Challenge : Sunrise

  1. [V1 - #5313 - 2017-10-25] Wyvern22 - Conquered
  2. [V1 - #5313 - 2017-10-25] Wyvern22 - Hard
  3. [V1 - #5313 - 2017-10-25] Wyvern22 - Medium
  4. [V1 - #5318 - 2017-10-25] riho88riho - Conquered
  5. [V1 - #5321 - 2017-10-26] AngelShiva - Easy
  6. [V1 - #5325 - 2017-10-26] Jhiday - Hard
  7. [V1 - #5325 - 2017-10-26] Jhiday - Conquered
  8. [V1 - #5326 - 2017-10-26] Helvian494743 - Easy
  9. [V1 - #5331 - 2017-10-26] Lyfa - Easy
  10. [V1 - #5378 - 2017-10-31] Salyee - Easy
  11. [V1 - #5404 - 2017-11-01] Kreyul - Hard
  12. [V1 - #5426 - 2017-11-03] leapylee - Easy
  13. [V1 - #5468 - 2017-11-08] SheyCroix - Easy
  14. [V1 - #5468 - 2017-11-08] SheyCroix - Medium
  15. [V1 - #5477 - 2017-11-11] Imyreld - Easy
  16. [V1 - #5496 - 2017-11-14] Punkero - Easy
  17. [V1 - #5696 - 2017-12-09] Salokannel2 - Easy
  18. [V1 - #5708 - 2017-12-12] Wyvern22 - Easy
  19. [V1 - #5922 - 2018-01-05] kallah - Easy
  20. [V1 - #5928 - 2018-01-05] MissCactus - Easy
  21. [V1 - #6088 - 2018-01-27] ownitlikeaboss - Easy
  22. [V1 - #6354 - 2018-02-19] AngelHana - Easy
  23. [V1 - #6377 - 2018-02-22] YumeNoTsukii - Conquered
  24. [V1 - #6377 - 2018-02-22] YumeNoTsukii - Hard
  25. [V1 - #6377 - 2018-02-22] YumeNoTsukii - Medium
  26. [V1 - #6410 - 2018-02-25] SebastianOrf3 - Easy
  27. [V1 - #6427 - 2018-02-27] AYOSHINA - Hard
  28. [V1 - #6427 - 2018-02-27] AYOSHINA - Conquered
  29. [V1 - #6488 - 2018-03-03] AYOSHINA - Easy
  30. [V1 - #6630 - 2018-03-23] Jhiday - Easy
  31. [V1 - #6768 - 2018-04-03] Akai_Shuichi - Conquered
  32. [V1 - #6902 - 2018-04-20] GNozaki - Easy
  33. [V1 - #7095 - 2018-05-09] AngelShiva - Medium (upgraded from Easy)
  34. [V1 - #7137 - 2018-05-14] KitsunehimeMilhi - Easy
  35. [V1 - #7282 - 2018-08-16] scrouge - Easy
  36. [V1 - #7308 - 2018-08-19] moissi - Easy
  37. [V1 - #7349 - 2018-08-25] TheEdgelord - Easy
  38. [V1 - #7465 - 2018-09-06] JayArcher - Easy
  39. [V1 - #7465 - 2018-09-06] JayArcher - Medium
  40. [V1 - #7501 - 2018-09-12] ParsleyParsnips - Easy
  41. [V1 - #7501 - 2018-09-12] ParsleyParsnips - Medium
  42. [V1 - #7804 - 2018-10-18] SunflowerDaisho - Easy
  43. [V1 - #7877 - 2018-10-29] animegeek4life - Easy
  44. [V1 - #8055 - 2018-11-21] Aeradae - Easy
  45. [V1 - #8230 - 2018-12-20] devrat2012 - Easy
  46. [V1 - #8361 - 2019-01-04] Charlotte1412 - Easy
  47. [V1 - #8644 - 2019-02-05] Aur0ra - Easy
  48. [V1 - #8744 - 2019-02-17] Yterbium - Easy
  49. [V1 - #8858 - 2019-02-28] Bern_stein - Easy
  50. [V1 - #8944 - 2019-03-10] Imyreld - Medium
  51. [V1 - #9512 - 2019-05-17] DeadlyRaven - Easy
  52. [V1 - #9547 - 2019-05-22] Zenit - Conquered
  53. [V1 - #9870 - 2019-07-13] ScarletCelestial - Easy
  54. [V1 - #9976 - 2019-07-27] Papa_Dragon - Easy
  55. [V1 - #10060 - 2019-08-08] YumeNoTsukii - Easy
  56. [V2 - #74 - 2019-08-30] Wyvern22 x2 - Conquered
  57. [V2 - #241 - 2019-09-19] Rage_Beat06 - Medium
  58. [V2 - #739 - 2019-11-08] Lestat- - Easy
  59. [V2 - #870 - 2019-11-22] Rinarin - Conquered
  60. [V2 - #1232 - 2019-12-31] nyanko - Medium
  61. [V2 - #1603 - 2020-01-31] Plaxsin - Easy
  62. [V2 - #1725 - 2020-02-10] Tibler - Easy
  63. [V2 - #1802 - 2020-02-16] hinagatari - Easy
  64. [V2 - #1811 - 2020-02-17] Bri - Easy
  65. [V2 - #1867 - 2020-02-24] Boyscout31 - Easy
  66. [V2 - #2133 - 2020-03-15] MrDucky1231 - Easy
  67. [V2 - #2217 - 2020-03-24] Rellni944 - Easy
  68. [V2 - #2271 - 2020-03-28] bigdud24 - Easy
  69. [V2 - #2317 - 2020-03-31] TheFlyingOrange - Easy
  70. [V2 - #2634 - 2020-04-22] KuriPuri - Easy
  71. [V2 - #2664 - 2020-04-25] YayakoChii - Easy
  72. [V2 - #2969 - 2020-05-19] sassss - Easy
  73. [V2 - #3035 - 2020-05-24] Rellni944 - Medium (upgraded from Easy)
  74. [V2 - #3073 - 2020-05-25] hinagatari - Medium
  75. [V2 - #3414 - 2020-06-22] nyanko - Easy
  76. [V2 - #3731 - 2020-07-19] Jhiday - Medium
  77. [V2 - #3744 - 2020-07-20] PNR_13 - Easy
  78. [V2 - #3744 - 2020-07-20] PNR_13 - Medium
  79. [V2 - #3744 - 2020-07-20] PNR_13 - Hard
  80. [V2 - #3813 - 2020-07-24] CheeseKnife - Easy
  81. [V2 - #4839 - 2020-10-13] cornflakegod - Easy
  82. [V2 - #4851 - 2020-10-14] Otaku_baka_dsk - Easy
  83. [V2 - #5050 - 2020-10-30] bigdud24 - Medium
  84. [V2 - #5151 - 2020-11-07] OweynLupton - Easy
  85. [V2 - #5196 - 2020-11-11] Shuurei - Easy
  86. [V2 - #5232 - 2020-11-13] Aur0ra - Medium
  87. [V2 - #5291 - 2020-11-16] blackmagemasta - Easy
  88. [V2 - #5484 - 2020-11-30] Bri - Medium (upgraded from Easy)
  89. [V2 - #5790 - 2020-12-22] Campiz06 - Easy
  90. [V2 - #5830 - 2020-12-25] NamiLover69 - Easy
  91. [V2 - #5854 - 2020-12-27] Givemeanaccount - Easy
  92. [V2 - #6097 - 2021-01-11] Zangril - Medium
  93. [V2 - #6237 - 2021-01-22] Gwathgor - Easy
  94. [V2 - #6631 - 2021-02-19] ShockZz - Easy
  95. [V2 - #6722 - 2021-02-27] dierubikdie - Conquered
  96. [V2 - #6819 - 2021-03-02] Rage_Beat06 - Easy
  97. [V2 - #6998 - 2021-03-19] Papa_Dragon - Medium
  98. [V2 - #7043 - 2021-03-23] Benti_ - Easy
  99. [V2 - #7387 - 2021-04-15] Jaikeis - Medium
  100. [V2 - #7396 - 2021-04-16] Eyth - Easy
  101. [V2 - #7763 - 2021-05-13] 7kaneki7 - Easy
  102. [V2 - #8137 - 2021-06-09] Bri - Easy
  103. [V2 - #8665 - 2021-07-16] Jaikeis - Easy
  104. [V2 - #8671 - 2021-07-16] Kristiwazhere - Easy
  105. [V2 - #8741 - 2021-07-23] LyriaLegende - Easy
  106. [V2 - #8865 - 2021-07-31] Canaan - Easy
  107. [V2 - #8993 - 2021-08-12] SheyCroix - Conquered (upgraded from Medium)
  108. [V2 - #9044 - 2021-08-17] Jhiday x2 - Easy
  109. [V2 - #9296 - 2021-09-03] BeanChagBear - Easy
  110. [V2 - #9345 - 2021-09-07] ImagineBrkr - Conquered
  111. [V2 - #9400 - 2021-09-14] jho0on_ - Easy
  112. [V2 - #9464 - 2021-09-18] OweynLupton - Medium
  113. [V2 - #9503 - 2021-09-22] Shuurei - Medium
  114. [V2 - #9914 - 2021-10-28] Mikaytama13 - Easy
  115. [V3 - #678 - 2022-01-02] Bern_stein - Medium
  116. [V3 - #747 - 2022-01-09] Bunille - Easy
  117. [V3 - #863 - 2022-01-20] JTtheLlama - Medium
  118. [V3 - #947 - 2022-01-28] Tsukaji - Easy
  119. [V3 - #1306 - 2022-02-24] Karinara - Easy
  120. [V3 - #1500 - 2022-03-11] Bri - Conquered (upgraded from Medium)
  121. [V3 - #1502 - 2022-03-11] Bishamon-chan - Easy
  122. [V3 - #1514 - 2022-03-13] Timcampy - Easy
  123. [V3 - #1861 - 2022-04-10] JTtheLlama - Easy
  124. [V3 - #2064 - 2022-04-30] leapylee - Medium
  125. [V3 - #2380 - 2022-05-29] nyanko - Hard
  126. [V3 - #2435 - 2022-06-01] Helvian494743 - Medium
  127. [V3 - #2786 - 2022-07-01] Campiz06 - Conquered
  128. [V3 - #2833 - 2022-07-06] OweynLupton - Hard
  129. [V3 - #2841 - 2022-07-07] Rivka44 - Easy
  130. [V3 - #3044 - 2022-07-28] Ten - Hard
  131. [V3 - #3401 - 2022-09-01] bigdud24 - Hard
  132. [V3 - #3466 - 2022-09-10] HimeCrycho - Conquered
  133. [V3 - #3911 - 2022-10-28] HimeCrycho - Easy
  134. [V3 - #4017 - 2022-11-07] _Alive_ - Easy
  135. [V3 - #4208 - 2022-11-29] LyriaLegende - Medium
  136. [V3 - #4354 - 2022-12-13] crazybob1215 - Easy
  137. [V3 - #4361 - 2022-12-14] silveraaki - Easy
  138. [V3 - #4752 - 2023-01-16] iamrure - Easy
  139. [V3 - #4788 - 2023-01-18] ScarletCelestial - Medium
  140. [V3 - #4793 - 2023-01-19] Bri - Medium
  141. [V3 - #5185 - 2023-02-16] dierubikdie - Hard
  142. [V3 - #5194 - 2023-02-17] UglyGoose - Easy
  143. [V3 - #5366 - 2023-03-03] KatjieKat - Easy
  144. [V3 - #5843 - 2023-04-19] Combeferre - Easy
  145. [V3 - #5847 - 2023-04-19] Jhiday x2 - Medium
  146. [V3 - #5913 - 2023-04-28] hoshi4 - Easy
  147. [V3 - #6133 - 2023-05-25] Campiz06 - Medium
  148. [V3 - #6229 - 2023-06-03] Bri - Hard
  149. [V3 - #6269 - 2023-06-07] Bri x2 - Easy
  150. [V3 - #6306 - 2023-06-13] Amitte_Sukku - Easy
  151. [V3 - #6322 - 2023-06-15] is_peque - Easy
  152. [V3 - #6331 - 2023-06-16] Talha17Sama - Easy
  153. [V3 - #6444 - 2023-06-27] is_peque - Medium
  154. [V3 - #6512 - 2023-07-01] Yterbium - Conquered (upgraded from Easy)
  155. [V3 - #6792 - 2023-07-27] blurubberlizard - Easy
  156. [V3 - #6842 - 2023-07-31] elsewherecw - Easy
  157. [V3 - #6915 - 2023-08-06] myuniquename - Easy
  158. [V3 - #7081 - 2023-08-29] AjaxTSS - Easy
  159. [V3 - #7320 - 2023-09-29] YayakoChii - Medium
  160. [V3 - #7323 - 2023-09-29] jaeo_k - Easy
  161. [V3 - #7495 - 2023-10-23] myuniquename - Medium (upgraded from Easy)
  162. [V3 - #7623 - 2023-11-07] Tonic_ - Hard
  163. [V3 - #7694 - 2023-11-14] redincall - Conquered
  164. [V3 - #7751 - 2023-11-22] anakg - Easy
  165. [V3 - #7768 - 2023-11-25] Bri x2 - Medium (upgraded from Easy)
  166. [V3 - #7829 - 2023-12-01] Eleanora1315 - Easy
  167. [V3 - #7833 - 2023-12-01] Canaan - Medium
  168. [V3 - #7913 - 2023-12-15] HimeCrycho - Medium
  169. [V3 - #7920 - 2023-12-17] myuniquename - Hard (upgraded from Medium)
  170. [V3 - #7979 - 2023-12-23] blackmagemasta - Medium
  171. [V3 - #7984 - 2023-12-24] Reisho-Teki - Hard
  172. [V3 - #8249 - 2024-01-26] dierubikdie - Medium
  173. [V3 - #8439 - 2024-02-17] Reisho-Teki - Easy
  174. [V3 - #8558 - 2024-03-08] Jeon - Easy
  175. [V3 - #8581 - 2024-03-11] AnshiAneko - Easy
  176. [V3 - #8619 - 2024-03-18] TrollPotato - Medium (upgraded from Medium)
  177. [V3 - #8627 - 2024-03-19] GakutoDeathGlare - Easy
  178. [V3 - #8668 - 2024-03-25] is_peque - Hard
  179. [V3 - #8742 - 2024-04-05] Bri x2 - Easy
  180. [V3 - #8760 - 2024-04-08] ImagineBrkr - Hard
  181. [V3 - #8763 - 2024-04-09] Ten - Easy
  182. [V3 - #8790 - 2024-04-14] Papa_Dragon - Hard
  183. [V3 - #8946 - 2024-05-11] Crazee - Conquered
  184. [V3 - #8962 - 2024-05-15] Sarada - Easy
  185. [V3 - #8981 - 2024-05-20] Eyth - Medium
  186. [V3 - #9014 - 2024-05-27] myuniquename - Conquered (upgraded from Hard)
  187. [V3 - #9240 - 2024-06-28] Clamshell - Easy
  188. [V3 - #9240 - 2024-06-28] Clamshell - Conquered
  189. [V3 - #9245 - 2024-06-01] Yoko_k - Easy
  190. [V3 - #9323 - 2024-07-11] myuniquename - Easy
  191. [V3 - #9347 - 2024-07-15] ohpishhposh - Easy
  192. [V3 - #9350 - 2024-07-14] redincall - Easy
  193. [V3 - #9366 - 2024-07-17] TheOwlWeeb - Easy
  194. [V3 - #9444 - 2024-07-29] Zenit - Hard
  195. [V3 - #9573 - 2024-06-09] RachelPanda - Medium
  196. [V3 - #9875 - 2024-09-03] ImagineBrkr - Medium
  197. [V3 - #9875 - 2024-09-17] ImagineBrkr - Easy
  198. [V4 - #131 - 2024-11-17] nyanko - Conquered
  199. [V4 - #155 - 2024-11-14] Sam565 - Easy
  200. [V4 - #247 - 2024-12-06] andreth - Easy
  201. [V4 - #276 - 2024-12-14] NekoEvie - Easy
  202. [V4 - #280 - 2024-12-15] LunyRem - Conquered
  203. [V4 - #360 - 2024-12-29] Enrico45 - Easy
  204. [V4 - #407 - 2024-08-18] Twintail_Daemon - Conquered
  205. [V4 - #451 - 2024-12-27] Talha17Sama - Medium
  206. [V4 - #598 - 2024-04-06] littlemyosotis - Easy
  207. [V4 - #618 - 2025-02-07] goncix3000 - Easy

    Number of items to watch by difficulty :

  • Easy : 20 items
  • Medium : 40 items
  • Hard : 60 items
  • Conquered : 80 items
  • Mastered : 400 items
  1. "Anata wo Hitokoto de Arawashite Kudasai" no Shitsumon ga Nigate da.
  2. 30-pun de Wakaru! Kore made no Love Live!
  3. not available in English 30-pun de Wakaru! Kore made no Love Live! Sunshine!!
  4. 30th Gundam Perfect Mission
  5. A song for You! You? You!!
  6. Accel World
  7. Accel World EX
  8. Accel World: Infinite∞Burst
  9. not available in English Aesop's World
  10. Afro-Ken
  11. Aikatsu!
  12. Aikatsu! Movie
  13. not available in English Aikatsu!: Dai Starmiya Ichigo Matsuri Zenyasai!!
  14. not available in English Akai Shouzou: Char, Soshite Frontal e
  15. not aired yet Akira (Shin Anime)
  16. All That Gundam
  17. Ano Hi no Kokoro wo Toraete
  18. Aoki Ryuusei SPT Layzner
  19. Aoki Ryuusei SPT Layzner OVA
  20. Argento Soma
  21. Argento Soma: Hitori to Hitori
  22. flash warning Arion
  23. Artiswitch
  24. Artiswitch Collection/2021
  25. Artiswitch Collection/Ruru
  26. Artiswitch Picture Drama
  27. Artiswitch: Ruru's Episodes of Memories
  28. Bakumatsu Kikansetsu Irohanihoheto
  29. Batsu & Terry
  30. Battle Spirits: Brave
  31. Battle Spirits: Heroes
  32. Battle Spirits: Shounen Gekiha Dan
  33. Battle Spirits: Shounen Toppa Bashin
  34. Battle Spirits: Sword Eyes
  35. Battle Spirits: Sword Eyes Gekitouden
  36. Betterman
  37. Binbougami ga!
  38. Bokura no Live Kimi to no Life
  39. Brain Powerd
  40. Brigadoon: Marin to Melan
  41. Buddy Complex
  42. not available in English Buddy Complex: Daremo Shiranai Ashita e
  43. Buddy Complex: Kanketsu-hen - Ano Sora ni Kaeru Mirai de
  44. Buki yo Saraba
  45. Chibi Kero: Kerobouru no Himitsu!?
  46. Chinmoku no Kantai
  47. Chirin no Suzu
  48. Choro Q Dougram
  49. Chou Deneiban SD Gundam Sangokuden Brave Battle Warriors
  50. Chou Denji Machine Voltes V
  51. Chou Denji Robo Combattler V
  52. Chou Mashin Eiyuuden Wataru
  53. Chouja Raideen
  54. not available in English Chouriki Robo Galatt
  55. City Hunter
  56. City Hunter '91
  57. City Hunter 2
  58. City Hunter 3
  59. City Hunter Movie: Shinjuku Private Eyes
  60. not available in English City Hunter Movie: Tenshi no Namida
  61. City Hunter: Ai to Shukumei no Magnum
  62. City Hunter: Bay City Wars
  63. City Hunter: Goodbye My Sweetheart
  64. City Hunter: Hyakuman Dollar no Inbou
  65. City Hunter: Kinkyuu Namachuukei!? Kyouakuhan Saeba Ryou no Saigo
  66. City Hunter: The Secret Service
  67. ClassicaLoid
  68. ClassicaLoid 2nd Season
  69. Cluster Edge
  70. Code Geass: Boukoku no Akito 1 - Yokuryuu wa Maiorita
  71. Code Geass: Boukoku no Akito 2 - Hikisakareshi Yokuryuu
  72. Code Geass: Boukoku no Akito 2 - Hikisakareshi Yokuryuu Picture Drama
  73. Code Geass: Boukoku no Akito 3 - Kagayaku Mono Ten yori Otsu
  74. Code Geass: Boukoku no Akito 3 - Kagayaku Mono Ten yori Otsu Picture Drama
  75. Code Geass: Boukoku no Akito 4 - Nikushimi no Kioku kara
  76. Code Geass: Boukoku no Akito 4 - Nikushimi no Kioku kara Picture Drama
  77. Code Geass: Boukoku no Akito 5 - Itoshiki Mono-tachi e
  78. Code Geass: Boukoku no Akito 5 - Itoshiki Mono-tachi e Picture Drama
  79. Code Geass: Dakkan no Rozé
  80. flash warning Code Geass: Fukkatsu no Lelouch
  81. Code Geass: Fukkatsu no Lelouch Picture Drama
  82. Code Geass: Hangyaku no Lelouch
  83. Code Geass: Hangyaku no Lelouch - Kiseki no Birthday
  84. Code Geass: Hangyaku no Lelouch - Kiseki no Birthday Omake Flash
  85. Code Geass: Hangyaku no Lelouch - Nunnally in Wonderland
  86. Code Geass: Hangyaku no Lelouch I - Koudou
  87. Code Geass: Hangyaku no Lelouch II - Handou
  88. Code Geass: Hangyaku no Lelouch III - Oudou
  89. Code Geass: Hangyaku no Lelouch Picture Drama
  90. Code Geass: Hangyaku no Lelouch Picture Drama - Hajimari no Zenya
  91. Code Geass: Hangyaku no Lelouch Picture Drama - Kiseki no Anniversary
  92. Code Geass: Hangyaku no Lelouch R2
  93. Code Geass: Hangyaku no Lelouch R2 Omake Flash
  94. Code Geass: Hangyaku no Lelouch R2 Picture Drama
  95. Code Geass: Hangyaku no Lelouch R2 Picture Drama - Last Moratorium
  96. Code Geass: Hangyaku no Lelouch R2 Special Edition - Zero Requiem
  97. Code Geass: Hangyaku no Lelouch Recaps
  98. Code Geass: Hangyaku no Lelouch Special Edition - Black Rebellion
  99. not available in English Code Geass: Soubou no Oz Picture Drama
  100. Colorful (Movie)
  101. Cowboy Bebop
  102. Cowboy Bebop: Ein no Natsuyasumi
  103. Cowboy Bebop: Tengoku no Tobira
  104. Cowboy Bebop: Yose Atsume Blues
  105. Cross Ange: Tenshi to Ryuu no Rondo
  106. not available in English Crush Gear Nitro
  107. Crusher Joe
  108. Crusher Joe OVA
  109. Danshi Koukousei no Nichijou
  110. Danshi Koukousei no Nichijou Specials
  111. not available in English Dazzling White Town
  112. Dead Heat
  113. Defend Love
  114. Densetsu Kyojin Ideon
  115. Densetsu Kyojin Ideon: Hatsudou-hen
  116. Densetsu Kyojin Ideon: Sesshoku-hen
  117. Densetsu no Yuusha da Garn
  118. DinoZone
  119. Dirty Pair
  120. Dirty Pair Flash
  121. Dirty Pair Flash 2
  122. Dirty Pair Flash 3
  123. Dirty Pair no Ooshoubu: Nolandia no Nazo
  124. Dirty Pair OVA
  125. Dirty Pair: Bouryaku no 005-bin
  126. Dirty Pair: Lovely Angels yori Ai wo Komete
  127. Dirty Pair: The Movie
  128. Document Taiyou no Kiba Dougram
  129. Double Decker! Doug & Kirill
  130. Double Decker! Doug & Kirill: Extra
  131. Dougram vs. Round-Facer
  132. Dr.
  133. DT Eightron
  134. Escaflowne
  135. Five Star Stories
  136. Freedom
  137. Freedom Previsited
  138. Future GPX Cyber Formula
  139. Future GPX Cyber Formula 11
  140. Future GPX Cyber Formula Graffiti
  141. Future GPX Cyber Formula Saga
  142. Future GPX Cyber Formula Sin
  143. Future GPX Cyber Formula Zero
  144. Future GPX Cyber Formula: Early Days Renewal
  145. Gambo
  146. Ganbarist! Shun
  147. Gasaraki
  148. Gear Fighter Dendoh
  149. Gekitou! Crush Gear Turbo
  150. Gekitou! Crush Gear Turbo: Kaizabaan no Chousen
  151. Genjitsu no Yohane: Sunshine in the Mirror
  152. not available in English Genjitsu no Yohane: Sunshine in the Mirror Movie
  153. Genki Bakuhatsu Ganbaruger
  154. Genki Bakuhatsu Ganbaruger: Hyakka
  155. Giant Gorg
  156. Ginga Hyouryuu Vifam
  157. Ginga Hyouryuu Vifam 13
  158. Ginga Hyouryuu Vifam Recaps
  159. Ginga Hyouryuu Vifam: Keito no Kioku - Namida no Dakkai Sakusen
  160. Ginga Hyouryuu Vifam: Kieta 12-nin
  161. Gintama
  162. Gintama Movie 1: Shinyaku Benizakura-hen
  163. Gintama Movie 2: Kanketsu-hen - Yorozuya yo Eien Nare
  164. Gintama: Dai Hanseikai
  165. Gintama: Monster Strike-hen
  166. Gintama: Nanigoto mo Saisho ga Kanjin nanode Tashou Senobisuru Kurai ga Choudoyoi
  167. Gintama: Shinyaku Benizakura-hen
  168. Gintama: Shiroyasha Koutan
  169. Gintama: Yorinuki Gintama-san on Theater 2D
  170. Gintama'
  171. Gintama': Enchousen
  172. Gintama': Futon ni Haitte kara Buki Nokoshi ni Kizuite Neru ni Nerenai Toki mo Aru
  173. Gundam Breaker: Battlogue
  174. Gundam Build Divers
  175. Gundam Build Divers Prologue
  176. Gundam Build Divers Re:Rise
  177. Gundam Build Divers Re:Rise 2nd Season
  178. Gundam Build Divers: Battlogue
  179. Gundam Build Fighters
  180. Gundam Build Fighters Specials
  181. Gundam Build Fighters Try
  182. Gundam Build Fighters Try: Island Wars
  183. Gundam Build Fighters: Battlogue
  184. Gundam Build Fighters: GM no Gyakushuu
  185. Gundam Build Metaverse
  186. Gundam Evolve
  187. Gundam Neo Experience 0087: Green Divers
  188. Gundam UC x Nike SB
  189. Gundam vs Hello Kitty
  190. Gundam: G no Reconguista
  191. Gundam: G no Reconguista - From the Past to the Future
  192. Gundam: G no Reconguista Movie I - Ike! Core Fighter
  193. Gundam: G no Reconguista Movie II - Bellri Gekishin
  194. Gundam: G no Reconguista Movie III - Uchuu kara no Isan
  195. Gundam: G no Reconguista Movie IV - Gekitou ni Sakebu Ai
  196. Gundam: G no Reconguista Movie V - Shisen wo Koete
  197. Gundam: Mission to the Rise
  198. Hajimari wa Kimi no Sora
  199. Hanyou no Yashahime: Sengoku Otogizoushi
  200. Hanyou no Yashahime: Sengoku Otogizoushi - Ni no Shou
  201. Haou Taikei Ryuu Knight
  202. Haou Taikei Ryuu Knight: Adeu Legend
  203. Haou Taikei Ryuu Knight: Adeu Legend Final
  204. Haou Taikei Ryuu Knight: Adeu Legend II
  205. Happy Party Train
  206. not available in English Hazedon
  207. Hi no Youjin
  208. Hi-DRIVERS!
  209. Hipira-kun
  210. Hipira-kun ONA
  211. Hipira-kun Special
  212. not available in English Hoshi to Tsubasa no Paradox
  213. Hotori: Tada Saiwai wo Koinegau
  214. Ibara no Ou
  215. iDOLM@STER Xenoglossia
  216. iDOLM@STER Xenoglossia Specials
  217. InuYasha
  218. InuYasha Movie 1: Toki wo Koeru Omoi
  219. InuYasha Movie 2: Kagami no Naka no Mugenjou
  220. InuYasha Movie 3: Tenka Hadou no Ken
  221. InuYasha Movie 4: Guren no Houraijima
  222. InuYasha: Kanketsu-hen
  223. InuYasha: Kuroi Tessaiga
  224. Isekai Izakaya: Koto Aitheria no Izakaya Nobu
  225. It's a Rumic World: 50th Anniversary Weekly★Shonen Sunday
  226. Juusenki L-Gaim
  227. Juusenki L-Gaim I: Pentagona Window + Lady Gavlet
  228. Juusenki L-Gaim II: Farewell My Lovely + Pentagona Dolls
  229. Juusenki L-Gaim III: Full Metal Soldier
  230. Juusenshi Gulkeeva
  231. Juushin Liger
  232. not available in English Kagaku Bouken-tai Tansar 5
  233. not available in English Kagerouka-kun
  234. Kaiketsu Zorori Da-Da-Da-Daibouken!
  235. Kaiketsu Zorori: Mamoru ze! Kyouryuu no Tamago
  236. Kakumeiki Valvrave
  237. Kakumeiki Valvrave 2nd Season
  238. Kakumeiki Valvrave Recaps
  239. Kanzen Shouri Daiteiou
  240. Kekkaishi
  241. Kekkaishi: Yoshimori no Omoi
  242. Kero 0: Shuppatsu da yo! Zenin Shuugou!
  243. Keroro
  244. Keroro Gunsou
  245. Keroro Gunsou Movie 1
  246. Keroro Gunsou Movie 2: Shinkai no Princess de Arimasu!
  247. Keroro Gunsou Movie 3: Tenkuu Daikessen de Arimasu!
  248. Keroro Gunsou Movie 4: Gekishin Dragon Warriors de Arimasu!
  249. Keroro Gunsou Movie 5: Tanjou! Kyuukyoku Keroro, Kiseki no Jikuu-jima, de Arimasu!!
  250. Keroro Gunsou: Mushakero Ohirome Sengoku Ranstar Dai Battle
  251. Kidou Butouden G Gundam
  252. Kidou Keisatsu Patlabor: New OVA
  253. Kidou Keisatsu Patlabor: On Television
  254. flash warning Kidou Senshi Gundam
  255. Kidou Senshi Gundam 00
  256. not available in English Kidou Senshi Gundam 00 CB Chara
  257. Kidou Senshi Gundam 00 Movie: A Wakening of the Trailblazer
  258. Kidou Senshi Gundam 00 Second Season
  259. Kidou Senshi Gundam 00 Special Edition
  260. not available in English Kidou Senshi Gundam 00: Revealed Chronicle
  261. Kidou Senshi Gundam 00: Tenshi-tachi no Kiseki
  262. Kidou Senshi Gundam 0080: Pocket no Naka no Sensou
  263. Kidou Senshi Gundam 0083: Stardust Memory
  264. Kidou Senshi Gundam 0083: Stardust Memory - Uchuu no Kagerou
  265. Kidou Senshi Gundam 0083: Stardust Memory Picture Drama - Uchuu no Kagerou 2
  266. Kidou Senshi Gundam 0083: Zeon no Zankou
  267. Kidou Senshi Gundam AGE
  268. Kidou Senshi Gundam AGE: Memory of Eden
  269. Kidou Senshi Gundam F91
  270. Kidou Senshi Gundam G40
  271. Kidou Senshi Gundam I
  272. Kidou Senshi Gundam II: Ai Senshi-hen
  273. Kidou Senshi Gundam III: Meguriai Sora-hen
  274. Kidou Senshi Gundam MS IGLOO 2: Juuryoku Sensen
  275. Kidou Senshi Gundam MS IGLOO: 1-nen Sensou Hiroku
  276. Kidou Senshi Gundam MS IGLOO: Mokushiroku 0079
  277. Kidou Senshi Gundam NT
  278. Kidou Senshi Gundam SEED
  279. Kidou Senshi Gundam SEED C.E. 73: Stargazer
  280. Kidou Senshi Gundam SEED Destiny
  281. Kidou Senshi Gundam SEED Destiny Final Plus: Erabareta Mirai
  282. Kidou Senshi Gundam SEED Destiny Special Edition
  283. Kidou Senshi Gundam SEED Freedom
  284. Kidou Senshi Gundam SEED MSV Astray
  285. Kidou Senshi Gundam SEED Special Edition
  286. Kidou Senshi Gundam SEED: Hoshi no Hazama de
  287. Kidou Senshi Gundam SEED: SEED Supernova - Tanekyara Gekijou
  288. Kidou Senshi Gundam Senki: Avant Title
  289. Kidou Senshi Gundam Thunderbolt
  290. Kidou Senshi Gundam Thunderbolt 2nd Season
  291. Kidou Senshi Gundam Thunderbolt: Bandit Flower
  292. Kidou Senshi Gundam Thunderbolt: December Sky
  293. not available in English Kidou Senshi Gundam UC Perfectibility
  294. not available in English Kidou Senshi Gundam UC: One of Seventy Two
  295. Kidou Senshi Gundam UC: Zenwa Digest - Banagher no Tabiji
  296. Kidou Senshi Gundam Unicorn
  297. Kidou Senshi Gundam Unicorn RE:0096
  298. Kidou Senshi Gundam Unicorn: A Phantom World
  299. Kidou Senshi Gundam Unicorn: Episode EX - Hyakunen no Kodoku
  300. Kidou Senshi Gundam ZZ
  301. Kidou Senshi Gundam ZZ: Gundam Frag.
  302. Kidou Senshi Gundam-san
  303. not available in English Kidou Senshi Gundam-san (Movie)
  304. not available in English Kidou Senshi Gundam-san: Gekijou Manner CM
  305. not available in English Kidou Senshi Gundam-san: Hiyoko Days ― Suisei Hiyoko to Fushigi na Ofuda
  306. Kidou Senshi Gundam: Cucuruz Doan no Shima
  307. Kidou Senshi Gundam: Dai 08 MS Shoutai
  308. Kidou Senshi Gundam: Dai 08 MS Shoutai - Miller's Report
  309. Kidou Senshi Gundam: Dai 08 MS Shoutai - Sanjigen to no Tatakai
  310. Kidou Senshi Gundam: Fukushuu no Requiem
  311. not aired yet Kidou Senshi Gundam: GQuuuuuuX
  312. Kidou Senshi Gundam: Gyakushuu no Char
  313. Kidou Senshi Gundam: Hikaru Inochi Chronicle U.C.
  314. Kidou Senshi Gundam: Senkou no Hathaway
  315. not aired yet Kidou Senshi Gundam: Senkou no Hathaway 2
  316. not aired yet Kidou Senshi Gundam: Senkou no Hathaway 3
  317. Kidou Senshi Gundam: Suisei no Majo
  318. Kidou Senshi Gundam: Suisei no Majo - Prologue
  319. not available in English Kidou Senshi Gundam: Suisei no Majo Recap
  320. Kidou Senshi Gundam: Suisei no Majo Season 2
  321. not available in English Kidou Senshi Gundam: Suisei no Majo Season 2 Recap
  322. Kidou Senshi Gundam: Tekketsu no Orphans
  323. not available in English Kidou Senshi Gundam: Tekketsu no Orphans - Tokubetsu-hen
  324. not available in English Kidou Senshi Gundam: Tekketsu no Orphans - Urdr Hunt
  325. Kidou Senshi Gundam: Tekketsu no Orphans 2nd Season
  326. Kidou Senshi Gundam: The Origin
  327. not available in English Kidou Senshi Gundam: The Origin - Movie Edition
  328. Kidou Senshi Gundam: The Origin - Zenya Akai Suisei
  329. Kidou Senshi Gundam: Twilight Axis
  330. Kidou Senshi Gundam: Twilight Axis - Akaki Zanei
  331. Kidou Senshi Gundam: Uchuu Seiki Yowa
  332. not available in English Kidou Senshi SD Gundam Matsuri
  333. Kidou Senshi SD Gundam Mk-I
  334. Kidou Senshi SD Gundam Mk-II
  335. Kidou Senshi SD Gundam Mk-III
  336. Kidou Senshi SD Gundam Mk-IV
  337. Kidou Senshi SD Gundam Mk-V
  338. Kidou Senshi SD Gundam no Gyakushuu
  339. Kidou Senshi Victory Gundam
  340. Kidou Senshi Z Gundam I: Hoshi wo Tsugu Mono
  341. Kidou Senshi Z Gundam II: Koibito-tachi
  342. Kidou Senshi Z Gundam III: Hoshi no Kodou wa Ai
  343. Kidou Senshi Zeta Gundam
  344. Kidou Shinseiki Gundam X
  345. Kikou Kai Galient
  346. Kikou Kai Galient OVA
  347. Kikou Keisatsu Metal Jack
  348. Kikou Ryouhei Mellowlink
  349. Kikou Senki Dragonar
  350. not available in English Kimi ni Maji Kyun!
  351. Kimi no Kokoro wa Kagayaiteru kai?
  352. King's Raid: Ishi wo Tsugumono-tachi
  353. Kodai Ouja Kyouryuu King
  354. Kodai Ouja Kyouryuu King: Yokuryuu Densetsu
  355. Koi ni Naritai Aquarium
  356. Koi☆Sento
  357. Kokoro Magic "A to Z"
  358. KU-RU-KU-RU Cruller!
  359. Kurokami The Animation
  360. Kurokami The Animation: Akane-sensei no Kankokugo Kouza
  361. Kurokami: Intermission
  362. Kurokami: Tora to Tsubasa
  363. Kyoukai Senki
  364. Kyoukai Senki Part 2
  365. Kyoukai Senki: Kyokkou no Souki
  366. Kyoukaisenjou no Horizon
  367. Kyoukaisenjou no Horizon II
  368. Kyoukaisenjou no Horizon Special
  369. Kyoukaisenjou no Horizon: Kyokutou Naruhodo Kouza
  370. Kyouryuu Tankentai Born Free
  371. not available in English La Seine no Hoshi
  372. not available in English Love Live! Kouhaku Special Anime
  373. Love Live! Nijigasaki Gakuen School Idol Doukoukai
  374. Love Live! Nijigasaki Gakuen School Idol Doukoukai 2nd Season
  375. not available in English Love Live! Nijigasaki Gakuen School Idol Doukoukai Recap
  376. not available in English Love Live! Nijigasaki Gakuen School Idol Doukoukai: Kanketsu-hen
  377. not aired yet Love Live! Nijigasaki Gakuen School Idol Doukoukai: Kanketsu-hen Part 2
  378. not aired yet Love Live! Nijigasaki Gakuen School Idol Doukoukai: Kanketsu-hen Part 3
  379. Love Live! Nijigasaki Gakuen School Idol Doukoukai: Next Sky
  380. Love Live! School Idol Festival All Stars
  381. Love Live! School Idol Project
  382. Love Live! School Idol Project 2nd Season
  383. Love Live! School Idol Project OVA
  384. Love Live! School Idol Project Recap
  385. Love Live! School Idol Project: μ's →NEXT LoveLive! 2014 - Endless Parade Encore Animation
  386. Love Live! School Idol Project: μ's →NEXT LoveLive! 2014 - Endless Parade Makuai Drama
  387. Love Live! Sunshine!!
  388. Love Live! Sunshine!! 2nd Season
  389. not available in English Love Live! Sunshine!! Photo Session
  390. not available in English Love Live! Sunshine!! Recap
  391. Love Live! Sunshine!! The School Idol Movie: Over the Rainbow
  392. Love Live! Superstar!!
  393. Love Live! Superstar!! 2nd Season
  394. Love Live! Superstar!! 3rd Season
  395. Love Live! The School Idol Movie
  396. Love Live! The School Idol Movie: Gekijou Manner CMs
  397. not available in English Love Live! x Watering KissMint Collaboration CM
  398. not available in English Love Live! μ's Final Love Live! Opening Animation
  399. not aired yet Macross (Shinsaku Animation)
  400. Madou King Granzort
  401. Madou King Granzort: Nonstop Rabi
  402. not aired yet Maebashi Witches
  403. Magic-Kyun! Renaissance
  404. Mai-HiME
  405. Mai-HiME Specials
  406. Mai-HiME: Kuro no Mai/Saigo no Bansan
  407. Mai-Otome
  408. Mai-Otome 0: S.ifr
  409. Mai-Otome Special: Otome no Inori
  410. Mai-Otome Specials
  411. Mai-Otome Zwei
  412. Majime ni Fumajime Kaiketsu Zorori: Nazo no Otakara Daisakusen
  413. Mama wa Shougaku 4-nensei
  414. not available in English Many Things SD Gundam
  415. Mashin Eiyuuden Wataru
  416. Mashin Eiyuuden Wataru 2
  417. Mashin Eiyuuden Wataru: Owarinaki Toki no Monogatari
  418. Mashin Eiyuuden Wataru: Shichikon no Ryuujinmaru
  419. not available in English Mashin Eiyuuden Wataru: Soukaizan Eiyuu Densetsu
  420. Megumi no Daigo: Kajiba no Baka Yarou
  421. Mister Ajikko
  422. Mister Ajikko Special
  423. Mitaiken Horizon
  424. Mogyutto "Love" de Sekkinchuu!
  425. Mokei Senshi Gunpla Builders Beginning G
  426. Mori no Ongakudan
  427. Mugen no Ryvius
  428. Mugen no Ryvius: Illusion
  429. not available in English Mugen Senki Portriss
  430. Mugen Senshi Valis
  431. Musha Knight Commando: SD Gundam Scramble
  432. Music S.T.A.R.T!!
  433. Muteki Choujin Zanbot 3
  434. Muteki Koujin Daitarn 3
  435. Muteki Robo Trider G7
  436. Muteki-kyuu*Believer / Mirai Harmony
  437. Nami yo Kiitekure
  438. Natsu-iro Egao de 1, 2, Jump!
  439. Natsu-iro Kiseki
  440. Natsu-iro Kiseki: 15-kaime no Natsuyasumi
  441. Nekketsu Saikyou Go-Saurer
  442. Nerawareta Gakuen
  443. Nihon Animator Mihonichi
  444. Nijiyon Animation
  445. Nijiyon Animation 2
  446. not available in English Nijiyon Animation 2 Specials
  447. Nijiyon Animation Specials
  448. Noa no Ichinichi
  449. Norageki!
  450. Nyani ga Nyandaa Nyandaa Kamen
  451. not available in English Obatalian
  452. Onmyou Taisenki
  453. Ougon Yuusha Goldran
  454. Overman King Gainer
  455. Overman King Gainer Recap
  456. Phi Brain: Kami no Puzzle
  457. Phi Brain: Kami no Puzzle - Orpheus Order-hen
  458. Phi Brain: Kami no Puzzle - Shukuteki! Rätsel-hen
  459. Planetes
  460. Planetes Picture Drama
  461. flash warning Ranma ½ Super
  462. Ranma ½: Akumu! Shunmin Kou
  463. Rean no Tsubasa
  464. Ring of Gundam
  465. Road to You
  466. not available in English Robokko Beeton
  467. s.CRY.ed
  468. s.CRY.ed Alteration I: Tao
  469. s.CRY.ed Alteration II: Quan
  470. Sacred Seven
  471. Sacred Seven: Shirogane no Tsubasa
  472. Sacred Seven: Shirogane no Tsubasa Picture Drama
  473. Saihate no Paladin: Tetsusabi no Yama no Ou
  474. Saikyou Ginga Ultimate Zero: Battle Spirits
  475. Saikyou Robot Daiouja
  476. not available in English Sand Land
  477. Sand Land: The Series
  478. Sarusuberi: Miss Hokusai
  479. Scarlet Nexus
  480. SD Gundam Force
  481. SD Gundam Gaiden
  482. SD Gundam Sangokuden Brave Battle Warriors
  483. SD Gundam World Heroes
  484. SD Gundam World: Sangoku Souketsuden
  485. Seihou Bukyou Outlaw Star
  486. Seihou Bukyou Outlaw Star Pilot
  487. Seihou Bukyou Outlaw Star Specials
  488. Seihou Tenshi Angel Links
  489. Seihou Tenshi Angel Links: Meifon no Special Kaisetsu Corner
  490. Seikai no Danshou: Tanjou
  491. Seikai no Monshou
  492. Seikai no Monshou Special
  493. Seikai no Senki
  494. Seikai no Senki II
  495. Seikai no Senki II Special
  496. Seikai no Senki III
  497. Seikai no Senki Special
  498. Seisenshi Dunbine
  499. Seisenshi Dunbine Memorial
  500. Seisenshi Dunbine OVA
  501. not available in English Sekai, Nishihara Shoukai no Sekai! Part 2 Gyaku featuring Crazy Ken Band
  502. Sentimental Journey
  503. Sentou Mecha Xabungle
  504. Seraphim Call
  505. Shin Kidou Senki Gundam Wing
  506. Shin Kidou Senki Gundam Wing: Endless Waltz
  507. Shin Kidou Senki Gundam Wing: Endless Waltz Tokubetsu-hen
  508. Shin Kidou Senki Gundam Wing: Frozen Teardrop Picture Drama - Aratanaru Tatakai
  509. Shin Kidou Senki Gundam Wing: Operation Meteor
  510. Shin Mashin Eiyuuden Wataru Majinzan
  511. Shin SOS Dai Tokyo Tankentai
  512. Shinrabanshou: Tenchi Shinmei no Shou
  513. Shippuu! Iron Leaguer
  514. Shippuu! Iron Leaguer: Silver no Hata no Moto ni
  515. Shiroi Kiba White Fang Monogatari
  516. Shishunki Bishoujo Gattai Robo Z-Mind
  517. Shoko Nakagawa Prism Tour Special
  518. Short Peace Opening
  519. Shukufuku
  520. Shutsugeki! Machine Robo Rescue
  521. Snow Halation
  522. Sora wo Kakeru Shoujo
  523. Sora wo Kakeru Shoujo Picture Drama
  524. Soukou Kihei Votoms
  525. not available in English Soukou Kihei Votoms Recaps
  526. not available in English Soukou Kihei Votoms Vol.I: Stories of the "A.T.Votoms"
  527. not available in English Soukou Kihei Votoms Vol.II: Highlights from the "A.T.Votoms"
  528. Soukou Kihei Votoms: Big Battle
  529. Soukou Kihei Votoms: Case;Irvine
  530. Soukou Kihei Votoms: Genei-hen
  531. Soukou Kihei Votoms: Kakuyaku taru Itan
  532. Soukou Kihei Votoms: Koei Futatabi
  533. Soukou Kihei Votoms: Pailsen Files
  534. Soukou Kihei Votoms: Pailsen Files Movie
  535. Soukou Kihei Votoms: Red Shoulder Document - Yabou no Roots
  536. Soukou Kihei Votoms: The Last Red Shoulder
  537. not available in English Soukou Kyojin Z-Knight
  538. Steamboy
  539. Taiyou no Kiba Dougram
  540. Taiyou no Yuusha Fighbird
  541. Tales of Gekijou
  542. Tales of the Abyss
  543. Tales of the Abyss Special Fan Disc
  544. Tenkuu no Escaflowne
  545. Tenkuu no Escaflowne Recaps
  546. The Big O
  547. not available in English The Impression of First Gundam
  548. The☆Ultraman
  549. Tiger & Bunny
  550. Tiger & Bunny Movie 1: The Beginning
  551. Tiger & Bunny Movie 2: The Rising
  552. Tiger & Bunny Pilot
  553. not available in English Tiger & Bunny Recaps
  554. not available in English Tokimeki Runners
  555. Toushou Daimos
  556. Tribe Cool Crew
  557. Tsukumo
  558. Turn A Gundam
  559. Turn A Gundam I: Chikyuukou
  560. Turn A Gundam II: Gekkou Chou
  561. Uchuu no Senshi
  562. Urusei Yatsura: The Shougaibutsu Suieitaikai
  563. Votoms Finder
  564. Wanpaku Oomukashi Kum Kum
  565. Witch Hunter Robin
  566. Wonderful Rush
  567. Xabungle Graffiti
  568. Yakitate!! Japan
  569. Yamiyo no Jidaigeki
  570. Yamiyo no Jidaigeki (OVA)
  571. Yoroiden Samurai Troopers
  572. Yoroiden Samurai Troopers Gaiden
  573. Yoroiden Samurai Troopers Kikoutei Densetsu
  574. Yoroiden Samurai Troopers Message
  575. Yuusha Exkaiser
  576. Yuusha Keisatsu J-Decker
  577. Yuusha Raideen
  578. Yuusha Shirei Dagwon
  579. Yuusha Shirei Dagwon: Suishou no Hitomi no Shounen
  580. Yuusha Tokkyuu Might Gaine
  581. Yuusha-Ou GaoGaiGar
  582. Yuusha-Ou GaoGaiGar Final
  583. Yuusha-Ou GaoGaiGar Final Grand Glorious Gathering
  584. Zegapain
  585. Zegapain ADP
  586. Zegapain: STA
  587. Zeonic Front: Kidou Senshi Gundam 0079 - Zeon no Hifun
  588. Zeonic Toyota Special Movie
  589. not available in English Zero Tester
  590. not available in English Zero Tester: Chikyuu wo Mamore!
  591. Zettai Muteki Raijin-Oh
  592. not available in English Zettai Muteki Raijin-Oh (1992)
  593. Zone of the Enders: 2167 Idolo
  594. Zone of the Enders: Dolores, I


Run #1






Run #2






Studios Sunrise

Created on : 2017-10-25

MAL forum thread

5 Difficulties :

2 Point(s)
20 items to complete
122 Turnins
75 Validated Turnins
4 Point(s)
40 items to complete
43 Turnins
21 Validated Turnins
6 Point(s)
60 items to complete
19 Turnins
6 Validated Turnins
8 Point(s)
80 items to complete
23 Turnins
12 Validated Turnins
0 Point(s)
400 items to complete
0 Turnins
0 Validated Turnins

Rules :

  • This challenge requires watching a given number of anime.
  • All anime, including previously seen or started, can be used for this challenge.
  • No ongoing anime can be used for this challenge. They must have finished airing (and you must have completed them) before your turn-in date.
  • All anime used for this challenge must be linked to the following studio : Sunrise or Sunrise Beyond.
  • This challenge can be submitted twice for each difficulty.