Challenge : December 2018

  1. [V1 - #8143 - 2018-12-01] leejongki
  2. [V1 - #8148 - 2018-12-01] Wyvern22
  3. [V1 - #8152 - 2018-12-02] YayakoChii
  4. [V1 - #8165 - 2018-12-04] AngelShiva
  5. [V1 - #8177 - 2018-12-07] AlexJ94
  6. [V1 - #8176 - 2018-12-08] megafat
  7. [V1 - #8182 - 2018-12-08] foxxykat1223
  8. [V1 - #8184 - 2018-12-08] Kannamiya
  9. [V1 - #8180 - 2018-12-09] Eraz007
  10. [V1 - #8187 - 2018-12-09] Rebe92
  11. [V1 - #8191 - 2018-12-11] Jhiday
  12. [V1 - #8195 - 2018-12-13] Imyreld
  13. [V1 - #8200 - 2018-12-15] annah0j
  14. [V1 - #8203 - 2018-12-15] devrat2012
  15. [V1 - #8206 - 2018-12-15] AYOSHINA
  16. [V1 - #8210 - 2018-12-17] Aeradae
  17. [V1 - #8215 - 2018-12-17] isuzusan
  18. [V1 - #8216 - 2018-12-17] Limefrogz97
  19. [V1 - #8217 - 2018-12-17] FoxPerks
  20. [V1 - #8218 - 2018-12-17] CheeseKnife
  21. [V1 - #8213 - 2018-12-18] TheEdgelord
  22. [V1 - #8225 - 2018-12-19] LemonKush
  23. [V1 - #8226 - 2018-12-19] moissi
  24. [V1 - #8228 - 2018-12-20] Phloppo
  25. [V1 - #8229 - 2018-12-20] Maelstrom184
  26. [V1 - #8231 - 2018-12-20] Titadou
  27. [V1 - #8233 - 2018-12-20] Papa_Dragon
  28. [V1 - #8236 - 2018-12-21] KitsunehimeMilhi
  29. [V1 - #8237 - 2018-12-21] starfishalliance
  30. [V1 - #8240 - 2018-12-21] lubryka
  31. [V1 - #8241 - 2018-12-21] -Jefuri-
  32. [V1 - #8239 - 2018-12-22] Marshmilo
  33. [V1 - #8242 - 2018-12-22] TreasuredHopes
  34. [V1 - #8243 - 2018-12-22] Punkero
  35. [V1 - #8245 - 2018-12-22] heinrich6745
  36. [V1 - #8249 - 2018-12-22] Doubledog
  37. [V1 - #8250 - 2018-12-22] lifeiscrazy
  38. [V1 - #8252 - 2018-12-23] Doougii
  39. [V1 - #8259 - 2018-12-24] SunflowerDaisho
  40. [V1 - #8260 - 2018-12-24] SlayMagical
  41. [V1 - #8264 - 2018-12-25] cappuccinoangel
  42. [V1 - #8266 - 2018-12-25] Rinarin
  43. [V1 - #8268 - 2018-12-25] justoline
  44. [V1 - #8275 - 2018-12-26] Elineru
  45. [V1 - #8276 - 2018-12-26] DarkPasquale
  46. [V1 - #8278 - 2018-12-26] kallah
  47. [V1 - #8279 - 2018-12-26] Tournalo
  48. [V1 - #8282 - 2018-12-26] Memberdeactivate
  49. [V1 - #8280 - 2018-12-27] Lumi-x
  50. [V1 - #8283 - 2018-12-27] flipsard
  51. [V1 - #8284 - 2018-12-27] MochiMagus
  52. [V1 - #8285 - 2018-12-27] Charlotte1412
  53. [V1 - #8291 - 2018-12-27] DeltaNemesis
  54. [V1 - #8292 - 2018-12-27] Zenit
  55. [V1 - #8298 - 2018-12-28] Lokhlass
  56. [V1 - #8299 - 2018-12-28] Branqueleton
  57. [V1 - #8302 - 2018-12-29] -pourmesomepink-
  58. [V1 - #8311 - 2018-12-29] extremeplant
  59. [V1 - #8312 - 2018-12-29] greyjoie
  60. [V1 - #8314 - 2018-12-29] Rno081
  61. [V1 - #8316 - 2018-12-29] SebastianOrf3
  62. [V1 - #8304 - 2018-12-30] AnshiAneko
  63. [V1 - #8308 - 2018-12-30] Aelric1
  64. [V1 - #8309 - 2018-12-30] ScarletCelestial
  65. [V1 - #8310 - 2018-12-30] GNozaki
  66. [V1 - #8320 - 2018-12-30] toxif
  67. [V1 - #8330 - 2018-12-30] ParsleyParsnips
  68. [V1 - #8331 - 2018-12-30] breathesunshine
  69. [V1 - #8332 - 2018-12-30] RosaMess
  70. [V1 - #8322 - 2018-12-31] Kuromi59
  71. [V1 - #8323 - 2018-12-31] Hackser_
  72. [V1 - #8324 - 2018-12-31] Doddy97
  73. [V1 - #8334 - 2018-12-31] NathiNugget
  74. [V1 - #8335 - 2018-12-31] StookedG
  75. [V1 - #8304 - 2018-12-31] ladypeach
  76. [V1 - #8307 - 2018-12-31] The_White_Wolf
  77. [V1 - #8308 - 2018-12-31] DistructiveNick
  78. [V1 - #8310 - 2018-12-31] zelda2point0
  79. [V1 - #8314 - 2018-12-31] blazedancer1997
  80. [V1 - #8301 - 2019-01-01] Spades-Deuce
  81. [V1 - #8312 - 2019-01-01] wckdct
  82. [V1 - #8313 - 2019-01-01] NarwhalsAreLazy
  83. [V1 - #8315 - 2019-01-01] Tubby
  84. [V1 - #8316 - 2019-01-01] scrouge
  85. [V1 - #8318 - 2019-01-01] CatSoul
  86. [V1 - #8321 - 2019-01-01] animegeek4life
  87. [V1 - #8332 - 2019-01-02] Niveen_Sleem
  88. [V1 - #8337 - 2019-01-03] adrianaaliece
  89. [V1 - #8368 - 2019-01-05] SukiiFu
  90. [V1 - #8385 - 2019-01-06] Mnemosymnal
  91. [V1 - #8450 - 2019-01-14] SheyCroix
  92. [V1 - #8685 - 2019-02-10] NaineLIEz
  93. [V1 - #9231 - 2019-04-10] Vanadis
  94. [V2 - #611 - 2019-10-27] Daisy-Sensei
  95. [V2 - #1995 - 2020-03-02] tbeans10
  96. [V2 - #3432 - 2020-06-23] dixcloxure
  97. [V3 - #5744 - 2023-04-09] KousakaK

Run #1

Monthly December 2018 Closed

Created on : 2018-12-01

Closed on : 2018-12-31

MAL forum thread

0.5 Point(s)
4 items to complete
97 Turnins
96 Validated Turnins

Rules :

  • This challenge requires watching anime corresponding to a given amount of criteria.
  • No previously seen nor previously started anime can be used for this challenge. Additionally, everything must be watched within the challenge's limited window of time.
  • No ongoing anime can be used for this challenge. They must have finished airing (and you must have completed them) before your turn-in date.
  • All anime used for this challenge must have a total duration of a minimum of 15 minutes.
  • This challenge can only count once. Only one turn-in will be taken into account.