Challenge : 2018 Anime Watching Challenge

  1. [2018-01-12] Sojin - Knight
  2. [2018-01-14] Damanks - Knight
  3. [2018-01-15] Djidji - Hardcore
  4. [2018-02-05] lanblade - Hardcore
  5. [2018-02-10] Soarax - Hardcore
  6. [2018-02-15] AverageIQ - Knight
  7. [2018-02-17] meiiyukii - Hardcore
  8. [2018-02-20] KuhakuyaL - Hardcore
  9. [2018-02-21] Krona - Hardcore
  10. [2018-02-21] i_yuuko-chan - Knight
  11. [2018-02-22] FarazAneesQ - King
  12. [2018-02-22] Tyblazitar - Hardcore
  13. [2018-02-26] nami-witch - Knight
  14. [2018-02-27] KikoTv - Knight
  15. [2018-03-01] L0ro - Hardcore
  16. [2018-03-02] Milength - Knight
  17. [2018-03-05] Cpac22 - Knight
  18. [2018-03-06] Trekie - Hardcore
  19. [2018-03-06] venera - Knight
  20. [2018-03-10] Hikky_ - Knight
  21. [2018-03-11] Right - Knight
  22. [2018-03-19] Lycan - Baron
  23. [2018-03-20] abystoma2 - Hardcore
  24. [2018-03-29] Wyvern22 - Hardcore
  25. [2018-03-31] Rieze - Hardcore
  26. [2018-03-31] AYOSHINA - Hardcore
  27. [2018-04-02] ubedL - Knight
  28. [2018-04-08] FNick - Knight
  29. [2018-04-17] Leksa1 - Knight
  30. [2018-04-17] Jei_A - Marquess
  31. [2018-04-19] EcchiiDesu - Knight
  32. [2018-04-21] ScarletCelestial - Hardcore
  33. [2018-04-22] Akinayumi - Viceroy
  34. [2018-04-23] jho0on_ - Hardcore
  35. [2018-04-26] Punkero - Baron Master
  36. [2018-05-05] kallah - Hardcore
  37. [2018-05-07] YayakoChii - Hardcore
  38. [2018-05-08] mikadotrash - Hardcore
  39. [2018-05-12] SheyCroix - Hardcore
  40. [2018-05-18] Puchkov - Baron
  41. [2018-05-21] GDMH39 - Hardcore
  42. [2018-05-24] ampd - Hardcore
  43. [2018-05-25] DistructiveNick - Viceroy
  44. [2018-05-27] dixcloxure - Hardcore
  45. [2018-05-31] Yuki- - King
  46. [2018-06-16] -Jefuri- - Knight
  47. [2018-07-07] bad_news_brown - Hardcore
  48. [2018-07-18] saturnscoria46 - Marquess
  49. [2018-07-31] ouma-kokichi - Baron
  50. [2018-08-10] TuyNOM - Hardcore
  51. [2018-08-13] thriwien - Baron
  52. [2018-08-17] haplomonka - Viceroy
  53. [2018-08-19] Pentagonion - Knight
  54. [2018-08-20] Ustabond - Marquess
  55. [2018-08-21] jyuushi - Knight
  56. [2018-08-22] Rebe92 - Viceroy
  57. [2018-08-25] photooligan - Marquess
  58. [2018-08-28] Sreyso - Hardcore
  59. [2018-08-28] zombie_wolf - King
  60. [2018-09-06] Ph0esz - Hardcore
  61. [2018-09-08] Medo101 - Knight
  62. [2018-09-09] Tubby - Hardcore
  63. [2018-09-13] touit - Marquess
  64. [2018-09-15] hawkusho - Baron
  65. [2018-09-15] ibm30rpg - Baron
  66. [2018-09-15] justoline - Hardcore
  67. [2018-09-16] felix10381 - Marquess
  68. [2018-09-16] SpankleOnii-Sama - Hardcore
  69. [2018-09-16] Lokhlass - Knight
  70. [2018-09-18] Jhiday - Hardcore
  71. [2018-09-19] AudioTsunami - Hardcore
  72. [2018-09-20] eruditious - Hardcore Master
  73. [2018-09-20] Ultima_Oblivion - Marquess
  74. [2018-09-21] flipsard - Hardcore
  75. [2018-09-24] LunyRem - Viceroy
  76. [2018-09-26] Vizioz - Hardcore
  77. [2018-09-26] CyberSan - Knight
  78. [2018-09-27] MetaThPr4h - Hardcore
  79. [2018-09-28] Maelstrom184 - Hardcore
  80. [2018-09-28] UkePaChan - Baron
  81. [2018-09-28] S4N - King
  82. [2018-09-28] TahZin - Knight
  83. [2018-09-30] yuuyaisnotcrash - Knight
  84. [2018-09-30] Imyreld - Hardcore Master
  85. [2018-09-30] MangaRocks - Baron
  86. [2018-09-30] Catexia - Knight
  87. [2018-09-30] AL19x - Knight
  88. [2018-09-30] Zeineru - Knight
  89. [2018-10-03] Talim - Marquess
  90. [2018-10-04] ownitlikeaboss - Marquess
  91. [2018-10-04] zombie_pegasus - Hardcore
  92. [2018-10-04] TenObok - Hardcore
  93. [2018-10-06] Phraze - Hardcore
  94. [2018-10-06] AngelShiva - Hardcore
  95. [2018-10-06] hinagatari - Viceroy
  96. [2018-10-08] BeanChagBear - Hardcore
  97. [2018-10-10] MarissaRob - Hardcore
  98. [2018-10-10] lazypigz - Hardcore
  99. [2018-10-10] Bern_stein - Hardcore
  100. [2018-10-10] Chiantif - Viceroy
  101. [2018-10-11] CheeseKnife - Knight
  102. [2018-10-12] Cynder360 - Hardcore
  103. [2018-10-13] Ytsejam - Knight
  104. [2018-10-13] shidest - Knight
  105. [2018-10-15] Breloominati - Hardcore
  106. [2018-10-15] Brati - Viceroy
  107. [2018-10-16] Daisy-Sensei - Hardcore
  108. [2018-10-16] OnegaiAnime - Baron
  109. [2018-10-16] Nanashi_x3 - Knight
  110. [2018-10-18] Whimsalot - Viceroy Master
  111. [2018-10-19] TheDragon3042 - Viceroy
  112. [2018-10-27] Psalms - Knight
  113. [2018-10-28] fyuuki_ - Knight
  114. [2018-10-28] pluvia33 - Viceroy
  115. [2018-10-29] loon101 - Viceroy
  116. [2018-10-30] lubryka - Hardcore
  117. [2018-11-01] Lightangel2 - Knight
  118. [2018-11-02] GNozaki - Hardcore
  119. [2018-11-05] Slarkero - Marquess
  120. [2018-11-06] KMH - Hardcore
  121. [2018-11-07] Titadou - Hardcore
  122. [2018-11-09] AnshiAneko - Hardcore
  123. [2018-11-10] Azumin - Marquess
  124. [2018-11-11] Korrailli - Hardcore
  125. [2018-11-12] AntonCzechow - Hardcore
  126. [2018-11-12] MrSirGrape - Hardcore
  127. [2018-11-13] saminthapanti - Baron
  128. [2018-11-14] BlueSkies21 - Baron
  129. [2018-11-14] Nyomdalee - Viceroy
  130. [2018-11-14] _JustSomeGuy_ - Marquess
  131. [2018-11-14] GrapefruitNeko - Knight
  132. [2018-11-14] FinleyTheFae - Knight
  133. [2018-11-15] Beepern - Viceroy
  134. [2018-11-17] SlayMagical - Hardcore
  135. [2018-11-18] Dar9586 - Marquess
  136. [2018-11-18] Jojobro - Hardcore
  137. [2018-11-19] MandarBloodeagle - King
  138. [2018-11-19] annah0j - Hardcore
  139. [2018-11-19] Yukio8 - Knight
  140. [2018-11-20] kaczmar0203 - Hardcore
  141. [2018-11-20] Missynette - Baron
  142. [2018-11-21] Passion - Marquess
  143. [2018-11-21] cloudysmile - Viceroy
  144. [2018-11-21] Kyou85Kirino96 - Hardcore
  145. [2018-11-22] Dechromarlo - Viceroy
  146. [2018-11-23] BloomingJAS - Viceroy
  147. [2018-11-23] Modo942000 - Knight
  148. [2018-11-24] Mellowmancer - Hardcore
  149. [2018-11-24] RachelPanda - Hardcore
  150. [2018-11-24] Dysp - Hardcore
  151. [2018-11-25] greatvillage - Hardcore
  152. [2018-11-25] arderine - King
  153. [2018-11-26] devrat2012 - Hardcore
  154. [2018-11-26] Mitsz - Viceroy
  155. [2018-11-27] Ao - Hardcore
  156. [2018-11-27] Dornentanz - Viceroy
  157. [2018-11-27] tomhannay - Marquess
  158. [2018-11-28] Ritshiro - King
  159. [2018-11-28] EBG3456 - Viceroy
  160. [2018-11-28] Lyfa - Knight
  161. [2018-11-29] RisaKosugurabu - Hardcore
  162. [2018-11-29] Lakesys - Marquess
  163. [2018-11-29] Ten - Marquess
  164. [2018-11-29] TheFallender - Marquess
  165. [2018-11-30] orosan - Hardcore
  166. [2018-11-30] Uragan78 - Hardcore
  167. [2018-11-30] greyjoie - Viceroy
  168. [2018-11-30] Rno081 - Marquess
  169. [2018-11-30] jkasumi - Knight
  170. [2018-11-30] tlato_but - Marquess
  171. [2018-11-30] kuriiro2032 - Knight
  172. [2018-11-30] NaineLIEz - Marquess
  173. [2018-12-01] Spades-Deuce - King
  174. [2018-12-01] MsLila - Knight
  175. [2018-12-02] Edd601 - Marquess
  176. [2018-12-03] DarckThunder - Baron
  177. [2018-12-03] Keiken - Hardcore
  178. [2018-12-03] Samus - Knight
  179. [2018-12-04] kiv7 - Knight
  180. [2018-12-05] haunted - Viceroy
  181. [2018-12-06] Mr-Lapras - Knight
  182. [2018-12-06] BakaChii - Marquess
  183. [2018-12-07] ryuuzaki-san - Knight
  184. [2018-12-07] MillieAndretti90 - Marquess
  185. [2018-12-07] Agerno - Baron
  186. [2018-12-07] CureEtude - Hardcore
  187. [2018-12-07] Zuraki - Knight
  188. [2018-12-08] NCR6 - Knight
  189. [2018-12-08] MEW2908 - Baron
  190. [2018-12-08] Full_Moon_33 - Knight
  191. [2018-12-09] Redlord307 - Knight
  192. [2018-12-09] Snakering - Baron
  193. [2018-12-09] Chrysanties - Marquess
  194. [2018-12-10] DeltaNemesis - Marquess
  195. [2018-12-10] Roan - Hardcore
  196. [2018-12-10] OceLawlet - Knight
  197. [2018-12-10] GreeenSponge - Viceroy
  198. [2018-12-10] Sperguze - Baron
  199. [2018-12-11] Nagato-Uzumaki13 - Marquess
  200. [2018-12-11] modaren - Hardcore
  201. [2018-12-11] ceslava - Hardcore
  202. [2018-12-11] Ehta - Knight
  203. [2018-12-11] bigdud24 - Hardcore
  204. [2018-12-12] chii - Hardcore
  205. [2018-12-12] Crimson_Mage - Viceroy
  206. [2018-12-13] kasia240 - Viceroy
  207. [2018-12-13] TobiMTA - Hardcore
  208. [2018-12-13] Gekkouta - Marquess
  209. [2018-12-13] Schlopsi - Viceroy
  210. [2018-12-13] BanzaiJedi - Marquess
  211. [2018-12-13] m80222 - Marquess
  212. [2018-12-13] VirtualThot - Baron
  213. [2018-12-14] Yuissi - Hardcore
  214. [2018-12-14] IIMarcusII - Knight
  215. [2018-12-14] battlewaitress - Baron
  216. [2018-12-14] Cookie-Badger - Knight
  217. [2018-12-15] Mnemosymnal - Knight
  218. [2018-12-15] Nocturnal - Hardcore
  219. [2018-12-15] SIMITHA - Knight
  220. [2018-12-15] NathanielGibbs - Hardcore
  221. [2018-12-15] laylags - Marquess
  222. [2018-12-15] awarii - Knight
  223. [2018-12-15] kanon-chan - Hardcore
  224. [2018-12-16] Papa_Dragon - Hardcore
  225. [2018-12-16] ReidN - Hardcore
  226. [2018-12-16] TL_Enthusiast - Hardcore
  227. [2018-12-16] Amidach - Viceroy
  228. [2018-12-17] Storm-Sage - Hardcore
  229. [2018-12-17] heyheylisten - Hardcore
  230. [2018-12-17] cappuccinoangel - Hardcore
  231. [2018-12-17] ChocaPik - Knight
  232. [2018-12-17] Clossd - Baron
  233. [2018-12-17] misserxp - King
  234. [2018-12-17] Kris-kun20 - Knight
  235. [2018-12-17] akami_96 - Baron
  236. [2018-12-18] nightmoves - Knight
  237. [2018-12-18] Khalan - King
  238. [2018-12-18] SalvioN - Baron
  239. [2018-12-18] kit-sune - Hardcore
  240. [2018-12-19] RulenneClarissa - Hardcore
  241. [2018-12-19] kT-Echo - Hardcore
  242. [2018-12-19] DollianFay - Knight
  243. [2018-12-19] NemoTheLost - Knight
  244. [2018-12-19] Ace_Angel - Knight
  245. [2018-12-19] XAnima13X - Hardcore
  246. [2018-12-19] ASD_ - Baron
  247. [2018-12-19] Rinarin - Hardcore
  248. [2018-12-20] ProofByColor - King
  249. [2018-12-20] Cadhla - Hardcore
  250. [2018-12-20] Kiimiko - Viceroy
  251. [2018-12-20] Resonance - Knight
  252. [2018-12-20] maudjen - Baron
  253. [2018-12-20] Jojo_le_otaku - Baron
  254. [2018-12-21] PhKay - Knight
  255. [2018-12-21] NanaPT - Viceroy
  256. [2018-12-21] mohan226 - Knight
  257. [2018-12-21] starfishalliance - Hardcore
  258. [2018-12-21] Szrebi - King
  259. [2018-12-21] Suoniemi - Baron
  260. [2018-12-21] Heumers - King
  261. [2018-12-21] arisusagi - Viceroy
  262. [2018-12-21] Clover - Hardcore
  263. [2018-12-21] OhTsuru - King
  264. [2018-12-22] Tomicsavo - Knight
  265. [2018-12-22] MkayShock - Hardcore
  266. [2018-12-22] DANGO_DAlKAZOKU - Hardcore
  267. [2018-12-22] gwendal738 - Hardcore
  268. [2018-12-22] TheLightEthereal - Knight
  269. [2018-12-22] TheCrimsonEye - Hardcore
  270. [2018-12-22] Holy_Sock - Marquess
  271. [2018-12-22] extremeplant - Hardcore
  272. [2018-12-22] Ashine_LB - Marquess
  273. [2018-12-22] SaroArsten - Hardcore
  274. [2018-12-22] Seryla - Viceroy
  275. [2018-12-22] FelpsN - Knight
  276. [2018-12-22] snovieanime210 - Knight
  277. [2018-12-22] yuruzu - Knight
  278. [2018-12-23] Akoram - Hardcore
  279. [2018-12-23] Dragonas77 - Hardcore
  280. [2018-12-23] robaato-san - Viceroy
  281. [2018-12-23] Hussein91 - Knight
  282. [2018-12-23] Zenit - Hardcore Master
  283. [2018-12-23] isuzusan - King
  284. [2018-12-23] Vanadis - Hardcore
  285. [2018-12-23] Blank_X - Hardcore
  286. [2018-12-23] Hackser_ - Viceroy
  287. [2018-12-23] BOTMarek - Knight
  288. [2018-12-23] Sasori762 - King
  289. [2018-12-23] ursuletzu_79 - Knight
  290. [2018-12-23] acestrawbs - Viceroy
  291. [2018-12-23] boredrandomguy - Hardcore Master
  292. [2018-12-23] mozgow - Viceroy
  293. [2018-12-23] sdjuuv - Knight
  294. [2018-12-23] KatjieKat - Knight
  295. [2018-12-23] Luna - Baron
  296. [2018-12-23] Amppu - Hardcore
  297. [2018-12-23] Ylienna - Knight
  298. [2018-12-23] Tsukaji - Knight
  299. [2018-12-23] SilverKeith - Marquess
  300. [2018-12-23] AkiKitazawa - Baron
  301. [2018-12-23] Hokumi - Viceroy
  302. [2018-12-23] hushesthepuppies - Viceroy
  303. [2018-12-23] TundraIB - King
  304. [2018-12-23] Neko-Hoshishima - Knight
  305. [2018-12-23] EraFlara - Knight
  306. [2018-12-24] Rojo - Hardcore Master
  307. [2018-12-24] Saijuro - Marquess
  308. [2018-12-24] Nealeo - King
  309. [2018-12-24] DtDaniel - Hardcore
  310. [2018-12-24] sea_girl943 - Baron
  311. [2018-12-24] AlexJ94 - Hardcore
  312. [2018-12-24] Doougii - Hardcore
  313. [2018-12-24] blurubberlizard - King
  314. [2018-12-24] hai_X_is - King
  315. [2018-12-24] Pantha - Hardcore
  316. [2018-12-24] leejongki - Hardcore
  317. [2018-12-24] mFoxRU - Hardcore
  318. [2018-12-24] tsurugizaki - Hardcore
  319. [2018-12-24] firefractal - Viceroy
  320. [2018-12-24] A_Haiku_Unloose - Hardcore
  321. [2018-12-24] NickWilks - King
  322. [2018-12-24] toph-bei-fong - Knight
  323. [2018-12-24] SeoRunge - Baron
  324. [2018-12-24] Iph - Viceroy
  325. [2018-12-24] SunflowerDaisho - Hardcore Master
  326. [2018-12-24] TakatoChan - Marquess
  327. [2018-12-24] HG360 - Hardcore
  328. [2018-12-24] Ignisalge - Knight
  329. [2018-12-24] SonicFF7 - Viceroy
  330. [2018-12-24] theballsiestcat - Knight
  331. [2018-12-24] Luzti - Baron
  332. [2018-12-24] animegeek4life - Hardcore
  333. [2018-12-24] Ennetsu - Viceroy
  334. [2018-12-24] greenk - Marquess
  335. [2018-12-25] Tekmagyk - Marquess
  336. [2018-12-25] Ehrentraut - Marquess
  337. [2018-12-25] Yta_kawaii - Marquess
  338. [2018-12-25] breathesunshine - Hardcore
  339. [2018-12-25] theray888 - Hardcore
  340. [2018-12-25] Kaylee_ - Marquess
  341. [2018-12-25] taximals - Viceroy
  342. [2018-12-25] MegaManBK7 - King
  343. [2018-12-25] fahad-h-9 - Knight
  344. [2018-12-26] ROTRUY - Knight
  345. [2018-12-26] MochiMagus - King
  346. [2018-12-26] takenashiki - Knight
  347. [2018-12-27] rbx999 - Baron
  348. [2018-12-27] Crisisblade - Hardcore
  349. [2018-12-27] Gonaiorica - Hardcore
  350. [2018-12-28] thisbejacob - King
  351. [2018-12-28] Momokolo - Hardcore
  352. [2018-12-28] m0m0miya - Hardcore
  353. [2018-12-28] chocolateparody - King
  354. [2018-12-28] Oneiromantis - Hardcore
  355. [2018-12-29] sassss - Hardcore
  356. [2018-12-29] Suicidal_Otaku - Marquess
  357. [2018-12-29] SyRaXxiiSs - Hardcore
  358. [2018-12-29] Tangro - Hardcore
  359. [2018-12-29] simon443 - Hardcore
  360. [2018-12-29] B0075trap - King
  361. [2018-12-29] S11 - Viceroy
  362. [2018-12-29] Raspen0 - Knight
  363. [2018-12-29] Jamesp88 - Hardcore
  364. [2018-12-30] Yamcha17 - Hardcore
  365. [2018-12-30] Canaan - Marquess
  366. [2018-12-30] IDKMike - Baron
  367. [2018-12-30] Limefrogz97 - King
  368. [2018-12-30] hotlinetohell - Hardcore
  369. [2018-12-30] scrouge - Hardcore
  370. [2018-12-30] The_White_Wolf - Hardcore
  371. [2018-12-30] toxif - Hardcore
  372. [2018-12-30] Geralt2010 - Marquess
  373. [2018-12-30] Crimson_Spirit - Viceroy
  374. [2018-12-30] Ranacchi - Viceroy
  375. [2018-12-30] zelda2point0 - King
  376. [2018-12-30] asleepu - King
  377. [2018-12-30] mimshipio - Baron
  378. [2018-12-30] ani_mag - Marquess
  379. [2018-12-30] Katzze - Knight
  380. [2018-12-30] homlikemom - Viceroy
  381. [2018-12-31] Doddy97 - Hardcore
  382. [2018-12-31] lugiastrikes - Baron
  383. [2018-12-31] Nadine_1997 - Knight
  384. [2018-12-31] JackRippon - Hardcore
  385. [2018-12-31] ParsleyParsnips - Hardcore Master
  386. [2018-12-31] Skuf - Hardcore
  387. [2018-12-31] diamondiablo - Viceroy
  388. [2018-12-31] SukiiFu - King
  389. [2018-12-31] Kreyul - Hardcore Master
  390. [2018-12-31] Yuki_Haruno - King

MAL's Official Anime Watching Challenges 2018 Anime Watching Challenge Closed

Created on : 2018-01-01

Closed on : 2018-12-24

MAL forum thread

12 Difficulties :

0.75 Point(s)
20 items to complete
88 Turnins
88 Validated Turnins
Knight Master
1 Point(s)
20 items to complete
0 Turnins
0 Validated Turnins
1.25 Point(s)
30 items to complete
35 Turnins
35 Validated Turnins
Baron Master
1.5 Point(s)
30 items to complete
1 Turnins
1 Validated Turnins
1.5 Point(s)
40 items to complete
45 Turnins
45 Validated Turnins
Marquess Master
2 Point(s)
40 items to complete
0 Turnins
0 Validated Turnins
2 Point(s)
50 items to complete
46 Turnins
46 Validated Turnins
Viceroy Master
2.5 Point(s)
50 items to complete
1 Turnins
1 Validated Turnins
2.25 Point(s)
60 items to complete
31 Turnins
31 Validated Turnins
King Master
3 Point(s)
60 items to complete
0 Turnins
0 Validated Turnins
3.75 Point(s)
100 items to complete
135 Turnins
135 Validated Turnins
Hardcore Master
5 Point(s)
100 items to complete
8 Turnins
8 Validated Turnins

Rules :

  • This challenge requires watching anime corresponding to a given amount of criteria.
  • No previously seen nor previously started anime can be used for this challenge. Additionally, everything must be watched within the challenge's limited window of time.
  • No ongoing anime can be used for this challenge. They must have finished airing (and you must have completed them) before your turn-in date.
  • This challenge can only count once (across all difficulties). Only one turn-in will be taken into account.
  • This challenge has its own turnin method and should not be turned in the main turnin threads.
  • This challenge cannot overlap with any of the other challenges of its category.