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User : Lyfa

On MAL : Profile Anime List

lvl 3
Created with Highcharts 4.1.5Month# of pointsPoints By Month4.53.750.50.51.750.5212.54.755. '17Mar '17May '17Jul '17Sep '17Nov '17Jan '180246
Created with Highcharts 4.1.5Month# of turn-insTurn-ins By Month241141323521132ValidUncheckedInvalidJan '17Mar '17May '17Jul '17Sep '17Nov '17Jan '180246
Created with Highcharts 4.1.5Year# of pointsPoints By Year314.75ValidPending20172018010203040
Created with Highcharts 4.1.5Year# of turn-insTurn-ins By Year3052ValidUncheckedInvalid20172018010203040
Created with Highcharts 4.1.5Points By Category (All)MAL Official AWC - 4pt (11.0%)Year - 3pt (8.3%)Franchise - 0pt (0.0%)Creator - 0pt (0.0%)Studios - 5.5pt (15.2%)Genre - 4.75pt (13.1%)Theme - 1pt (2.8%)Characters - 0.25pt (0.7%)Type - 6.25pt (17.2%)Statistics - 0pt (0.0%)Miscellaneous - 0pt (0.0%)Limited - 0pt (0.0%)Monthly - 7.5pt (20.7%)Numbers - 0pt (0.0%)Full Year - 0pt (0.0%)Days of the Week - 0pt (0.0%)Scavenger Hunt - 0.5pt (1.4%)Series Collections - 3pt (8.3%)Creator Collections - 0pt (0.0%)Staff Collections - 0pt (0.0%)MAC Collections - 0pt (0.0%)AWC Collections - 0pt (0.0%)AG Collections - 0pt (0.0%)Affiliates Collections - 0pt (0.0%)High/Low Score + Auction House - 0.5pt (1.4%)
Created with Highcharts 4.1.5Points By Category (Validated)MAL Official AWC - 4pt (11.0%)Year - 3pt (8.3%)Franchise - 0pt (0.0%)Creator - 0pt (0.0%)Studios - 5.5pt (15.2%)Genre - 4.75pt (13.1%)Theme - 1pt (2.8%)Characters - 0.25pt (0.7%)Type - 6.25pt (17.2%)Statistics - 0pt (0.0%)Miscellaneous - 0pt (0.0%)Limited - 0pt (0.0%)Monthly - 7.5pt (20.7%)Numbers - 0pt (0.0%)Full Year - 0pt (0.0%)Days of the Week - 0pt (0.0%)Scavenger Hunt - 0.5pt (1.4%)Series Collections - 3pt (8.3%)Creator Collections - 0pt (0.0%)Staff Collections - 0pt (0.0%)MAC Collections - 0pt (0.0%)AWC Collections - 0pt (0.0%)AG Collections - 0pt (0.0%)Affiliates Collections - 0pt (0.0%)High/Low Score + Auction House - 0.5pt (1.4%)
Created with Highcharts 4.1.5Category# of turninsTurnins by CategoryMAL Official AWCYearStudiosGenreThemeCharactersTypeMonthlyScavenger HuntSeries Collections0246810121416

Turnins (chronological)

  1. [V1 - #2751 - 2017-01-28] Year > Aired 2014 => +3
  2. [V1 - #2762 - 2017-01-29] Series Collections > Hunter X Hunter => +1.5
  3. [V1 - #2802 - 2017-02-02] Genre > Mahou Shoujo - Easy => +1.25
  4. [V1 - #2844 - 2017-02-05] Genre > Comedy - Easy => +1
  5. [V1 - #2888 - 2017-02-08] Genre > Ecchi - Easy => +1
  6. [V1 - #2890 - 2017-02-08] Monthly > February 2017 => +0.5
  7. [V1 - #3350 - 2017-03-21] Monthly > March 2017 => +0.5
  8. [V1 - #3738 - 2017-04-26] Monthly > April 2017 => +0.5
  9. [V1 - #3867 - 2017-05-05] Scavenger Hunt > Scavenger Hunt #01 => +0.5
  10. [V1 - #3988 - 2017-05-19] Monthly > May 2017 => +0.5
  11. [V1 - #4079 - 2017-05-27] Type > OVA-per-Day - Easy => +0.25
  12. [V1 - #4079 - 2017-05-27] Type > Movie-per-Day - Easy => +0.5
  13. [V1 - #4360 - 2017-06-25] Monthly > June 2017 => +0.5
  14. [V1 - #4476 - 2017-07-06] Genre > Fantasy - Easy => +1
  15. [V1 - #4495 - 2017-07-09] Genre > Harem - Easy => +0.5
  16. [V1 - #4605 - 2017-07-26] Monthly > July 2017 => +0.5
  17. [2017-08-01] Monthly > Monthly Challenge Creator => +0.5
  18. [V1 - #4820 - 2017-08-24] Monthly > August 2017 => +0.5
  19. [V1 - #4961 - 2017-09-09] Series Collections > Mega Man => +1.5
  20. [V1 - #5042 - 2017-09-20] Monthly > September 2017 => +0.5
  21. [V1 - #5057 - 2017-09-23] Type > OVA-per-Day - Medium => +0.5
  22. [2017-10-01] Monthly > Monthly Challenge Creator x2 => +0.5
  23. [V1 - #5221 - 2017-10-13] Characters > Mascot - Easy => +0.25
  24. [V1 - #5262 - 2017-10-18] Monthly > October 2017 => +0.5
  25. [V1 - #5331 - 2017-10-26] Studios > Deen - Easy => +1.5
  26. [V1 - #5331 - 2017-10-26] Studios > Sunrise - Easy => +2
  27. [V1 - #5413 - 2017-11-01] Type > Series-Per-2Days - Conquered => +5
  28. [V1 - #5608 - 2017-11-29] Monthly > November 2017 => +0.5
  29. [2017-12-24] MAL Official AWC > 2017 Anime Watching Challenge - Emperor Full Card Master of TV => +3.25
  30. [V1 - #5870 - 2017-12-31] Monthly > December 2017 => +0.5
  31. [V1 - #6011 - 2018-01-17] Monthly > January 2018 => +0.5
  32. [V1 - #6197 - 2018-02-01] X Studios > Madhouse - Easy
  33. [V1 - #6197 - 2018-02-01] X Studios > Production I.G - Easy
  34. [V1 - #6197 - 2018-02-01] Studios > Production I.G - Medium => +2
  35. [V1 - #6301 - 2018-02-14] Theme > Game - Easy => +1
  36. [V1 - #6443 - 2018-02-27] Monthly > February 2018 => +0.5
  37. [2018-11-28] MAL Official AWC > 2018 Anime Watching Challenge - Knight => +0.75

Turnins (by Category)

Show All Challenges

  1. Bouei Honou / Evidence [2 episodes] => 1 episodes on list
  2. Mijikamon [12 episodes] => 13 episodes on list
  3. Servamp Specials [4 episodes] => 3 episodes on list
  4. Sora Iro no Tane [3 episodes] => 1 episodes on list
  5. Taisei Kensetsu CMs [6 episodes] => 1 episodes on list
  6. Tales of the Rays [2 episodes] => 1 episodes on list

Challenges without Checklists