Challenge : Trick or Treat Anime Collab Roulette 2021

  1. [2021-10-31] Jhiday
  2. [2021-10-31] JTtheLlama
  3. [2021-11-01] Jokobo
  4. [2021-11-01] Bri
  5. [2021-11-03] Yterbium
  6. [2021-11-03] trojangirl12
  7. [2021-11-03] Crazee
  8. [2021-11-04] NikoNikoNikoNiii
  9. [2021-11-04] Shuurei
  10. [2021-11-04] YayakoChii
  11. [2021-11-05] Mackamizzle
  12. [2021-11-05] Wyvern22
  13. [2021-11-06] Papa_Dragon
  14. [2021-11-07] simplycarissa
  15. [2021-11-07] AngelShiva
  16. [2021-11-07] Helvian494743
  17. [2021-11-08] KuriPuri
  18. [2021-11-08] Kawaiibenowo
  19. [2021-11-10] TheOGDorkLord
  20. [2021-11-10] devrat2012
  21. [2021-11-11] Rinarin
  22. [2021-11-12] Szrebi
  23. [2021-11-12] ShockZz
  24. [2021-11-12] Kansugi
  25. [2021-11-14] Nymeew
  26. [2021-11-16] coziitsu
  27. [2021-11-16] Otaku_baka_dsk
  28. [2021-11-17] tbeans10
  29. [2021-11-17] Punkero
  30. [2021-11-18] Stardew
  31. [2021-11-18] Canaan
  32. [2021-11-20] Rello21
  33. [2021-11-20] ScarletCelestial
  34. [2021-11-21] HDAsylum
  35. [2021-11-22] KuraikoDesu
  36. [2021-11-24] Kristiwazhere
  37. [2021-11-24] BeanChagBear
  38. [2021-11-24] Gwathgor
  39. [2021-11-25] Ranacchi
  40. [2021-11-25] bigdud24
  41. [2021-11-26] Cerlayjux
  42. [2021-11-28] Eleanora1315
  43. [2021-11-28] YamiKYY
  44. [2021-11-28] nyanko
  45. [2021-11-28] Cute_Monster
  46. [2021-11-28] Rno081
  47. [2021-11-28] Awkward-Bean
  48. [2021-11-29] Mikaytama13
  49. [2021-11-30] windyscar
  50. [2021-11-30] tamochinnn
  51. [2021-11-30] coffeedrops
  52. [2021-11-30] Bunille
  53. [2021-11-30] SheyCroix
  54. [2021-11-30] SemPiada
  55. [2021-11-30] MegaManBK7
  56. [2021-11-30] symeon_a

List of Series (0/72)

    All Series (0/72)

  1. Aggressive Retsuko (ONA) [nyanko]
  2. Aishiteruze Baby★★ [Wyvern22]
  3. Ajin [Kawaiibenowo]
  4. Amanchu! [Narinasa]
  5. Ayakashi: Japanese Classic Horror [tamochinnn]
  6. B: The Beginning [Rello21]
  7. Baby Steps [TheOGDorkLord]
  8. Cannon Busters [Jokobo]
  9. Cike Wu Liuqi [Mikochondria]
  10. Corpse Party: Tortured Souls - Bougyakusareta Tamashii no Jukyou [tbeans10]
  11. Da Yu Hai Tang (Movie) [JTtheLlama]
  12. Deca-Dence [damianea103]
  13. Denpa Kyoushi [miaxnder]
  14. Devilman Lady [AngelShiva]
  15. Dorohedoro [KuraikoDesu]
  16. Flying Witch [coziitsu]
  17. Gangsta. [Mackamizzle]
  18. Giant Robo the Animation: Chikyuu ga Seishi Suru Hi [SheyCroix]
  19. Gleipnir [MegaManBK7]
  20. Gungrave [Cute_Monster]
  21. Hakaba Kitarou [Bunille]
  22. Hanada Shounen-shi [Canaan]
  23. Happy Happy Clover [hinagatari]
  24. Hoozuki no Reitetsu [bigdud24]
  25. IDOLiSH7 [Otaku_baka_dsk]
  26. Ikebukuro West Gate Park [ShockZz]
  27. Inuyashiki [MrCattyWolf]
  28. Itai no wa Iya nanode Bougyoryoku ni Kyokufuri Shitai to Omoimasu. [Punkero]
  29. Jigoku Shoujo [simplycarissa]
  30. Kaguya-hime no Monogatari [Eleanora1315]
  31. Kenpuu Denki Berserk [YamiKYY]
  32. Kobato. [Bri]
  33. Koi Kaze [Szrebi]
  34. Kono Oto Tomare! [devrat2012]
  35. Kyuuketsuhime Miyu [Stardew]
  36. Love Live! School Idol Project [SemPiada]
  37. Magatsu Wahrheit: Zuerst [MetalFalcon]
  38. Mahou Shoujo Site [Toidis]
  39. Mairimashita! Iruma-kun [Mikaytama13]
  40. Memories [coffeedrops]
  41. Mo Dao Zu Shi [Kristiwazhere]
  42. Mugen no Ryvius [windyscar]
  43. Nagi no Asu kara [BeanChagBear]
  44. Natsume Yuujinchou [japananimelover]
  45. Netsuzou TRap [Helvian494743]
  46. Night Head 2041 [Crazee]
  47. Omoide no Marnie [NikoNikoNikoNiii]
  48. Otome Game no Hametsu Flag shika Nai Akuyaku Reijou ni Tensei shiteshimatta... [DimitrovN]
  49. Oushitsu Kyoushi Heine [acloudwithfeet]
  50. Popee the Performer [Shuurei]
  51. Princess Princess [Nymeew]
  52. Redline [Si_Non]
  53. Sakamichi no Apollon [JmePenseBonne]
  54. Sakurako-san no Ashimoto ni wa Shitai ga Umatteiru [KuriPuri]
  55. Satsuriku no Tenshi [YayakoChii]
  56. Seijo no Maryoku wa Bannou desu [Cerlayjux]
  57. Shinchou Yuusha: Kono Yuusha ga Ore Tueee Kuse ni Shinchou Sugiru [Rno081]
  58. flash warning Shoujo Kakumei Utena [symeon_a]
  59. Shoujo-tachi wa Kouya wo Mezasu [Kansugi]
  60. Shouwa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu [maurorr]
  61. Slayers [Awkward-Bean]
  62. Sousei no Aquarion [Papa_Dragon]
  63. Sunabouzu [breathesunshine]
  64. Tantei wa Mou, Shindeiru. [Ranacchi]
  65. Tasogare Otome x Amnesia [ScarletCelestial]
  66. Tetsuwan Birdy Decode [Gwathgor]
  67. Uchouten Kazoku [vinroy11]
  68. Uchuu Show e Youkoso [HDAsylum]
  69. Un-Go [trojangirl12]
  70. Ushiro no Shoumen Daare [Jhiday]
  71. Virtual-san wa Miteiru [Yterbium]
  72. Vivy: Fluorite Eye's Song [Rinarin]

Limited Trick or Treat Anime Collab Roulette 2021 Closed

Created on : 2021-10-28

Closed on : 2021-11-30

MAL forum thread

0.25 Point(s)
56 Turnins
56 Validated Turnins

Rules :

  • This challenge requires watching the anime you are assigned.
  • No previously seen nor previously started anime can be used for this challenge. Additionally, everything must be watched within the challenge's limited window of time.
  • No ongoing anime can be used for this challenge. They must have finished airing (and you must have completed them) before your turn-in date.
  • This challenge can only count once. Only one turn-in will be taken into account.
  • This challenge has its own turnin method and should not be turned in the main turnin threads.