Challenge : October 2022

  1. [V3 - #3671 - 2022-10-01] CrystalEyE
  2. [V3 - #3675 - 2022-10-01] leejongki
  3. [V3 - #3677 - 2022-10-01] Jeon
  4. [V3 - #3689 - 2022-10-02] OweynLupton
  5. [V3 - #3696 - 2022-10-03] Genovia_
  6. [V3 - #3704 - 2022-10-04] LukaThe12th
  7. [V3 - #3708 - 2022-10-05] GakutoDeathGlare
  8. [V3 - #3709 - 2022-10-05] sukusen
  9. [V3 - #3713 - 2022-10-05] iShipMyFriends
  10. [V3 - #3715 - 2022-10-05] HimeCrycho
  11. [V3 - #3725 - 2022-10-07] JTtheLlama
  12. [V3 - #3726 - 2022-10-07] nerdgirl42
  13. [V3 - #3731 - 2022-10-07] Jhiday
  14. [V3 - #3741 - 2022-10-08] Stardew
  15. [V3 - #3742 - 2022-10-08] Karinara
  16. [V3 - #3743 - 2022-10-08] foxxykat1223
  17. [V3 - #3744 - 2022-10-08] MrMada
  18. [V3 - #3751 - 2022-10-09] Mr_Duke_
  19. [V3 - #3761 - 2022-10-11] Bern_stein
  20. [V3 - #3767 - 2022-10-13] myuniquename
  21. [V3 - #3769 - 2022-10-13] moupyon
  22. [V3 - #3770 - 2022-10-13] HEIKE7000
  23. [V3 - #3772 - 2022-10-13] dierubikdie
  24. [V3 - #3774 - 2022-10-14] trojangirl12
  25. [V3 - #3775 - 2022-10-14] valyrina
  26. [V3 - #3776 - 2022-10-14] nyanko
  27. [V3 - #3777 - 2022-10-14] imlaabem
  28. [V3 - #3778 - 2022-10-14] ohpishhposh
  29. [V3 - #3780 - 2022-10-14] Daisy-Sensei
  30. [V3 - #3784 - 2022-10-15] Yterbium
  31. [V3 - #3787 - 2022-10-15] KatjieKat
  32. [V3 - #3788 - 2022-10-15] Kansugi
  33. [V3 - #3798 - 2022-10-16] killy_dima
  34. [V3 - #3804 - 2022-10-16] Aur0ra
  35. [V3 - #3809 - 2022-10-17] Loudcsharp
  36. [V3 - #3810 - 2022-10-17] Zenit
  37. [V3 - #3818 - 2022-10-18] Wyvern22
  38. [V3 - #3819 - 2022-10-18] coffeedrops
  39. [V3 - #3828 - 2022-10-19] Papa_Dragon
  40. [V3 - #3831 - 2022-10-19] Arashiiiii
  41. [V3 - #3834 - 2022-10-20] Kristiwazhere
  42. [V3 - #3839 - 2022-10-20] leons106
  43. [V3 - #3840 - 2022-10-20] TheEdgelord
  44. [V3 - #3842 - 2022-10-20] Jokobo
  45. [V3 - #3843 - 2022-10-20] Ariies_
  46. [V3 - #3845 - 2022-10-21] iiPaperHeart
  47. [V3 - #3846 - 2022-10-21] Bri
  48. [V3 - #3847 - 2022-10-21] jaeo_k
  49. [V3 - #3851 - 2022-10-22] boredrandomguy
  50. [V3 - #3852 - 2022-10-22] SemPiada
  51. [V3 - #3853 - 2022-10-22] Tafixados
  52. [V3 - #3855 - 2022-10-22] hinagatari
  53. [V3 - #3857 - 2022-10-22] MissJodles
  54. [V3 - #3861 - 2022-10-23] jho0on_
  55. [V3 - #3862 - 2022-10-23] InternetAngel
  56. [V3 - #3864 - 2022-10-23] dixcloxure
  57. [V3 - #3865 - 2022-10-23] Myelin_sr
  58. [V3 - #3867 - 2022-10-23] MEW2908
  59. [V3 - #3868 - 2022-10-23] GzusRocha
  60. [V3 - #3875 - 2022-10-24] Szrebi
  61. [V3 - #3885 - 2022-10-25] Dumasop
  62. [V3 - #3887 - 2022-10-26] bigdud24
  63. [V3 - #3889 - 2022-10-26] CsillaLoli
  64. [V3 - #3890 - 2022-10-26] xLunaDragon
  65. [V3 - #3892 - 2022-10-27] Rage_Beat06
  66. [V3 - #3894 - 2022-10-27] lubryka
  67. [V3 - #3899 - 2022-10-27] Rinis93
  68. [V3 - #3900 - 2022-10-28] Bahamut_Zero
  69. [V3 - #3902 - 2022-10-28] Punkero
  70. [V3 - #3905 - 2022-10-28] Yuki-
  71. [V3 - #3906 - 2022-10-28] Sam565
  72. [V3 - #3909 - 2022-10-28] KennySSS_Jr
  73. [V3 - #3910 - 2022-10-28] Rinarin
  74. [V3 - #3912 - 2022-10-29] Crazee
  75. [V3 - #3916 - 2022-10-29] Titadou
  76. [V3 - #3919 - 2022-10-29] originalsinshiro
  77. [V3 - #3921 - 2022-10-29] dianali
  78. [V3 - #3923 - 2022-10-30] devrat2012
  79. [V3 - #3925 - 2022-10-30] Swampywinter
  80. [V3 - #3926 - 2022-10-30] SheyCroix
  81. [V3 - #3927 - 2022-10-30] AatihoNora
  82. [V3 - #3929 - 2022-10-30] Nastusia
  83. [V3 - #3931 - 2022-10-30] karma_majo
  84. [V3 - #3932 - 2022-10-30] Campiz06
  85. [V3 - #3935 - 2022-10-30] Sarada
  86. [V3 - #3937 - 2022-10-30] Eyth
  87. [V3 - #3938 - 2022-10-30] DigiCat
  88. [V3 - #3939 - 2022-10-30] Bunzy_
  89. [V3 - #3941 - 2022-10-31] Plaxsin
  90. [V3 - #3942 - 2022-10-31] Helvian494743
  91. [V3 - #3944 - 2022-10-31] CukieMunster
  92. [V3 - #3948 - 2022-10-31] A_Morbid_Shadow
  93. [V3 - #3950 - 2022-10-31] ImagineBrkr
  94. [V3 - #3951 - 2022-10-31] AndrewCS
  95. [V3 - #3953 - 2022-10-31] Bunille
  96. [V3 - #3954 - 2022-10-31] ShockZz
  97. [V3 - #3955 - 2022-10-31] Bishamon-chan
  98. [V3 - #3957 - 2022-10-31] Uragan78
  99. [V3 - #3959 - 2022-10-31] hoshi4
  100. [V3 - #3960 - 2022-10-31] ScarletCelestial
  101. [V3 - #3962 - 2022-10-31] TheFlyingOrange
  102. [V3 - #3963 - 2022-10-31] Nezperdian
  103. [V3 - #3964 - 2022-10-31] Rebe92
  104. [V3 - #3965 - 2022-10-31] Idiysar_Almond
  105. [V3 - #3967 - 2022-10-31] Eleanora1315
  106. [V3 - #3968 - 2022-11-01] Combeferre
  107. [V3 - #3969 - 2022-11-01] UltimateDeath
  108. [V3 - #3972 - 2022-11-01] RosaMess
  109. [V3 - #3974 - 2022-11-01] Hero_Prinny
  110. [V3 - #3976 - 2022-11-01] mayachii
  111. [V3 - #3977 - 2022-11-01] IrrelevantGuy
  112. [V3 - #4011 - 2022-11-06] Otaku_baka_dsk
  113. [V3 - #4053 - 2022-11-13] mayaxiii
  114. [V3 - #4059 - 2022-11-13] Keiken
  115. [V3 - #4299 - 2022-12-06] Yvsmeg
  116. [V3 - #4491 - 2022-12-27] symeon_a
  117. [V3 - #5007 - 2023-02-01] Canaan
  118. [V3 - #5331 - 2023-02-28] Yuu-tama
  119. [V3 - #5451 - 2023-03-12] YayakoChii
  120. [V3 - #6867 - 2023-08-01] MegaManBK7
  121. [V3 - #6881 - 2023-08-01] Vanadis
  122. [V3 - #6885 - 2023-08-02] AngelShiva
  123. [V3 - #6889 - 2023-08-02] tbeans10

Monthly October 2022 Closed

Created on : 2022-10-01

Closed on : 2022-10-31

MAL forum thread

0.5 Point(s)
4 items to complete
123 Turnins
123 Validated Turnins

Rules :

  • This challenge requires watching anime corresponding to a given amount of criteria.
  • No previously seen nor previously started anime can be used for this challenge. Additionally, everything must be watched within the challenge's limited window of time.
  • No ongoing anime can be used for this challenge. They must have finished airing (and you must have completed them) before your turn-in date.
  • All anime used for this challenge must have a total duration of a minimum of 15 minutes.
  • This challenge can only count once. Only one turn-in will be taken into account.