Challenge : September 2018

  1. [V1 - #7431 - 2018-09-01] Soarax
  2. [V1 - #7432 - 2018-09-01] YayakoChii
  3. [V1 - #7440 - 2018-09-02] AYOSHINA
  4. [V1 - #7443 - 2018-09-03] justoline
  5. [V1 - #7446 - 2018-09-03] AngelShiva
  6. [V1 - #7447 - 2018-09-03] kallah
  7. [V1 - #7449 - 2018-09-04] heinrich6745
  8. [V1 - #7450 - 2018-09-04] -Jefuri-
  9. [V1 - #7455 - 2018-09-05] Punkero
  10. [V1 - #7460 - 2018-09-06] Heika-
  11. [V1 - #7461 - 2018-09-06] breathesunshine
  12. [V1 - #7467 - 2018-09-07] Rebe92
  13. [V1 - #7469 - 2018-09-08] GNozaki
  14. [V1 - #7472 - 2018-09-08] annah0j
  15. [V1 - #7474 - 2018-09-08] Jhiday
  16. [V1 - #7475 - 2018-09-08] Wyvern22
  17. [V1 - #7476 - 2018-09-08] Imyreld
  18. [V1 - #7479 - 2018-09-09] moissi
  19. [V1 - #7490 - 2018-09-11] Lokhlass
  20. [V1 - #7491 - 2018-09-11] Kreyul
  21. [V1 - #7496 - 2018-09-12] StookedG
  22. [V1 - #7498 - 2018-09-12] Zenit
  23. [V1 - #7512 - 2018-09-14] Eraz007
  24. [V1 - #7514 - 2018-09-15] Pentagonion
  25. [V1 - #7519 - 2018-09-15] animegeek4life
  26. [V1 - #7524 - 2018-09-16] cappuccinoangel
  27. [V1 - #7528 - 2018-09-16] AndreaXCIII
  28. [V1 - #7540 - 2018-09-18] LemonKush
  29. [V1 - #7548 - 2018-09-19] Tubby
  30. [V1 - #7551 - 2018-09-19] leejongki
  31. [V1 - #7552 - 2018-09-19] JayArcher
  32. [V1 - #7559 - 2018-09-20] smhmines
  33. [V1 - #7561 - 2018-09-20] Lumi-x
  34. [V1 - #7562 - 2018-09-20] KitsunehimeMilhi
  35. [V1 - #7563 - 2018-09-20] jakeisquite
  36. [V1 - #7565 - 2018-09-20] TheEdgelord
  37. [V1 - #7569 - 2018-09-22] Phraze
  38. [V1 - #7571 - 2018-09-22] Maelstrom184
  39. [V1 - #7572 - 2018-09-22] Doougii
  40. [V1 - #7576 - 2018-09-23] Aeradae
  41. [V1 - #7580 - 2018-09-23] scrouge
  42. [V1 - #7581 - 2018-09-23] MEW2908
  43. [V1 - #7583 - 2018-09-23] aliyn89
  44. [V1 - #7584 - 2018-09-23] lubryka
  45. [V1 - #7588 - 2018-09-24] AnshiAneko
  46. [V1 - #7589 - 2018-09-24] OmegaOtaku
  47. [V1 - #7592 - 2018-09-24] Titadou
  48. [V1 - #7599 - 2018-09-25] lifeiscrazy
  49. [V1 - #7600 - 2018-09-26] greyjoie
  50. [V1 - #7605 - 2018-09-26] MissCactus
  51. [V1 - #7609 - 2018-09-26] NathiNugget
  52. [V1 - #7613 - 2018-09-27] TheSamuraiEdge
  53. [V1 - #7614 - 2018-09-27] HanchSlanger
  54. [V1 - #7618 - 2018-09-27] Rinarin
  55. [V1 - #7623 - 2018-09-28] starfishalliance
  56. [V1 - #7627 - 2018-09-28] SheyCroix
  57. [V1 - #7629 - 2018-09-28] zelda2point0
  58. [V1 - #7632 - 2018-09-29] Whimsalot
  59. [V1 - #7635 - 2018-09-29] extremeplant
  60. [V1 - #7636 - 2018-09-29] Ylienna
  61. [V1 - #7638 - 2018-09-29] NaineLIEz
  62. [V1 - #7639 - 2018-09-29] MochiMagus
  63. [V1 - #7642 - 2018-09-29] tretij
  64. [V1 - #7646 - 2018-09-30] KairuUmbra
  65. [V1 - #7647 - 2018-09-30] DarkPasquale
  66. [V1 - #7648 - 2018-09-30] Clover
  67. [V1 - #7651 - 2018-09-30] Dechromarlo
  68. [V1 - #7652 - 2018-09-30] Doddy97
  69. [V1 - #7653 - 2018-09-30] laylags
  70. [V1 - #7656 - 2018-09-30] The_White_Wolf
  71. [V1 - #7657 - 2018-09-30] kurodutch
  72. [V1 - #7658 - 2018-09-30] xWETERx
  73. [V1 - #7659 - 2018-09-30] toxif
  74. [V1 - #7660 - 2018-09-30] Phloppo
  75. [V1 - #7661 - 2018-09-30] NickWilks
  76. [V1 - #7662 - 2018-09-30] ParsleyParsnips
  77. [V1 - #7664 - 2018-10-01] Kuromi59
  78. [V1 - #7665 - 2018-10-01] Stripes
  79. [V1 - #7666 - 2018-10-01] SunflowerDaisho
  80. [V1 - #7667 - 2018-10-01] DistructiveNick
  81. [V1 - #7668 - 2018-10-01] riho88riho
  82. [V1 - #7680 - 2018-10-02] TEMPEST_RIMURU
  83. [V1 - #7764 - 2018-10-14] Rno081
  84. [V1 - #7767 - 2018-10-14] Charlotte1412
  85. [V1 - #7801 - 2018-10-18] Amulet_Heart
  86. [V1 - #7809 - 2018-10-18] Cevoy
  87. [V1 - #7833 - 2018-10-22] KousakaK
  88. [V1 - #7910 - 2018-10-31] Yamcha17
  89. [V1 - #7962 - 2018-11-06] Vanadis
  90. [V1 - #8158 - 2018-12-03] FoxPerks
  91. [V1 - #8279 - 2018-12-26] Tournalo
  92. [V1 - #8332 - 2019-01-02] Niveen_Sleem

Run #1

Monthly September 2018 Closed

Created on : 2018-09-01

Closed on : 2018-09-30

MAL forum thread

0.5 Point(s)
4 items to complete
92 Turnins
92 Validated Turnins

Rules :

  • This challenge requires watching anime corresponding to a given amount of criteria.
  • No previously seen nor previously started anime can be used for this challenge. Additionally, everything must be watched within the challenge's limited window of time.
  • No ongoing anime can be used for this challenge. They must have finished airing (and you must have completed them) before your turn-in date.
  • All anime used for this challenge must have a total duration of a minimum of 15 minutes.
  • This challenge can only count once. Only one turn-in will be taken into account.