Challenge : #01 Challenge

  1. [V1 - #2960 - 2017-02-16] Wyvern22
  2. [V1 - #2986 - 2017-02-18] ParsleyParsnips
  3. [V1 - #3046 - 2017-02-22] CAPSKURUSAK
  4. [V1 - #3048 - 2017-02-23] NamiLover69
  5. [V1 - #3063 - 2017-02-24] AYOSHINA
  6. [V1 - #3263 - 2017-03-12] renzoushi
  7. [V1 - #3328 - 2017-03-19] AYOSHINA x2
  8. [V1 - #3378 - 2017-03-24] Wyvern22 x2
  9. [V1 - #3526 - 2017-04-03] OmegaOtaku
  10. [V1 - #3559 - 2017-04-07] Zenit
  11. [V1 - #3758 - 2017-04-28] Kreyul
  12. [V1 - #3815 - 2017-05-01] AYOSHINA x3
  13. [V1 - #4178 - 2017-06-03] Kreyul x2
  14. [V1 - #4217 - 2017-06-08] SunflowerDaisho
  15. [V1 - #4497 - 2017-07-09] Zenit x2
  16. [V1 - #4516 - 2017-07-12] kallah
  17. [V1 - #4623 - 2017-07-29] SheyCroix
  18. [V1 - #4645 - 2017-08-02] Jhiday
  19. [V1 - #4930 - 2017-09-04] NamiLover69 x2
  20. [V1 - #4962 - 2017-09-09] NaineLIEz
  21. [V1 - #4986 - 2017-09-14] Imyreld
  22. [V1 - #5020 - 2017-09-18] leejongki
  23. [V1 - #5161 - 2017-10-05] Kreyul x3
  24. [V1 - #5274 - 2017-10-20] GNozaki
  25. [V1 - #5283 - 2017-10-22] AngelShiva
  26. [V1 - #5423 - 2017-11-02] riho88riho
  27. [V1 - #5464 - 2017-11-08] Imyreld x2
  28. [V1 - #5549 - 2017-11-21] Vanadis
  29. [V1 - #5594 - 2017-11-27] Wyvern22 x3
  30. [V1 - #5725 - 2017-12-15] Zenit x3
  31. [V1 - #5861 - 2017-12-30] Gwathgor
  32. [V1 - #5922 - 2018-01-05] kallah x2
  33. [V1 - #6223 - 2018-02-03] Imyreld x3
  34. [V1 - #6391 - 2018-02-24] leapylee
  35. [V1 - #6410 - 2018-02-25] SebastianOrf3
  36. [V1 - #6774 - 2018-04-04] NaineLIEz x2
  37. [V1 - #6955 - 2018-04-27] tbeans10 x2
  38. [V1 - #6984 - 2018-04-29] YayakoChii
  39. [V1 - #7243 - 2018-08-08] kallah x3
  40. [V1 - #7255 - 2018-08-11] ImagineBrkr
  41. [V1 - #7380 - 2018-09-08] AnshiAneko
  42. [V1 - #7739 - 2018-10-10] SheyCroix x2
  43. [V1 - #7782 - 2018-10-16] Ritshiro
  44. [V1 - #7792 - 2018-10-17] Clover
  45. [V1 - #7793 - 2018-10-17] sassss
  46. [V1 - #8019 - 2018-11-16] GNozaki
  47. [V1 - #8147 - 2018-12-01] Aeradae
  48. [V1 - #8171 - 2018-12-05] TreasuredHopes
  49. [V1 - #8301 - 2018-12-29] Vanadis x2
  50. [V1 - #8428 - 2019-01-12] cappuccinoangel
  51. [V1 - #8558 - 2019-01-29] moissi
  52. [V1 - #8560 - 2019-01-29] Rno081
  53. [V1 - #8592 - 2019-01-31] SunflowerDaisho x2
  54. [V1 - #8799 - 2019-02-24] greyjoie
  55. [V1 - #9272 - 2019-04-15] Zilluminate
  56. [V1 - #9488 - 2019-05-13] I230
  57. [V1 - #9673 - 2019-06-10] Aeradae x2
  58. [V1 - #9786 - 2019-06-29] boredrandomguy
  59. [V1 - #9829 - 2019-07-02] lifeiscrazy
  60. [V1 - #9896 - 2019-07-17] Bern_stein
  61. [V1 - #9967 - 2019-07-27] greyjoie x2
  62. [V2 - #208 - 2019-09-16] ShockZz
  63. [V2 - #839 - 2019-11-19] ShockZz x2
  64. [V2 - #1064 - 2019-12-12] I230 x2
  65. [V2 - #1159 - 2019-12-23] ShockZz x3
  66. [V2 - #1193 - 2019-12-27] Gwathgor x2
  67. [V2 - #1325 - 2020-01-04] boredrandomguy x2
  68. [V2 - #1438 - 2020-01-16] ScarletCelestial
  69. [V2 - #1484 - 2020-01-21] Rage_Beat06
  70. [V2 - #2077 - 2020-03-11] nyanko
  71. [V2 - #2152 - 2020-03-17] dierubikdie
  72. [V2 - #2199 - 2020-03-22] haplomonka
  73. [V2 - #2360 - 2020-04-03] DeadlyRaven
  74. [V2 - #2362 - 2020-04-03] Keiken
  75. [V2 - #2653 - 2020-04-24] YayakoChii x2
  76. [V2 - #2682 - 2020-04-26] ImagineBrkr x2
  77. [V2 - #2723 - 2020-04-29] nyanko x2
  78. [V2 - #2794 - 2020-05-03] cornflakegod
  79. [V2 - #2866 - 2020-05-10] SheyCroix x3
  80. [V2 - #2922 - 2020-05-15] RachelPanda
  81. [V2 - #3024 - 2020-05-23] Typhlame
  82. [V2 - #3221 - 2020-06-03] nyanko x3
  83. [V2 - #3238 - 2020-06-05] Typhlame x2
  84. [V2 - #3252 - 2020-06-06] ImagineBrkr x3
  85. [V2 - #3263 - 2020-06-07] Yterbium
  86. [V2 - #3606 - 2020-07-06] dierubikdie x2
  87. [V2 - #3681 - 2020-07-15] Papa_Dragon
  88. [V2 - #3769 - 2020-07-21] ScarletCelestial x2
  89. [V2 - #3775 - 2020-07-22] blindzero
  90. [V2 - #3848 - 2020-07-27] Bri
  91. [V2 - #4107 - 2020-08-16] Typhlame x3
  92. [V2 - #4157 - 2020-08-20] Gwathgor x3
  93. [V2 - #4360 - 2020-09-01] MochiMagus
  94. [V2 - #4366 - 2020-09-01] SunflowerDaisho x3
  95. [V2 - #4367 - 2020-09-01] Bern_stein x2
  96. [V2 - #4456 - 2020-09-11] Papa_Dragon x2
  97. [V2 - #4465 - 2020-09-13] dixcloxure
  98. [V2 - #4931 - 2020-10-21] Bri x2
  99. [V2 - #4954 - 2020-10-23] dixcloxure x2
  100. [V2 - #5177 - 2020-11-09] dierubikdie x3
  101. [V2 - #5301 - 2020-11-17] MetalFalcon
  102. [V2 - #5634 - 2020-12-10] PNR_13
  103. [V2 - #5823 - 2020-12-25] Bri x3
  104. [V2 - #6098 - 2021-01-12] Otaku_baka_dsk
  105. [V2 - #6130 - 2021-01-14] Papa_Dragon x3
  106. [V2 - #6165 - 2021-01-17] Mackamizzle
  107. [V2 - #6632 - 2021-02-19] ScarletCelestial x3
  108. [V2 - #6912 - 2021-03-10] MetalFalcon x2
  109. [V2 - #7341 - 2021-04-11] Yterbium x2
  110. [V2 - #7356 - 2021-04-12] Bern_stein x3
  111. [V2 - #7807 - 2021-05-17] I230 x3
  112. [V2 - #7844 - 2021-05-19] Keiken x2
  113. [V2 - #8337 - 2021-06-25] Eleanora1315
  114. [V2 - #8648 - 2021-07-14] Eyth
  115. [V2 - #9310 - 2021-09-05] Helvian494743
  116. [V2 - #9430 - 2021-09-16] Ebo
  117. [V2 - #9562 - 2021-09-27] Crazee
  118. [V3 - #173 - 2021-11-24] Jokobo
  119. [V3 - #190 - 2021-11-26] Mackamizzle x2
  120. [V3 - #301 - 2021-12-04] Crazee x2
  121. [V3 - #646 - 2021-12-31] MegaManBK7
  122. [V3 - #839 - 2022-01-17] Mackamizzle x3
  123. [V3 - #868 - 2022-01-20] Crazee x3
  124. [V3 - #1009 - 2022-01-31] Otaku_baka_dsk x2
  125. [V3 - #1941 - 2022-04-18] Yterbium x3
  126. [V3 - #2109 - 2022-05-01] NaineLIEz x3
  127. [V3 - #2470 - 2022-06-04] JmePenseBonne
  128. [V3 - #2691 - 2022-06-25] Eyth x2
  129. [V3 - #2794 - 2022-07-01] trojangirl12
  130. [V3 - #2949 - 2022-07-19] Myelin_sr
  131. [V3 - #2951 - 2022-07-19] Keiken x3
  132. [V3 - #3141 - 2022-08-04] Rage_Beat06 x2
  133. [V3 - #3471 - 2022-09-10] trojangirl12 x2
  134. [V3 - #3528 - 2022-09-19] HimeCrycho
  135. [V3 - #4127 - 2022-11-22] HDAsylum
  136. [V3 - #4327 - 2022-12-10] trojangirl12 x3
  137. [V3 - #4508 - 2022-12-28] OweynLupton
  138. [V3 - #4936 - 2023-01-30] ohpishhposh
  139. [V3 - #5299 - 2023-02-27] Dumasop
  140. [V3 - #5806 - 2023-04-16] valyrina
  141. [V3 - #6071 - 2023-05-17] CsillaLoli
  142. [V3 - #6198 - 2023-05-31] HEIKE7000
  143. [V3 - #6534 - 2023-07-03] iamrure
  144. [V3 - #6550 - 2023-07-05] AjaxTSS
  145. [V3 - #6628 - 2023-07-14] myuniquename
  146. [V3 - #7167 - 2023-09-08] cornflakegod x2
  147. [V3 - #7196 - 2023-09-13] boredrandomguy x3
  148. [V3 - #7229 - 2023-09-17] OweynLupton x2
  149. [V3 - #7397 - 2023-10-10] Jokobo x2
  150. [V3 - #7644 - 2023-11-09] Myelin_sr x2
  151. [V3 - #8130 - 2024-01-10] HimeCrycho x2
  152. [V3 - #8142 - 2024-01-11] anakg
  153. [V3 - #8316 - 2024-02-03] Bintley
  154. [V3 - #8345 - 2024-02-06] ohpishhposh x2
  155. [V3 - #8365 - 2024-02-08] silveraaki
  156. [V3 - #8446 - 2024-02-17] OweynLupton x3
  157. [V3 - #8674 - 2024-03-26] Ykoz
  158. [V3 - #8706 - 2024-03-30] ohpishhposh x3
  159. [V3 - #8714 - 2024-03-31] Yoko_k
  160. [V3 - #8826 - 2024-04-19] AliceHanano
  161. [V3 - #8868 - 2024-04-26] Kristiwazhere
  162. [V3 - #8928 - 2024-05-08] cornflakegod x3
  163. [V3 - #9251 - 2023-02-18] MegaManBK7 x2
  164. [V3 - #9455 - 2024-06-03] Yoko_k x2
  165. [V3 - #9496 - 2024-07-24] HDAsylum x2
  166. [V3 - #9613 - 2024-08-24] Rage_Beat06 x3
  167. [V3 - #9629 - 2020-10-01] YayakoChii x3
  168. [V3 - #9633 - 2024-08-29] Clamshell
  169. [V3 - #9708 - 2024-09-12] Clamshell x2
  170. [V3 - #9778 - 2024-09-22] Clamshell x3
  171. [V3 - #9867 - 2024-09-23] Yoko_k x3
  172. [V3 - #9883 - 2024-10-07] bigdud24
  173. [V3 - #9973 - 2024-10-22] Kristiwazhere x2
  174. [V4 - #250 - 2024-10-18] silveraaki x2
  175. [V4 - #362 - 2024-12-26] Yamcha17
  176. [V4 - #374 - 2023-03-18] Dumasop x2
  177. [V4 - #453 - 2025-01-13] VassiKvass
  178. [V4 - #560 - 2025-01-25] NekoEvie
  179. [V4 - #668 - 2025-02-16] smemorato
  180. [V4 - #758 - 2025-02-26] Aur0ra
  181. [V4 - #808 - 2025-03-08] bigdud24 x2
  182. [V4 - #824 - 2025-03-13] Nezperdian
  183. [V4 - #843 - 2025-03-15] andreth
  184. [V4 - #848 - 2025-03-11] NekoEvie x2
  185. [V4 - #850 - 2025-03-18] chowderbags


by riho88riho
(not from anime)
by riho88riho
(not from anime)
by Ritshiro
(not from anime)
by Ritshiro
(not from anime)

Run #1

by Ritshiro
(not from anime)
by riho88riho
(not from anime)
by riho88riho
(not from anime)

Run #2

Run #3

Numbers #01 Challenge

Created on : 2017-01-12

MAL forum thread

0.5 Point(s)
20 items to complete
185 Turnins
117 Validated Turnins

Rules :

  • This challenge requires watching anime corresponding to a given amount of criteria.
  • Previously seen anime cannot be used for this challenge, but previously started can.
  • No ongoing anime can be used for this challenge. They must have finished airing (and you must have completed them) before your turn-in date.
  • This challenge can be submitted three times.
  • This challenge cannot overlap with any of the other challenges of its category.