in English Pururun! Shizuku-chan Aha
  382. Rayearth
  383. Red Baron
  384. ReLIFE
  385. ReLIFE: Kanketsu-hen
  386. ReLIFE: Kanketsu-hen Specials
  387. not available in English Reporter Blues
  388. Rinkai!
  389. not available in English Robotan (1986)
  390. Rokushin Gattai GodMars
  391. Rokushin Gattai GodMars (1982)
  392. Rokushin Gattai GodMars: Juunana-sai no Densetsu
  393. not available in English Roppou Yabure-kun
  394. not available in English Rose O'Neill Kewpie
  395. Saga-ken wo Meguru Animation
  396. Saikyou Donbei x Hanma Baki: Saikyou no Dongitsune Genrutsutsu
  397. Saint Seiya: The Lost Canvas - Meiou Shinwa
  398. Saint Seiya: The Lost Canvas - Meiou Shinwa 2
  399. ongoing Sakamoto Days
  400. not available in English Samurai Giants
  401. not available in English Scarecrowman
  402. Seirei Gensouki
  403. Seirei Gensouki 2
  404. not available in English Sekikashita Kusanagi
  405. Sengoku Otome: Momoiro Paradox
  406. Senjuushi
  407. not available in English Senjuushi: Gendaijuu no Heya
  408. not available in English Senjuushi: Kijuushi-tachi no Happy Birthday!
  409. Shakunetsu Kabaddi
  410. Shijou Saikyou no Deshi Kenichi
  411. not available in English Shin Ace wo Nerae!
  412. not available in English Shin Dokonjou Gaeru
  413. Shin Dokonjou Gaeru: Dokonjou Yumemakura
  414. not available in English Shin Kyojin no Hoshi
  415. not available in English Shin Kyojin no Hoshi II
  416. Shinobi no Ittoki
  417. Shirome-chan no Uta
  418. not available in English Shizukanaru Don: Yakuza Side Story
  419. not available in English Soccer Fever
  420. not available in English Son Gokuu Silk Road wo Tobu!!
  421. Sonic X
  422. Sonic X Pilot
  423. Sora to Umi no Aida
  424. ongoing not available in English Sore Ike! Anpanman
  425. Sore Ike! Anpanman Movie: Roboly to Pokapoka Present
  426. Sore Ike! Anpanman: Akahana Chappie Yuuki no Christmas
  427. Sore Ike! Anpanman: Anpanman no Christmas Show
  428. not available in English Sore Ike! Anpanman: Anpanman no Jin-Jin-Jingle Bells
  429. Sore Ike! Anpanman: Anpanman to Chiisana Santa no Christmas
  430. not available in English Sore Ike! Anpanman: Anpanman to Christmas no Hoshi
  431. Sore Ike! Anpanman: Anpanman to Gomira no Shiro no Christmas
  432. Sore Ike! Anpanman: Anpanman to Hajimete no Christmas Night
  433. not available in English Sore Ike! Anpanman: Anpanman to Happy Otanjoubi
  434. Sore Ike! Anpanman: Anpanman to Merry Christmas
  435. not available in English Sore Ike! Anpanman: Anpanman to Okashi na Nakama
  436. not available in English Sore Ike! Anpanman: Anpanman to Oyakusoku
  437. Sore Ike! Anpanman: Anpanman to Santa-san e no Tegami
  438. not available in English Sore Ike! Anpanman: Anpanman to Tanoshii Nakama-tachi
  439. Sore Ike! Anpanman: Anpanman to Yukai na Nakama-tachi
  440. not available in English Sore Ike! Anpanman: Baikinman no Gyakushuu
  441. not available in English Sore Ike! Anpanman: Baikinman to 3-bai Punch
  442. Sore Ike! Anpanman: Baikinman to Suteki na Christmas Cake
  443. not available in English Sore Ike! Anpanman: Baikinman vs. Baikinman!?
  444. Sore Ike! Anpanman: Black Nose to Mahou no Uta
  445. Sore Ike! Anpanman: Black Santa to Suteki na Present
  446. Sore Ike! Anpanman: Bokura no Christmas Concert
  447. not available in English Sore Ike! Anpanman: Bokura wa Hero
  448. not available in English Sore Ike! Anpanman: Buruburu no Takarasagashi Daibouken!
  449. not aired yet Sore Ike! Anpanman: Chapon no Hero!
  450. not available in English Sore Ike! Anpanman: Dadandan to Futago no Hoshi
  451. not available in English Sore Ike! Anpanman: Dokin-chan no Dokidoki Calendar
  452. Sore Ike! Anpanman: Doremifa Shima no Christmas
  453. not available in English Sore Ike! Anpanman: Franken-Robo-kun's Surprised Christmas
  454. Sore Ike! Anpanman: Fuwa Fuwa Fuwaly to Kumo no Kuni
  455. Sore Ike! Anpanman: Ganbare Cream Panda! Christmas no Bouken
  456. not available in English Sore Ike! Anpanman: Gomira no Hoshi
  457. Sore Ike! Anpanman: Happy no Daibouken
  458. Sore Ike! Anpanman: Happy Otanjoubi Series
  459. Sore Ike! Anpanman: Hashire! Wakuwaku Anpanman Grand Prix
  460. not available in English Sore Ike! Anpanman: Hiya Hiya Hiyariko to Babu Babu Baikinman
  461. not available in English Sore Ike! Anpanman: Horrorman to Hora Horako
  462. Sore Ike! Anpanman: Inochi no Hoshi no Dolly
  463. Sore Ike! Anpanman: Kagayake! Burikid no Christmas Tree
  464. Sore Ike! Anpanman: Kagayake! Kurun to Inochi no Hoshi
  465. not available in English Sore Ike! Anpanman: Kaiketsu Naganegiman to Doremi-hime
  466. Sore Ike! Anpanman: Kaiketsu Naganegiman to Yakisobapanman
  467. not available in English Sore Ike! Anpanman: Keito no Shiro no Christmas
  468. not available in English Sore Ike! Anpanman: Kieta Jam Ojisan
  469. not available in English Sore Ike! Anpanman: Kokin-chan to Aoi Namida
  470. Sore Ike! Anpanman: Kokin-chan to Christmas no Okurimono
  471. not available in English Sore Ike! Anpanman: Kokin-chan to Namida no Christmas
  472. not available in English Sore Ike! Anpanman: Kuroyuki-hime to Mote Mote Baikinman
  473. not available in English Sore Ike! Anpanman: Kyouryuu Nosshii no Daibouken
  474. not available in English Sore Ike! Anpanman: Lyrical☆Magical Mahou no Gakkou
  475. not available in English Sore Ike! Anpanman: Mija to Mahou no Lamp
  476. not available in English Sore Ike! Anpanman: Minami no Umi wo Sukue!
  477. not available in English Sore Ike! Anpanman: Minna Atsumare! Anpanman World
  478. not available in English Sore Ike! Anpanman: Niji no Pyramid
  479. not available in English Sore Ike! Anpanman: Ningyohime no Namida
  480. Sore Ike! Anpanman: Omocha no Hoshi no Nanda to Runda
  481. not available in English Sore Ike! Anpanman: Omusubiman
  482. not available in English Sore Ike! Anpanman: Otanjoubi Series
  483. not available in English Sore Ike! Anpanman: Outa to Teasobi Tanoshii ne
  484. Sore Ike! Anpanman: Poppo-chan no Kirakira Christmas
  485. not available in English Sore Ike! Anpanman: Rhythm de Teasobi - Anpanman to Fushigi na Parasol
  486. Sore Ike! Anpanman: Rhythm de Utaou! Anpanman Natsumatsuri
  487. Sore Ike! Anpanman: Ringo Boy to Minna no Negai
  488. Sore Ike! Anpanman: Roll to Laura Ukigumojou no Himitsu
  489. Sore Ike! Anpanman: Santa ni Natta Chibi wo Ookami-kun
  490. Sore Ike! Anpanman: Santa-san wo Sukue! Koori no Shiro no Christmas
  491. Sore Ike! Anpanman: Shabondama no Purun
  492. not available in English Sore Ike! Anpanman: Sing! Dance! Everybody's Christmas
  493. not available in English Sore Ike! Anpanman: Soratobu Ehon to Glass no Kutsu
  494. Sore Ike! Anpanman: Tanoshiku Teasobi Mama ni Natta Kokin-chan!?
  495. Sore Ike! Anpanman: Tekka no Maki-chan to Kin no Kamameshidon
  496. not available in English Sore Ike! Anpanman: Tenohira wo Taiyou ni
  497. Sore Ike! Anpanman: Tetsu no Hoshi no Iron Christmas
  498. Sore Ike! Anpanman: Tobase! Kibou no Handkerchief
  499. not available in English Sore Ike! Anpanman: Tobe! Tobe! Chibigon
  500. not available in English Sore Ike! Anpanman: Tsukiko to Shiratama - Tokimeki Dancing
  501. Sore Ike! Anpanman: Tsumikijou no Himitsu
  502. not available in English Sore Ike! Anpanman: Yakisobapanman to Black Sabotenman
  503. Sore Ike! Anpanman: Yomigaere Bananajima
  504. Sore Ike! Anpanman: Yousei Rinrin no Himitsu
  505. not available in English Sore Ike! Anpanman: Yumeneko no Kuni no Nyanii
  506. not available in English Sore Ike! Anpanman: Yuuki no Hana ga Hiraku Toki
  507. not available in English Sore Ike! Anpanman: Yuuki no Honoo to Christmas
  508. Sore Ike! Anpanman: Yuurei Sen wo Yattsukero!!
  509. Space Adventure Cobra
  510. Space Bug
  511. Space Cobra
  512. Space Cobra Pilot
  513. Space Fantasia 2001 Nights
  514. Sugata Sanshirou
  515. not available in English Susume! Gachimuchi Sankyoudai
  516. Takahashi Rumiko Gekijou
  517. Takahashi Rumiko Gekijou Ningyo no Mori
  518. Takahashi Rumiko Gekijou Ningyo no Mori Specials
  519. Takarajima
  520. Takarajima Memorial: Yuunagi to Yobareta Otoko
  521. Takarajima Movie
  522. Telepathy Shoujo Ran
  523. not available in English Tengai Makyou: Ziria Oboro-hen
  524. not available in English Tensai Bakabon
  525. Tenshi na Konamaiki
  526. Tenshi na Konamaiki Specials
  527. Tetsujin 28-gou (1980)
  528. Toaru Hikuushi e no Koiuta
  529. Toaru Hikuushi e no Tsuioku
  530. not available in English Tonde Mon Pe
  531. Tottoko Hamtarou
  532. Tottoko Hamtarou Movie 1: Ham-Ham Land Daibouken
  533. Tottoko Hamtarou Movie 2: Ham-Ham Hamuuja! Maboroshi no Princess
  534. Tottoko Hamtarou Movie 3: Ham Ham Grand Prix Aurora Tani no Kiseki - Ribon-chan Kiki Ippatsu!
  535. Tottoko Hamtarou Movie 4: Hamtarou to Fushigi no Oni no Emon Tou
  536. Tottoko Hamtarou OVA 1: Hamtaro no Otanjoubi - Mama wo Tasunete Sanzen Techi Techi
  537. Tottoko Hamtarou OVA 2: Hamuchanzu no Takara Sagashi Daisaku - Hamuha! Suteki na Umi no Natsuyasumi
  538. Tottoko Hamtarou OVA 3: Hamuchanzu to Niji no Kuni no Oujisama - Sekai de Ichiban no Takaramono
  539. Tottoko Hamtarou OVA 4: Hamuchanzu no Mezase! Hamuhamu Kin Medal - Hashire! Hashire! Daisakusen
  540. Trickster: Edogawa Ranpo "Shounen Tanteidan" yori
  541. not available in English Trickster: Edogawa Ranpo "Shounen Tanteidan" yori OVA
  542. Tsukumogami Kashimasu
  543. Uchi no Shishou wa Shippo ga Nai
  544. Uchuu Densetsu Ulysses 31
  545. Ulysses 31 Pilot
  546. not available in English Umeboshi Denka
  547. Umeyon Ekisu
  548. Undead Unluck
  549. not aired yet Undead Unluck (Special)
  550. Versailles no Bara
  551. not available in English Versailles no Bara to Onna-tachi
  552. not available in English Versailles no Bara: Moetsukita Bara no Shouzou
  553. not available in English Versailles no Bara: Seimei Aru Kagiri Aishite
  554. not available in English Virtua Fighter
  555. not available in English Wankorobee
  556. Warau Salesman New
  557. Watashi to Watashi: Futari no Lotte
  558. Wizardry
  559. Youkai Apartment no Yuuga na Nichijou
  560. Yowamushi Pedal
  561. Yowamushi Pedal Movie
  562. Yowamushi Pedal: Glory Line
  563. Yowamushi Pedal: Grande Road
  564. Yowamushi Pedal: Limit Break
  565. Yowamushi Pedal: New Generation
  566. not available in English Yowamushi Pedal: Re:Generation
  567. Yowamushi Pedal: Re:Ride
  568. Yowamushi Pedal: Re:Road
  569. Yowamushi Pedal: Spare Bike
  570. Yowamushi Pedal: Special Ride
  571. not available in English Yukai na Animal Bus
  572. not available in English Yukai na Animal Bus 2nd Season
  573. Yuki no Joou (TV)
  574. not available in English Yuuki no Hana ga Hiraku Toki: Yanase Takashi to Anpanman no Monogatari
  575. Zetman

Studios TMS Entertainment

Created on : 2020-12-08

MAL forum thread

4 Difficulties :

2 Point(s)
20 items to complete
90 Turnins
40 Validated Turnins
4 Point(s)
40 items to complete
29 Turnins
10 Validated Turnins
6 Point(s)
60 items to complete
11 Turnins
6 Validated Turnins
8 Point(s)
80 items to complete
10 Turnins
3 Validated Turnins

Rules :

  • This challenge requires watching a given number of anime.
  • All anime, including previously seen or started, can be used for this challenge.
  • No ongoing anime can be used for this challenge. They must have finished airing (and you must have completed them) before your turn-in date.
  • All anime used for this challenge must be linked to the following studio : TMS Entertainment or Tokyo Movie Shinsha.
  • This challenge can be submitted once for each difficulty.